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Topic       : The ATARI Compendium
Author      : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version     : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject     : Documentation
Nodes       : 1117
Index Size  : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileDSP MC 56001
DSP Macro Assembler
Chips & Chips

                                   The DSP

The Falcon030 comes standard with a Motorola 56001 digital signal processor
(DSP). Digital signal processors are useful for many different purposes
such as audio/video compression, filtering, encryption, modulation, and math

The DSP is able to support both programs and subroutines. Both must be
written in 56001 assembly language (or a language which outputs 56001 object
code). A full treatment of 56001 assembly language is beyond the scope of
this document. Consult the DSP56000/56001 Digital Signal Processor's User
Manual published by Motorola, Inc. for more information.

The DSP is capable of having many subroutines resident in memory, however,
only one program may be loaded at any time.

When using the DSP you should call Dsp_Lock() to prevent other processes
from modifying your setup and to ensure that you do not modify the work of
other processes. Call Dsp_Unlock() when done (the DSP's MR and IPR registers
should have been returned to their original state) to release the DSP

DSP Memory

The Falcon030's DSP contains 96K bytes of RAM for system programs, user
programs, and subroutines. The DSP uses three distinct address spaces, X,
Y, and P. Program memory (P) overlaps both X and Y memory spaces. Because
of this, DSP programs should be careful when referencing memory. The
following is a memory map of the DSP:

DSP Word Size The 56001 uses a 24-bit WORD. Future Atari computers may use different DSP's with different WORD sizes. Use the Dsp_GetWordSize() call prior to using the DSP to determine the proper DSP WORD size. DSP Subroutines Subroutines are usually short programs (no longer than 1024 DSP WORDs) which transform incoming data. Each subroutine must be written to be fully relocatable. When writing subroutines, start instructions at location $0. All addresses in the subroutine must be relocatable based on the original PC of $0 in order to function. An alternative to this is to include a stub program at the start of your subroutine that performs a relocation based upon the start address assigned by the XBIOS (which is available in X:HRX at subroutine start). Subroutines should store initialized data within its program space. The memory area from $3f00-$3fff is reserved for use as the BSS of subroutines. Subroutines must not rely on the BSS's data to remain constant between subroutine calls. Each subroutine must be assigned a unique ability code either by using one predefined by Atari (none have been published yet) or by using the Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() call. Since subroutines are only flushed from the DSP when necessary, an application may be able to use an existing subroutine with the same ability left by another application by using the Dsp_InqSubrAbility() call. Here is a sample of how to load a DSP subroutine with a non-unique ability code: if(!DSP_Lock()) { ability = DSP_RequestUniqueAbility(); handle = DSP_LoadSubroutine( subptr, length, ability ); if(!handle) { DSP_FlushSubroutines(); handle = DSP_LoadSubroutine( subptr, length, ability ); if(!handle) error("Unable to load DSP subroutine"); } if(handle) { if(!Dsp_RunSubroutine( handle )) DSP_DoBlock( data_in, size_in, data_out, size_out); else error("Unable to run DSP subroutine!"); } } DSP Programs Only one DSP program may be resident in memory at once. Prior to loading a DSP program you should ensure enough memory is available for your program by calling Dsp_Available(). If not enough memory is available, you may have to flush resident subroutines to free enough memory. After you have found that enough memory is available, you must reserve it with Dsp_Reserve(). This memory will be reserved until the next Dsp_Reserve() call so you should ensure that you have called Dsp_Lock() to block other processes from writing over your program. Programs can be stored in either binary or ASCII ('.LOD') format. The function Dsp_LodToBinary() can be used to convert this data. DSP programs in binary form load much faster than those in the '.LOD' format. Dsp_LoadProg() is used to execute programs stored on disk in the '.LOD' format. Dsp_ExecProg() is used to execute programs stored in memory in binary format. As with subroutines, programs are assigned a unique ability code that can be determined with Dsp_GetProgAbility(). Sending Data to the DSP Several functions transfer data to and from DSP programs and subroutines as follows: Dsp_DoBlock() Dsp_BlkHandShake() Dsp_BlkUnpacked() Dsp_BlkWords() Dsp_BlkBytes() Dsp_MultBlocks() Dsp_InStream() Dsp_OutStream() You should read the description of each in the function reference and decide which is best suited for your needs. Dsp_SetVectors() installs special purpose routines that are called when the DSP sends an interrupt indicating it is ready to send or receive data. Dsp_RemoveInterrupts() removes these routines from the vector table in memory. DSP State The HFx bits of the HSR register can be read atomically with the four calls Dsp_Hf0(), Dsp_Hf1(), Dsp_Hf2(), and Dsp_Hf3(). The current value of the ISR register may be read with Dsp_Hstat(). DSP programs may also define special host commands at DSP vectors $13 and $14 to be triggered by the command DSP_TriggerHC(). DSP Debugging When full control over the DSP is necessary (such is the case for specialized debuggers), the command Dsp_ExecBoot() can be used to download up to 512 DSP WORDs of bootstrap code. The DSP will be reset before this happens. This call should only be used by advanced applications as it will cause other DSP functions to stop working unless those functions are properly supported.