Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsObjects and Icons 5.4 The icons files TeraDesk TeraDesk holds its images of icons in the files named ICONS.RSC and/or CICONS.RSC; the first file should contain monochrome icons and the second file colour icons. These files should reside in TeraDesk's folder (see Installation). Icons files contain the bit-maps of the icons which you can select in the 'Add' and 'Edit' options in both the 'Set desk icons...' and 'Set window icons...' menu item dialog boxes. TeraDesk decides from the AES version whether ICONS.RSC or CICONS.RSC should be loaded. If CICONS.RSC file can not be found, TeraDesk falls back to the monochrome ICONS.RSC file. It is recommended to have only monochrome icons in ICONS.RSC (otherwise TeraDesk might crash on older single TOSes). In CICONS.RSC, any sort of icon is allowed. If you do not have much memory, and use an AES which is capable of handling colour icons, it is possible to remove CICONS.RSC and thus save quite a lot of memory. Monochrome icons will be used then. If you have a resource editor, you can add your own icons to the file or replace those already there with your own. The maximum size of an icon is 64 pixels wide by 32 pixels high, and the maximum size of the file is 64 Kb. Do not add any other objects to this resource file; if you do, it will not load. Users with TOS 2.06 or higher installed on their computers can also use the icons resource file that comes with these machines (or with TOS) in place of ICON.RSC. This file should be copied to Tera Desktop's folder and renamed to ICONS.RSC. Any file used should contain certain icons which are essential to TeraDesk. Many suitable icon collections can also be found on various ftp sites. The icons are identified by the name held in the icon data. That is the 12 character name in 6X6 font displayed under or over the icon. This makes it possible to have the icons in any order in the resource file (note: do not use the '@' character in icon names / labels; this character is used by TeraDesk to mark spaces in strings saved in the configuration file). There should be at least 7 icons in the resource file, which are used to represent: Floppy disk drives: icon named 'FLOPPY' Hard disk partitions: icon named 'HARD DISC' Files: icon named 'FILE' Programs: icon named 'APP' Folders: icon named 'FOLDER' Trash cans: icon named 'TRASH' Printers: icon named 'PRINTER' If an icon file is used which does not contain icons with these names, suitable icons in the file should be renamed using a resource editor. Note that the above default icon names are not hard-coded, but are read from DESKTOP.RSC; thus, it is possible to customize them if TeraDesk is translated to other language(s). If an icon name can not be found in the icons resource file, TeraDesk attempts to use one of the default icons (see above), according to the item type. If that does not succeed either, then the first icon in the icons resource file is used instead.