Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsObjects and Icons 5.3 Dragging Objects TeraDesk Icons or objects (the Source object) can be dragged to other icons or objects (the Destination object) by holding down the left mouse button and moving to a new position on the desktop. When the mouse button is finally released, the result depends on both the source and destination objects. The results for the various destination objects are listed below. The first three destinations require the source to be a file or folder. 1. File(s), Folder(s) -> Disk drive Source files and folders (with their contents) are copied into the root directory of the destination disk volume. 2. File(s), Folder(s) -> Folder Source files or folders will be copied into the folder. 3. File(s), Folder(s), Desktop icon(s) -> Trashcan The files or the folders together with their contents are deleted. If source objects are on the desktop, it is also possible to remove only the icons, not the actual items that they represent. For the next three destinations, the source can only be a file: 4. File -> Program The program is started, and the name of the file is passed to it as a parameter (which may be ignored if the started program is not of GTP or TTP type). 5. File -> Printer The contents of the file are sent to the printer. 6. File(s), Folder(s) -> Directory window Objects dragged to a directory window will be either copied or moved to it, depending on a keyboard key held pressed during the operation. See also: Directory windows Copy and print... 7. File -> Text window If a single file is dragged to an open text window, the contents of the window will be replaced and the window will display the new file. If an attempt is made to drag more than one file, or an object other than a file to a text window, an 'Illegal copy' error will occur. See also Text windows. 8. File(s), Folder(s) -> window of an application. If the window is that of an application supporting the AV-protocol, a VA_DRAGACCWIND message, containing pointers to the names of the dragged objects, is sent to the application, which then has to take action on the dropped object(s). If TeraDesk is running on a suitable multi-tasking operating system and the target application is not an AV-protocol client, a Drag & Drop message is sent to it. If the application understands Drag & Drop, it will take action on the dropped objects as defined by the application. If the application doesn't react, the action will time out and the user will be notified. See also Supported Protocols 9. File(s), Folder(s), Drive(s) -> Desktop If the source object is already on the desktop, it will be moved to a new position defined by the mouse position when the button was released. If the source object is in a directory window, the object will be installed on the desktop as an icon. Once so installed, it can be used as if it were in a window. Note that all copy operations mentioned above (except items 7 and 8) can be modified by pressing [Control] as the mouse button is released. When this is done, the file or folder is moved rather than copied; this means that the source is deleted after it is copied to the destination (if the source and the destination are on the same disk volume, the move operation involves just renaming of the item(s), not actual copying). If, instead, [Alternate] is pressed as the button is released, a dialog box is displayed. With this you can rename the new version of the source which is placed in the destination. Another way to modify a copy operation is to press the left or right [Shift] key when the operation is initiated. This will activate the 'Update' or 'Restore' copy modes respectively, in which existing files will be overwritten only if they have an older time/date (update mode) or a newer time/date (restore mode) than the file being copied to the location. Note also that if a file or folder, which is installed in the Tera Desktop as an icon is deleted, the icon is removed as well. If, during a copy operation, a file or folder with the same name as the source is found in the destination, a dialog box will appear. This gives the user an opportunity to rename either the destination object or the source object, to overwrite the destination, to skip that file, abort the operation, or to continue. This dialog box will appear in all such instances of a name conflict and can not be switched off. Finally, note that a touch, move, copy, delete or print operation can be aborted by pressing the [Esc] key. Touch and delete operations will be aborted after the action upon the currently processed object has been completed. Copy and move operations will be aborted after the currently processed contents of the copy buffer has been read or written. If a file being copied at that moment already exists at destination, it (i.e. the destination file) will be deleted. See also Copy and print...