Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsObjects and Icons 5.1 Objects: introduction TeraDesk Several kinds of objects can appear in TeraDesk's Directory windows or on the desktop. They are represented graphically by icons or (in Directory windows) by name strings. Objects can be manipulated by moving or copying them, by 'opening' them, or by 'dragging' other objects onto them. See: Opening objects and icons Dragging Objects. Known object types are: 1. Disk volume: It represents the root directory of a disk partition. This object is always displayed as an icon and can appear only on the desktop. Name of a disk volume object consists of a single letter A to Z. However, a more descriptive name, up to 12 characters long, can be assigned to the icon as a label. If no icon label is set for a disk volume object but a partition it represents has a volume label assigned to it, this string will be shown as the icon label. 2. Folder: It represents a (sub)directory on a disk partition. When it is in a directory window, it can be displayed either as an icon or in the form of a text string. When on the desktop, it is always displayed as an icon. Folder name can be at most 8+3 characters long in Single-TOS or on FAT filesystem, and up to 127 characters long in a filesystem that is capable of handling long filenames. Complete path to a folder can be at most 127 characters long in Single-TOS and up to 255 characters long in more advanced filesystems. When a folder object is displayed as an icon, its name is shown in an abbreviated form as the icon label, and can be at most 12 characters long (icon label can also be set to a string different than the actual name of the object). 3. File: It represents either a normal file or one of several special object types on the U:\ drive. When it is in a directory window, it can be displayed either as an icon or as a string. When it is on the desktop, it is always displayed as an icon. Rules for naming of file objects are the same as for folder objects (see above). 4. Symbolic link: In some filesystems it represents a special file that is a pointer to other file or directory. When it is in a directory window, it can be displayed either as an icon or as a string. When on the desktop, it is always displayed as an icon. This object type is not available in Single-TOS. Rules for naming of symbolic link objects are the same as for folder and file objects (see above). See Symbolic Links 5. Network object: It represents the URL of an object (e.g. a web page or a ftp site) on the network. This object is always displayed as an icon and can appear only on the desktop. See Set desk icons... 6. Printer: It represents a printing device connected to the parallel port of the computer. Its name can be set as an icon label up to 12 characters long. See also Print... 7. Trash can: The purpose of this object is to visualize the operation of deletion of files and folders. Objects that are 'dragged' to the trash can are deleted. Name of the trash can can be set as an icon label up to 12 characters long. See also Delete... See also: Set desk icons...