Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsMenus and Dialogs 4.10 The font selector dialog TeraDesk The font selector dialog opens upon clicking the 'Directory font' or the 'Viewer font' in the Window options... dialog. On the top of the dialog is a scrollable listbox from which a font can be chosen (only monospaced fonts are displayed). Below the listbox, on the left side of the dialog, is shown sample text in the selected font. Font size and colour can be selected from available ones, and additional effects such as bold or underlined writing can be specified as well (except for directory window font). If the displayed sample text is clicked upon, it can be previewed in the selected state, which can help the user in selecting a convenient window font. Text is displayed on a background identical to the one selected for windows. If FONTSELECT environment variable is set (see The FONT Protocol), TeraDesk can open this dialog as a system-wide font selector upon receiving the FONT_SELECT message from another application. In such case proportional fonts are selectable too, beside the monospaced ones.