Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsIntroductionHardware and Operating System requirements 1.2.3 Supported screen resolutions TeraDesk Tera Desktop can work in any screen resolution, from 320x200 pixels (ST-Low resolution mode upwards), but it is recommended that you use it in a higher resolution. When used in low resolution (ST-Low), it may work with some restrictions depending on the TOS version. This is due to the limitation, imposed by older versions of the AES, on the size of menus (small screen buffer size). This limitation is met by removing some menu items when insufficient screen buffer size is detected (this should never happen EXCEPT in ST-Low and ST-Medium resolutions): - In TOS 1.04 and older, menu separator bars are removed; - In TOS 1.02 and older, some menu items are removed, i.e: -Delete... -Print... -View unsorted -Reverse order -Case insensitive -Copy disk... -Show size -Show date -Show time -Show attributes -Set program types... -Window options... -Video options... -Save settings as... Configuration items usually set by removed menu items may still be set in the configuration file. These options are also still available via Keyboard shortcuts. See also Desk preferences... In ST-High resolution there should never be problems related to menu size in any older TOS version. See also TOS version compatibility. Another problem that may be encountered when running Tera Desktop in a low screen resolution (like ST-Low) is that some AESes (e.g. XaAES) do not have certain graphic objects (e.g. radio buttons) optimised for such video modes, which may result in overlapping or badly drawn screen objects. In such cases, the appearance of dialog elements in Tera Desktop can be modified through the use of the environment variable TERAENV. See Rendering of dialog objects. If the resource file of TeraDesk is translated to a language other than English, the translator should endavour to keep the dialog sizes small enough to be used in ST-low video mode. Unfortunately, this may not be possible with some languages. If TeraDesk is to be used exclusively in high screen resolutions and a long-file-names-capable environment, dialog sizes can be increased. In such case, the lengths of the scrollable filename and pathname fields (see Scrolled text fields) and the search string field can be increased in the dialogs. TeraDesk uses these fields in such a way that it is safe to use a resource editor and increase the widths of the relevant dialogs and scrollable fields, until they suit the user's aesthetic and other requirements. Note that the length of other alphanumeric editable fields (e.g. name masks) should NOT be changed. The screen resolution and the number of available colours can be changed, together with some other video-mode related options, depending on the hardware, AES and TOS version used, through the Video options... dialog. This feature does not work in some AESes, though; generally, it is effective only with some versions of AES 4.