Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsMenus and Dialogs 4.7 The listbox dialog TeraDesk TeraDesk maintains lists of filetype masks, window icon types, executable program types, installed applications and assigned filetypes. The same type of dialog, containing a scrollable listbox and five edit buttons is used to maintain all these lists, but it is invoked through divers menu items, depending on the use: Set mask... to maintain a list of predefined filetype masks for TeraDesk's Directory windows Set applications... to maintain a list of installed applications Set program types... to maintain a list of executable file types Set window icons... to maintain lists of icons assigned to certain filenames, filetypes, or folder names Set document types... to maintain lists of document types assigned to applications. This is a child dialog and it is activated from the Set applications... dialog. Listbox content is manipulated by five buttons: Add, Edit, Delete, Up-arrow and Down-arrow. Add: opens a child dialog to enter data for an item which will be added to the list at the highlighted position. Depending on the type of item being added, an appropriate dialog is opened. Edit: opens a child dialog to edit data for an already existing item. Depending on the type of item being edited, an appropriate dialog is opened. Delete: deletes the highlighted item in the list. Up-arrow: moves an item up in the list. Down-arrow: moves an item down the list. The purpose of the last two buttons is to enable editing the item order. TeraDesk searches all lists starting from the beginning, until the first match is found. It may be desirable to put the oft-needed items nearer to the top of the list, for faster response. Also, if more than one list item are defined for similar objects, more specific items should be placed in a list above the more general ones. This is the case, for example, with documenttype assignments for files with specific names, as exceptions to generally assigned types. Items can be added (or edited) in all of TeraDesk's lists, except in the lists of document-types assigned to applications, in two ways: either you can manually enter all data related to an item, or you can select an item in a directory window or on the desktop, and then open the desired dialog to modify the default settings which TeraDesk assigned for an item added to a list in this way. Document-types assigned to applications can be edited only manually, being in a child dialog (i.e. they can not be selected in a directory window).