Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsMenus and DialogsMenu title: Options 4.5.7 Window options... TeraDesk If you select this menu option, you can determine the appearance of the desktop, directory, and view windows (see below). A dialog box is displayed in which you can: 1. Select a fill pattern for the desktop background 2. Select a colour for the desktop background 3. Select a fill pattern for all window backgrounds 4. Select a colour for all window backgrounds 5. Select a font for text appearing in directory or viewer windows. You must first select the 'Directory font' or 'Viewer font' button. The font selector dialog will appear, so that you can choose the desired font, its size, colour and style. Only monospaced fonts are selectabe and style (bold, italic, etc.) can be set only for the viewer windows font. 6. Specify the size of tabs when text is displayed in Text windows. 7. Specify distances between icons (in windows and on the desktop). 8. Set whether open windows are to be saved in the configuration file. The number of available background patterns is limited to the sum of numbers of fill patterns and hatches available in VDI. Selection of background colours is limited to the number of colours available in the current video mode. In order for the patterns to be visible in the selector boxes, colours other than white must be selected. At least one of the available AESes (i.e. MyAES) has the capability to display a desktop background picture instead of the colour and pattern specified for the desktop background object. Similar capability exists in at least one utility: PICDESK by D.Mequignon. In order to enable display of background pictures, TeraDesk must be started with white desktop background colour. In order to have that, desktop colour must be set to white and TeraDesk configuration file saved. Background picture can be displayed after the next startup of TeraDesk. The user should beware that redraw of monochrome desktop icons is dramatically slowed down whenever white desktop colour is selected. This setting, and in particular, a background desktop picture, is not recommended when running TeraDesk on slower machines with limited RAM. The Tab size field permits the setting of the number of blank columns produced in Text windows when a <TAB> character is encountered. This is a global default setting; Tab size for each of the text windows can be changed in the menu of that window. This dialog can also be used to adjust the horizontal and vertical distances between icons on the desktop and in the windows. Beside the horizontal and vertical icon grid pitch, the offsets of the icons from the upper left corner of the icon area can be adjusted. The parameters are set in the following format: Hor.grid: aaa +x Ver.grid: bbb +y where "aaa" and "bbb" are the distances, in pixels, between the icons, in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively, while "x" and "y" are the offsets from the corner, in pixels, in the same directions. The default, and minimum permitted, values of these parameters are: aaa=80 bbb=46 x=0 y=0 Increasing these values can be of interest primarily to users running TeraDesk in higher screen resolutions, where larger-size icons can make sense. If you are running Tera Desktop in low or medium screen resolution and TOS 1.0, this menu item may not be visible because of the limitations of this TOS version. However, in that case it can still be reached through Keyboard shortcuts. See also: Supported screen resolutions