Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsMenus and DialogsMenu title: Options 4.5.3 Set desk icons... TeraDesk You can use this menu option to install, change or remove icons on the desktop. When you first select it, a mini-icon appears on the desktop; you can move this about the screen with your mouse till you click the left mouse button; by then you will have placed it at the position where you wish the new icon to be displayed. When you click the mouse button to position an icon on the desktop, The icon selector dialog box appears. If you selected this menu option while one or more desktop icons is/are selected then the mini icon will not be shown, and The icon selector dialog will open immediately. In the dialog you can define the type of icon and its appearance. There are four icon types, each of which has a special use: 1. Disk Items dragged to this icon will be copied to the disk. 2. Printer Files dragged to this icon will be printed. 3. Trashcan Files or folders dragged to this icon will be deleted. 4. File/Folder Icon represents a directory item (file/folder/link). There are many different designs of icon available. TeraDesk reads its monochrome icons from the file named ICONS.RSC and colour ones from the file named CICONS.RSC. See The icons files. You can scroll through these different designs to select the one you prefer. You can also enter an identifying letter (for drive icons) and a title (label) for the icon. Icons representing folders, files and symbolic links can be placed on the desktop simply by dragging them from their directory onto the desktop. An alternative method is to select one or more items in a directory window and then select Set desk icons... In this case The icon selector dialog will open, enabling you to change the icons assigned by default to selected items. Desktop icons of network objects such as web pages and ftp sites can be created. An icon of the type 'File/Folder' should be created and then its path entered so as to point to a network object such as a web page. Referenced objects should have names beginning with one of the following prefixes: http:, https:, ftp: or mailto: (case insensitive). When a symbolic link is selected (see Symbolic Links), the desktop icon to be created can represent either the link itself, or the object it is referencing, depending on the state of the 'Follow links' option in the dialog (available only in MiNT or MagiC). The default form of a desktop icon is decided by Tera Desktop which determines it according to the item's nature. If a window icon has already been assigned to the item being set on the desktop, it is preserved. Subsequent changing of window icon assignments will not affect icons already placed on the desktop. Subsequent changing of desktop icon assignments will not affect window icon assignments either. When a desktop icon represents a directory item, the dialog displays an editable text field (see Scrolled text fields) into which the path to the item corresponding to the icon can be entered. When a disk-type icon is placed on the desktop without specifying its label, TeraDesk tries to read the volume label for the specified partition, and, if it succeeds, sets this text as the icon label. When a disk-type icon is placed on the desktop without specifying a drive letter, icons for all existing disk drives for which no icons have yet been assigned will be placed on the desktop at once, starting from the specified position (this feature is active only when adding new icons, not when editing existing ones). Besides selecting 'Remove' in The icon selector dialog, an alternate method of removing desktop icons is to drag them to the trash can. An alert will be displayed, asking whether to remove the icons or to delete the selected items. If 'Remove' is chosen, the selected icons will be removed. If 'Delete' is chosen, actual directory items will be deleted. See also: The icon selector dialog Set window icons... Show as icons