Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsMenus and DialogsMenu title: Options 4.5.1 Set applications... TeraDesk This menu item displays The listbox dialog in which you can edit the list of installed applications. The dialog shows a list of application names (program names only, ignoring paths). If an application name is longer than can fit in the list box, the name is displayed in shortened form. You can add an application to the list, edit settings of an already-installed application, or delete an application from the list. If you press the Add or Edit button, a child dialog opens, in which the settings for an application can be edited (if you select the option while a program file is selected in a window, the child dialog will open immediately). Parameters which can be set, either all manually, or by taking some of them from the name and location of a file selected in a window, are: - Application path: Location of the application program can be entered or edited. - Application name: Name of the application can be entered or edited. - Default command line: You may wish to send other parameters besides a file name to a program. If these are likely to vary from one call of the program to another, the best way is to invoke the program by opening it. However, if the other parameters are constant, you can set them up in the 'Command line' field. Whatever you write in the Command line will be sent to the program when you invoke it by double clicking on it or by dragging an application document to it. The symbols %f, %n and %p have a special meaning when entered in the command line: %f - This is replaced by the full path (including drive, directory and file name) to the application document's file(s). %F - Same as %f, however file names are converted to lower case. %n - This is replaced by the document file name(s) only. %N - Same as %n, however file names are converted to lower case. %p - This is replaced by the application documents' path(s). %P - Same as %p, however path names are converted to lower case. In most cases, only one of these symbols should be specified in the command line; it will be applied to all the names passed as parameters to the application. If more than one control symbol is placed in the command line, each of them will be applied to all the names passed as parameters. If any of the parameters in the command line contains spaces, that parameter should be entered between a pair of single or double quotes (the ' or " characters). If the command line is to contain the quote character, two consecutive quotes should be entered. - Local environment string to be passed to the application: Several environment variables can be specified in this string, using the format: VAR1=VAL1 VAR2=VAL2 etc. i.e. assignments should be separated by blanks, but without blanks around '='. Note that this capability may not work in an identical way in all AESes. Environment variables containing spaces or quote characters should be specified using the same rules as used for the command lines. - Function key upon which the application can be started: Numbers 1 to 10 correspond to the [F1] to [F10] keys, and 11 to 20 to the same keys pressed with [Shift] key held down. - Special use of the application: A child dialog opens in which flags for assigning a special role to the application (such as the editor, or a file viewer) can be set. See Special Applications. - Application program type: A child dialog (The program type dialog) appears in which you can set the type of application program. - List of assigned document types: The listbox dialog appears in which a list of filetypes or filenames which will be opened by this applications can be edited. Rules for specifications of name masks apply - See Set mask... The standard TOS desktop only allows you to specify one extension which is presumed to be common to all the application documents. Tera Desktop is much more flexible, and allows you to specify several complete file names or masks in which you can include wild cards if you wish. With document types associated to an application, you can run the program and at the same time pass the name of the document to it as a parameter. You do this by double-clicking on the document. If the application is already running, a message is sent to it to open the document. A document type can be assigned to more than one application. When an attempt is made to open such a document, The listbox dialog appears in which the user can select one from the applications to which the document has been assigned (a double-click on one of the listed applications or a single-click followed by a click on 'OK' will make a selection). Applications listed in this dialog can not have their parameters edited here. Network objects such as web pages and ftp sites can be assigned as 'document types' to applications. Such objects can be represented in MiNT or MagiC by name masks like e.g. http://* or ftp://*.*, etc. Supported prefixes are currently http:, https:, ftp: and mailto:. In single-TOS, because of name limitations, such name masks have to be specified as e.g. HTTP*.*, FTP*.* etc. It is important to note that a file matching the mask on the list of any of the programs cannot be printed or displayed on the screen by opening it in the normal way. This merely invokes the program to which you have associated it. However, this may be overridden by holding down [Alternate] as you select it.