Topic : User Manual for TeraDesk Author : Wout Klaren, Henk Robbers, Djordje Vukovic Version : February 2017 Subject : Documentation/Utilities Nodes : 87 Index Size : 2746 HCP-Version : 3 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : en @default : Main @help : @options : -i -t4 +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileContentsIntroduction 1.1 About Tera Desktop TeraDesk Tera Desktop (TeraDesk) is a replacement for the ST, STE, TT or Falcon desktop. It provides more facilities than the built-in TOS desktop. TeraDesk is an open-source desktop for all 16-bit and 32-bit Atari computers. The developers' goal has been to maintain TeraDesk as a small, simple, fast and reliable desktop, which would be functional in modern multi-tasking environments and all flavours and versions of TOS-compatible operating systems, yet retaining, as much as possible, familiarity with the original TOS desktop. TeraDesk is NOT intended to be a direct replacement for the excellent but resource-demanding desktops like Thing or Jinnee, but instead is designed to be used where disk space, system memory, speed limitations or price make the use of those fine desktops impractical. For example, TeraDesk's size and memory usage is currently only about 1/3 to 1/2 of Jinnee's in a similar setup. TeraDesk was initially developed by Wout Klaren. Version 1.41 was released in 1994, and here development stopped for some time. Version 1.42 was the first version published under the General Public License in 2002. Version 2.0 was an adaptation by Henk Robbers to modern AESes, such as N.AES, XaAES and MagiC, near the end of 2002. Version 2.3 was the first result of the joint efforts of Henk Robbers and Djordje Vukovic, and comprised a number of new features. Version 3.0 was the result of the continued cooperation of H.Robbers and Dj.Vukovic; further significant improvements to TeraDesk's functionality were made, with the program having undergone an extensive redesign. After Version 3.0 development has been continued mostly by Dj.Vukovic. Since version 4.04 a Coldfire-compatible binary can be built using the AHCC compiler developed by H. Robbers. This program with its accompanying files is Freeware and Open Source. It may be copied and distributed freely provided that the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL; see accompanying file COPYING) are respected. If the program is distributed by a PD library, only the costs of the disk and distribution may be recovered. Tera Desktop files (included in the binary distribution) are: COPYING Copy of the GPL DESKTOP.PRG The Tera Desktop program DESKTOS.PRG Smaller version for single TOS ONLY DESK_CF.PRG Coldfire-compatible version DESKTOP.RSC English resource file DESKTOP.RSD English resource definitions file ICONS.RSC Monochrome icons resource file CICONS.RSC Colour icons resource file README.TXT Introduction in English HIST_V34.TXT Development history in English TERADESK.HYP ST-Guide manual in English TERADESK.REF Reference file for the above TERADESK.INF Sample configuration file TERADESK.PAL Sample palette file There also exists a source distribution that contains the complete source tree of Tera Desktop, to be compiled and linked with PureC 1.1, except for the Coldfire-compartible version that must be compiled with the AHCC compiler.