Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileEdit - Paste Thing
This menu command produces somewhat different results when applied to
dialogs and directory windows:
DialogsThe contents of the clipboard (if this consists of text) is copied to
the current input field in a dialog (where available) with this option.
Directory windowsIf the topped window contains a directory, on the other hand, then files
or folders that were earlier marked with Edit - Copy or Edit - Cutwill be respectively copied or moved to it.