Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileEdit - Copy Thing
This menu command produces somewhat different results when applied to
dialogs and directory windows:
DialogsThe contents of the current input field (if any) is copied as a text
string to the clipboard. The field contents remain in place.
Directory windowsThe path and names of all objects in the topped window (but not any sub-
directories) are listed as text to the clipboard. If one or more objects
in a directory window are selected, only those objects are taken into
In the latter case a special list that contains the path and names of all
the selected objects will be written to the clipboard as well. If one later
uses 'Paste' from the 'Edit' menu in another directory window, the files
and/or directories marked with 'Copy' in the first step will be moved to
this directory (or they can be copied, if preferred, by unchecking the
'Delete originals (Move)' button in the 'Copy/Move' dialog). So simply
selecting 'Edit' -> 'Copy' does not copy or move any data as yet!