Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileThing Icon ManagerFormat of ICONS.INFIcons Thing
In common with the later Atari desktops Thing takes its icon data from
a resource file. The Thing icons are stored in ICONS.RSC which contains
normally two object trees as follows:
- Tree 1: 'Normal' icons
- Tree 2: 'Mini-icons'
Monochrome as well as coloured icons can be used.
This file can be loaded and edited in any suitable RSC file editor (e.g.
Interface, ORCS, ResourceMaster etc.) which means you can edit and create
your own icons. The suplied icons were created with Interface.
Thing supports 2, 4 and 16 colour bitmap icons (1, 2 and 4 bit-planes);
additionally 256-colour icons (8 bit-planes) can be used with 256-colour
screen resolutions only. There is also support for 'animated' icons
(separate bitmap for normal and selected icon).
'Normal' iconsEach icon in the first object tree can be of any size, depending on what
the respective resource-editor and the AES can handle, from 16x2 pixels
upwards -- with Interface I have had no problems producing icons up to
128*128 pixels and use them successfully in Thing.
ST medium resolution users can use 32x16 icons which look much nicer at
640x200 (ST medium) resolution.
'Mini-icons'The 'mini-icons' in the second tree of the resource file have a fixed
width of 16 pixels and must be between 1 and 16 pixels high. All of these
icons must be the same size -- e.g. all 16x16, all 16x10 etc...
The mini-icons too can be coloured and/or animated!
Text labelsEach icon must include a unique text label (this refers to the text
rectangle below the icon, and not to some kind of 'label' or 'name' that
may be assigned to it by the resource editor). The maximum length is 12
characters -- though position and dimensions of the text rectangle are
immaterial. Space characters are allowed and case sensitivity is observed.
Thing uses the labels to find the icons in the resource, so it is possible
to change the order of the icons to suit one's requirements.
The potential hazards of editing the ICONS.RSC file are
considerable! For working with colour icons the RSC file editor
Interface is recommended. Always work on a back up copy!
The following Icons must always be available. These icons should not be
edited and should not be used for user defined files, folders or programs:
TRASH Trashcan
CLIPBOARD (⇨ *If, due to the lack of a suitable icon editor, you want
to edit the icons using 'IconCons' from the Ease desktop,
rename the icon to _CLIPBRD, because the program only
supports a maximum of eight characters for labels. Thing
looks for _CLIPBRD if CLIPBOARD is not available.
) GEM clipboard FILESYS Drives
FILE Files
APPL Programs/applications
FOLDER Folders
PARENTDIR (⇨ *If, due to the lack of a suitable icon editor, you want
to edit this icon using 'IconCons' from the Ease desktop,
rename the icon to _PARENT, because the program only
supports a maximum of eight characters for labels. Thing
looks for _PARENT if PARENTDIR is not available.
) '..' Object in next highest (parent) directory
GROUP Object group
All other icons, available for files, programs, folders and drives, will
be used only if the file ICONS.INF, is present. This file assigns
icons in the resource file to file and folder objects. It is in ASCII
format and may be edited in any ASCII text editor (e.g. Everest) or, more
easily, using the Thing Icon Manager.
The connection between 'normal' and 'mini-icons'On starting Thing searches the second object tree examining the text label
for each icon in turn to find a match for each 'normal' icon in the first
object tree. If no matching icon is found, the standard icons for files
('FILE'), programs ('APPL') and folder/s ('FOLDER') are used instead. If
the standard icons are missing as well, or if only one object tree exists
in ICONS.INF, then empty placeholders will be displayed instead.
This example shows three matching pairs of 'normal' and 'mini-icons' taken
from the two object trees. It is crucial the 'mini-icon' text labels are
identical to the corresponding 'normal' icons but they do not have to be
in the same order within their respective object trees.