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Topic       : Documentation for Thing
Author      : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version     : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject     : Documentation/Shells
Nodes       : 269
Index Size  : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : %I
@help       : %Hilfe
@options    : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileUser Registration                                                     Thing

To register your copy of Thing follow the following steps:

1. Send the completed registration form (REGISTER.TXT) by Email or post 
   to your local support point as follows:
   UK users: Refer to SUPPORT.TXT

   Your name and address details are compulsory because they are used to 
   generate your key. All the other data is optional but is very useful 
   to help us isolate problems that may occur with future versions.
   Your name, address, key and payment details will be stored 
   UK users: Your entry in the database is available for inspection on 
             request under the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

2. Send DM 30,00 or £16 cash directly to the author or to your local 
   support point.
   UK users: Refer to SUPPORT.TXT

3. After your registration and payment is received you will receive
   a personal key which must not under any circumstances be passed on 
   to other users! If Thing is included when selling your computer, be 
   sure to delete the file THING.KEY which contains your personal key 
   details. The new owner will have to contact me so that a new key 
   can be generated.

4. After receiving your key select the  Info  button in the 'About Thing'
   dialog and enter your name and key details.

5. Select the  Register  button and your key details will be verified. 
   After successful verification THING.KEY will be saved to the Thing 
   root directory and an alert appears confirming successful registration. 
   If your key doesn't work correctly contact your local support point 
   for assistance!

It is important that, if payment is made to Germany, the money is transferred to me, Thomas Binder, and no longer to Arno Welzel. This is even more important since Arno has apparently withdrawn any further support and completely ignores any registrations erroneously sent to him -- though he keeps the money. Since in the meantime I no longer see why I should stand for this (particularly as according to Arno it is not correct), I want to point out clearly here that in future I will insist on renewed payment to me of any misaddressed transfers. Users outside Germany can also pay in sterling or US dollars via Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support Joe Connor 65 Mill Road Colchester CO4 5LJ Engand Email: jconnor@cix.co.uk 's InterActive support scheme -- see SUPPORT.TXT.