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Topic       : Documentation for Thing
Author      : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version     : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject     : Documentation/Shells
Nodes       : 269
Index Size  : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : %I
@help       : %Hilfe
@options    : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-File A  Alice                           Applications
    Auto-locator                    Autor
    AV Protocol                     AV_ACCWINDCLOSED
    AV_COPYFILE                     AV_DELFILE
    AV_DRAG_ON_WINDOW               AV_EXIT
    AV_FILEINFO                     AV_GETSTATUS
    AV_OPENWIND                     AV_PATH_UPDATE
    AV_PROTOKOLL                    AV_SENDKEY
    AV_SETWINDPOS                   AV_STARTED
    AV_STARTPROG                    AV_STATUS
    AV_VIEW                         AV_WHAT_IZIT
    AV_XWIND                        AVSERVER

 B  Bugs

 C  COLUMNS                         Conditions of use
    Console window                  Context menus

 D  Desktop                         Devices
    Dialog boxes                    Drag&Drop

 E  Environmental variables

 F  FAQ                             File formats
    Filename completion             Font Protocol
    FONT_CHANGED                    FONT_SELECT

 G  GEM clipboard                   Group files

 H  Help?!                          History
    HOME                            How to install

 I  Icons                           ICONS.INF
    Important notes                 Introduction

 J  Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support

Joe Connor
65 Mill Road


 K  Known problems/Bugs             Kobold
    Kobold-tipIf you have to continue using Kobold 2, change the 
line 'OKBD 0' to 'OKBD 1' in THING.INF with a text
editor (or insert it if it's not present).
Thing will then (hopefully) use Kobold-2 compatible
jobs. This setting isn't lost on saving THING.INF.

 L  Legal                           LINES

 M  Menu 'Display'                  Menu 'Edit'
    Menu 'Extra'                    Menu 'File'
    Menu 'THING'                    Menu 'Tools'
    Menu 'Windows'                  Menu commands
    Mouse & Keyboard

 O  Object groups                   Objects
    Objects - '..'                  Objects - Clipboard
    Objects - Devices               Objects - Drives
    Objects - Files                 Objects - Folders
    Objects - Object groups         Objects - Printer
    Objects - Programs              Objects - Trashcan

 P  Preface                         Protocols


 S  SDMASTER                        Setting up MagiC
    Setting up MultiTOS             Setting up Single-TOS
    Setting up Single-TOS & MiNT    Setting up the operating system
    Setup                           Shareware
    Shells                          STGUIDE
    SUPPORT.TXT                     Symbolic links
    System requirements

 T  Table of contents               Thanks!
    THING.RSC                       THING_CMD
    THINGDIR                        ThingImg
    TOSWIN                          TransAction

 U  Update                          User registration

 V  VA_CONFONT                      VA_COPY_COMPLETE
    VA_FILEDELETED                  VA_FILEFONT
    VA_FONTCHANGED                  VA_PATH_UPDATE
    VA_PROGSTART                    VA_PROTOSTATUS
    VA_SETSTATUS                    VA_START
    VA_THAT_IZIT                    VA_VIEWED
    VA_WINDOPEN                     VA_XOPEN

 W  Where to get updates?           Windows

 *  _CLIPBRDIf, due to the lack of a suitable icon editor, you want
to edit the icons using 'IconCons' from the Ease desktop, 
rename the icon to _CLIPBRD, because the program only 
supports a maximum of eight characters for labels. Thing 
looks for _CLIPBRD if CLIPBOARD is not available.
                        _PARENTIf, due to the lack of a suitable icon editor, you want
to edit this icon using 'IconCons' from the Ease desktop,
rename the icon to _PARENT, because the program only 
supports a maximum of eight characters for labels. Thing 
looks for _PARENT if PARENTDIR is not available.