Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileInterActive supported software scheme 29th April 1998
About the schemeSince 1993 InterActive has offered a convenient way to register non-
commercial software. The scheme was launched by Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support
Joe Connor
65 Mill Road
to encourage
'foreign' authors to produce and support English language versions of
their software AND to encourage UK users to register 'foreign' software.
InterActive continues to expand and currently supports over 50 non-
commercial titles and 26 different authors and over 2000 registered users.
The authors deserve your support and feedback so if you're regularly using
any unregistered software please register today -- you nearly always get
something extra in return:
- Key to remove features reserved for registered users
- Local telephone, post and email support
- Free update service
- No hassle handling foreign currency
- Labelled Master disk and registration letter
Registration fees are set to cover the currency handling, stationary,
media and postage costs incurred in mailing out master disks and providing
Although primarily a UK support scheme everyone is welcome to register via
InterActive as an alternative to registering directly with the author/s.
The currently supported software is:
Version Software Fee Status and description v1.73e Kandinsky 16 [S] Vector art using GDOS/Speedo/NVDI3
v2.51e Kandinsky 2 30 [S] Upgrade from v1.73 costs 16 Sterling
v1.51e Two-in-One 13 [S] Archive manager, twin selector style
v4.8 GFA Flydials 13 [S] Enhanced GFA GEM routines [G]
v1.06e GFA Patch 6+ [F] GFA patchs for most interpreters/compilers
v3.6b4 Everest 11 [S] Text editor, fast and ultra compatible
v3.9i Égale 16 [S] File compare, edit and patch editor
v6.6e GSZRZ 16 [C] XYZmodem protocols [ACC/PRG/030]
v1.4f OCR 11+ [F] Optical Character Recognition
v1.41a CD-Player 6+ [F] Play audio CDs
v1.5e CAB 6+ [F] Crystal Atari Browser, HTML browser
v1.5e ST-Guide 6+ [R] Hypertext help system [ACC/PRG]
v2.1e AppLine 6+ [F] Program manager, a must for MagiC users!
v0.72 Remarker '96 6 [S] Add remarks to ST-Guide pages [ACC/APP][G]
v3.01e PacShell 13 [S] Archive manager, alternative desktop style
v10.94 STG Creator 6+ [F] Create hypertexts the easy way!
v3.8e IdeaList 13 [S] Complete printer management [ACC/PRG]
v2.20e Adresse 16 [S] Name & Address database [ACC/PRG]
v1.5 Munch 23 [S] Art package, mono only
v1.42e TurboBlanker 10+ [S] Falcon screensaver/accelerator[ACC/PRG]
v1.15e Freedom 16 [S] Alternative non-modal file selector
v2.02 Freedom 36 [S] Integrated FS/Control panel [G]
v2.02 Freedom 21 [S] Upgrade fee from Freedom v1.x to v2.x [G]
v1.27e Thing 16 [S] Desktop replacement, full AV-Server
v1.27e Thing 6 [S] Upgrade fee from any previous version
v0.95 Look'n See 20 [S] File manager/viewer, 99 amazing modules!
v1.3c A'la Card 20 [S] Adds GFA Basic colour and MagiC Mac support!
v1.01e ToDo 7# [S] Project manager, simple notepad style
v2.06 GDOS Check 6+ [F] Create GDOS font lists, test printable area
v5.22 JML-Snapshot 12 [S] Screen grabber, IMG/IFF/TIF, can grab windows
v1.05e Stewart 7 [S] Customise the look & feel for MagiC!
v1.00 StIc 6+ [F] Universal icon server (Stewart/noThing)
v06/97 1st-Guide 20 [S] File viewer/hypertext [ACC/PRG][G]
v1.09e GEM-FontView 10 [S] View entire bitmap/vector character set
v1.1e GEMTrek 6+ [F] GEM based Battleships clone [ACC/PRG]
v1.2 C.O.E. 13 [S] Falcon fantasy wargaming
v2 Stripper 6+ [F] Add "Postit" desktop notes to your desktop
v2.11e ResourceMaster 18 [S] RSC editor, edits colour icons & >64Kb files
v1.02 TOSBOX 12 [S] Serious Atari emulator for PC machines
John Mcloud 15* [S] Stewart/JML-Snap/McBoot/McFli/StIc bundle!
Thomas Much 6+*[F] Start Me Up v7.00, BubbleGEM R04 and OLGA
Christoph Zwerschke 10+*[F] LED Panel, DiskCake, FontSel, Ikarus etc.
Mario Becroft 6+*[S] Currency Convertor and other freeware
Internet Access Pack 15+*[F] CAB v1.5, CAB.OVL and STiK, www browsing
Key: [C]=Commercial [S]=Shareware [F]=Freeware [R]=Fairware
[G]=German [GD]=German Docs +=Minimum *=Multiple
[ACC]=Accessory [PRG]=Application [030]=Separate 030 version
All prices in pounds Sterling! #=Fee recently reduced
How to register from inside the UK1) Use the included ORDER_FM.TXT or print out/Email the form below to
select the required software
2) Make sure your name and address is included and *legible*!
3) Make cheques/POs payable to InterActive for the total amount
4) Send the completed order form and payment to InterActive
Additionally from outside the UK- Add £1 to your order total to cover postage
- Make certain payment is *in Sterling* drawn on a *UK* bank address
The following methods are known to work:
-Bank draft/cheque
-International Post Office cheque payable *in Sterling*
-Cash! Sterling, Dollars and DMs are fine -- but at your own risk!
Country specific informationCanada: The Canadian Post Office can issue money orders in *Sterling*.
These are hassle free and inexpensive!
Australia: Australia Post only sell overseas money orders in US dollars
so please get a bank draft made out in Sterling drawn on a
UK bank address.
NZ: Please visit your Post Office and get a money order made out in
France: For some reason I'm getting a number of local cheques (i.e.
written in Sterling but drawn on a French bank address.
I can accept these so long as they are made payable to Joe
Connor (NOT InterActive) but they do cost an extra £5 to
negotiate so you must add an extra £5 to your order total.
Ideally use the Post Office GiroBank system.
Europe: In general Post Office GiroBank money orders or Eurocheques are
the best way to pay.
USA: What a nightmare! Can I suggest a day trip to a Canadian post
office? I've seen everything from Amex travellers cheques (add
£5 to order total), local cheques (no can do), cash (fine - but
at your own risk).
An International money order (add £5 to order total) made
out in Sterling drawn on a UK banking address is currently
the best solution, sorry! :-(
ContactMail: 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England
Telephone: UK+(0)1206 852602 Leave a message on the answerphone!
Update serviceBy postTo receive an update send a self addressed envelope including *UK* return
postage (or IRC) and an unlabelled double sided floppy disk. Please
state clearly:
1) The software you'd like updated
2) The version you're currently using
How long will I have to wait?Due to the number of people taking advantage of the registration
service and my other commitments as editor of Atari Computing I can't
always reply as quickly as I'd like to. Often I'm waiting for a new
version or simply too busy earning a living, so please be patient!
If you have Internet accessVisit the InterActive websites which includes news and gossip about the
latest versions and downloads of all the latest versions via the web:
If you have ftp accessVisit: ftp
Login as 'ftp' and enter email address as password. The Atari files are
all stashed in the path: /pub/atari/interactive/
Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support
Joe Connor
65 Mill Road
InterActive and editor of Atari ComputingInterActive: The one stop site to register the best PD/Shareware around!
Email: or NeST:90:100/304.0@nest.ftn
Atari Computing: The *printed* magazine written by Atarians for Atarians!
Email: or NeST:90:100/315.0@nest.ftn
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++CUT HERE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
InterActive order form: Please print out/Email this form to:
Address: InterActive: 65 Mill Road, Colchester, Essex, CO4 5LJ, England
Telephone: UK+(0)1206 852602 - and leave a message on the answerphone!
Your personal details
Name :
Street :
Town :
Country :
Phone :
Email :
Software required
Software Sterling Please enter amount in pounds Sterling:
[ ] Two-in-One £13.00 [ ] STG Creator £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] GFA Flydials £13.00 [ ] GFA Patch £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Kandinsky v1.73 £16.00 [ ] OCR £11.00+ ___.__
[ ] Kandinsky 2.x £30.00 [ ] CD-Player £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Kandinsky upgrade £16.00 [ ] CAB £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Look'n See £20.00 [ ] ST-Guide £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] A'la Card £25.00 [ ] GDOS Check £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] ToDo £ 7.00 [ ] TurboBlanker £10.00+ ___.__
[ ] PacShell £11.00 [ ] AppLine £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Remarker £ 6.00 [ ] Stripper2 £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] JML-Snapshot £12.00 [ ] Christoph Zwerschke £10.00+ ___.__
[ ] IdeaList £13.00 [ ] Thomas Much £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Everest £11.00 [ ] Mario Becroft £ 6.00+ ___.__
[ ] Egale £16.00 [ ] Internet Access Pack £15.00+ ___.__
[ ] GSZRZ £16.00 [ ] Other (specify) £ ___.__
[ ] Adresse £16.00
[ ] Munch £23.00 [ ] Please add 1 pound Sterling if
[ ] Freedom v1.15e £16.00 outside the UK.
[ ] Thing v1.27e £16.00 [ ] Master disk/s not required.
[ ] Thing upgrade £ 6.00
[ ] 1st-Guide £20.00 [ ] Stamped addressed envelope and
[ ] GEM-FontView £10.00 disk/s enclosed (for updates).
[ ] Stewart £ 7.00 [ ] Please email any keys/details.
[ ] TOSBOX £12.00
[ ] Conquest of Elysium £13.00 [ ] Payment to arrive separately
[ ] ResourceMaster £18.00 (Post Office payments etc).
(Please make cheques/PO payable to InterActive)
Total amount in pounds Sterling? £
Where did you hear about InterActive?
Optional questions to help us identify problems more quickly
Atari computer/s: ST/Mega, ST/e, TT, Falcon, etc:
Operating system/s: TOS, MultiTOS, MagiC etc:
Atari emulation/s: MagiC Mac, Gemulator etc:
Floppy drive format/s: 720Kb DD, 1.44Mb HD etc:
These details will be stored electronically. Your entry is available for
inspection on request under the provisions of the UK Data Protection Act.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++CUT HERE++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++