Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileWhat are symbolic links? Thing
A symbolic link (⇨*Symbolic links are usually called 'aliases'
in connection with MagiC (probably due to
the influence of the MacOS since MagiC Mac),
though they have little or nothing in common
with the shell-aliases known from Mupfel, for
) is like a file whose contents are a list of files or
folders. If a symbolic link is accessed (be it as a file or as a portion of
a path) its destination will be read internally and its filename replaced
with this one.
For instance, if the entry C:\GEMSYS\ASSIGN.SYS is a symbolic link to
..\NVDI\ASSIGN.SYS, then on accessing C:\GEMSYS\ASSIGN.SYS the contents
of the link is read and substituted for ASSIGN.SYS, thus creating the
access path C:\GEMSYS\..\NVDI\ASSIGN.SYS, which is synonymous with
An absolute symbolic link is one in which the destination starts with
a backslash or a drive letter. In that case after the operating system
reads the link contents the complete previous path is replaced by the
destination. So if, say, U:\etc is a symbolic link to the directory D:\etc,
then accessing U:\etc in reality always refers to D:\etc.
Some notes and tips for handling symbolic links:
∙ The only thing a symbolic link knows about its destination is the path
specification, which may well point nowhere (i.e. to a non-existing
file or a non-existing directory).
∙ The destination of a symbolic link does not know that such a link
exists. As a result a symbolic link cannot be automatically altered
if the destination file is renamed, moved or deleted. In such cases
it just points nowhere.
∙ Symbolic links can be nested, i.e. a symbolic link can point to
another symbolic link, but one has to take care that one doesn't
create endless loops (a is a symbolic link to b, b a symbolic link to
a), which are punished by an error message (ELOOP, -80) when accessed.
∙ If one lets a symbolic link point to an application then it will not
find its resource and other supplementary files as a rule when started
via the link. This is due to the fact that outwardly it was started
with the link's path specification and the required files are not
present in this directory.
So if, say, C:\programs\ is a symbolic link to D:\qed\,
when qed is started via the symbolic link it will look for the file
default.qed (among others) in the directory C:\programs. Naturally no
such file exists there, so qed complains.
This problem may be overcome by creating symbolic links for the required
supplementary files as well, or by working with links to directories.
In the above example it would be better to create a symbolic link
C:\programs\qed that points to D:\qed; with that one can start qed
without problems as C:\programs\qed\
Another possibility would be for Thing to check before starting programs
whether the path specification is a symbolic link, and then to start the
destination if appropriate. However this is not yet available and to
some extent contradicts the philosophy of symbolic links.
∙ Symbolic links with relative path specifications should only be moved
together with their destinations (and vice versa), as otherwise they
will point nowhere and will have to be adapted to the new path.
Absolute path specifications, on the other hand, have the disadvantage
that the links, but not the destinations, may be moved. Furthermore
they are difficult to distribute in tar archives (the only archive
format I know that can store symbolic links as such) unless the
recipient has exactly the same directory and drive structure.
∙ Thing displays symbolic links in text and mini-icon mode in italics
in order to identify its special properties. Symbolic links whose
destination does not exist are drawn by Thing greyed out in all modes,
but can be selected nevertheless.
The 'File - Show Info... (Files/Folders)' also displays the destination
for symbolic links , though they cannot be altered there (yet?).
∙ Thing basically deletes only the symbolic links themselves and never
their destinations. When copying files one can use right Shift or the
confirmation dialog to specify whether the links or their destinations
are to be duplicated.