Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileThanks! Thing
By Arnol WelzelI'd like to thank some people without whose assistance, suggestions,
support etc. the implementation of Thing would not have turned out so
nicely (in alphabetical order):
Thomas Binder For TOS2GEM and his helpful tips and suggestions with MiNT and MinixFS
and ongoing Thing development beyond v1.0.
Stefan Brusch For his outstanding UUCP software, without which the combined beta
testing effort over the Internet would have been a lot more hassle!
Volker Burggräf For his assistance 'transferring' files between Augsburg and Oldenburg
and beta testing.
Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support
Joe Connor
65 Mill Road
(InterActive) For this English translation and support for English Thing users via
Thomas Künneth For making available the XIMG loading routines for displaying coloured
background images
Erik Meltzer For the production of a TeX handbook and helpful TeX & LaTeX tips.
Hartwig zur Nieden For his helpful information about the AV Protocol and the excellent
file search tool ParaFin which works outstandingly well with Thing.
Thomas Schulze For the MiNT/MultiTOS documentation in ST-Guide format and the
'Dcheneva' fonts for Thing.
Holger Weets For his genial ST-Guide hypertext system and PacShell which since
v2.58 supports the AV Protocol and Drag&Drop allowing it to work
superbly together with Thing.
Holger is also one of those 'pernickety' beta testers with a natural
instinct to find new bugs and remember all the things I 'forget'!
I'd also like to thank all the other beta testers and every registered
user, happily already too numerous to mention by name, for your patience,
suggestions and the faith you have expressed in my work!
By Thomas Binder:I too would naturally like to thank a number of people who are or were
helping me to drive further development of Thing forward (like Arno also
in alphabetical order):
Arno Welzel Most especially for Thing and his trust in transferring further
development of Thing to me.
Mario Becroft For his parameters substitution function, which has at last made it
into Thing.
Joe ConnorInterActive UK Support
Joe Connor
65 Mill Road
(InterActive) For continuing the translation into English and the support for Thing
in England and other countries.
Jens Hiescher For the MultiTOS-compatible operating system N.AES for MiNT.
Dirk Klemmt For the new 3D-look and his help, specially at the ATARI-Messe 1997
and for the optimistion of the Thing code.
J.Kock For undertaking the registration process in Sweden.
Thomas Künneth For the XIMG loading module ThingImg.
Andreas Kromke For MagiC and his comments in Atari.Soft, where I often don't know
whether I should just laugh or really get annoyed ...
Rainer Mannigel For the continued development of N.AES.
Milan Computersysteme GbR (and naturally also all others participating directly or indirectly
in developing the Milan computer) for the Milan, and for the decision
to use Thing (even if under the name Ming, which you can blame me for)
as the desktop for the computer.
Peter West (TransAction) For the translation of ThingIcn 1.10 and Thing 1.2x into English (based
on work by Joe Connor for previous versions). If all goes well, the
English version of Thing 1.27 should appear this time only a few days
or weeks after the German.
Woller Systeme For the continued commercial distribution of N.AES
Naturally also thanks to the various beta testers not named here, some of
whom have done really sterling work, and to the users who have remained
faithful to Thing till now despite serious new competition -- some even
paid for the update at the ATARI-Messe although Thing 1.20 was not yet
available there (thanks to the enormous workloads that I had imposed on