Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileFAQ - Help! I can't start programs any more!Important notes Thing
∙ Thing 1.26 (or later) requires the use of the new THINGREG.OVL from
the archive, otherwise no windows will be opened when the program is
is launched. If one forgets this, Thing will report that the module
could not be loaded; the returned TOS error number will be 14071972,
which should be very easy to recognise. A new key is not required.
∙ The sorting mode for files can now be set separately for each window.
∙ Though ThingIcn is now ready, it is not part of the Thing archive as
this is big enough already. ThingIcn should be available from the same
source where Thing itself came from. The archive name is TICNxxxD.LZH
for the German version and TICNxxxE.LZH for the English one, where 'xxx'
is the version number (currently 110 = 1.10).
∙ Thing 1.2x can no longer read configuration files from versions prior
to 0.59. Those still using such an old version should first of all use
the 1.09 version to save the configurations in the newer format. To do
this simply install 1.09 over the old version, start it once and
immediately save the settings. After this Thing 1.2x can be installed.
∙ This documentation is for the most part written by Arno and translated
by Joe with revisions and updating by Peter of TransAction, although
I've added various extra detail and references to other programs. When
I have time I'll try to update the documentation.
∙ Thing now understands Unix style wildcards (for example '[ABYZ]' or
'[A-O]') and evaluates '*' as 'none or any number of characters'.
From this it follows that '*' and '*.*' are no longer identical! '*.*' only passes files which contain a decimal point, for example
a file called 'README' would not be found. If your ICONS.INF and
other files contain '*.*' you must changes these to '*'. Thing does
not change these automatically because some '*.*' entries may have
been intentional.
∙ Thing will read the next smallest 'fallback' INF file if a particular
colour or resolution file is not available.
∙ Thing now allows executable programs to be installed as applications.
For example 'TTP-Start' for '*.ttp'. This opens up the possibility that
users who have misunderstood the 'To Show' and 'To Open' options in the
'Install Applications' will not be able to launch any programs!
⇨ FAQ - Help! I can't start programs any more! To summarise:
On double-clicking a file Thing checks in the following order for:
∙ An installed application to open the specific file-type.
∙ If no application is found to Open the file-type, Thing checks for
an application to Show the file-type.
∙ If no suitable application is found an error message is displayed.
∙ If you hold down the Control key and double-click, Thing will only
check for an application to Show the specific file-type.
At least one file viewer to Show each file-type should be installed
(using '*' if necessary). This offers the advantage where a different
application is installed to Open a particular file-type you can decide
whether to Show or Open any file-type on the fly.