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Topic       : Documentation for Thing
Author      : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version     : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject     : Documentation/Shells
Nodes       : 269
Index Size  : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : %I
@help       : %Hilfe
@options    : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileWhat are symbolic links?
Introduction: Thing and Kobold                                        Thing

Thing optionally allows Kobold (>=v2) to take over Copy, Move, Delete 
and Disk formatting operations.

Kobold can either be installed as a desk accessory or loaded as a program. 
Either way, Kobold generates a memory job, and passes this via the Kobold 
job protocol or as command line parameters on starting.

The exact Kobold filename, access path and when it should be used can
be selected in the 'Configuration' > 'Copying' dialog. If Kobold is 
installed as a desk accessory the name is still required!

If possible one should use Kobold Version 2.5 or newer. As the integration into Thing is based on the documentation of this version, it's possible Thing doesn't support some of the older versions of Kobold; please contact your local support point if you experience any problems. (⇨ *If you have to continue using Kobold 2, change the line 'OKBD 0' to 'OKBD 1' in THING.INF with a text editor (or insert it if it's not present). Thing will then (hopefully) use Kobold-2 compatible jobs. This setting isn't lost on saving THING.INF. ) An alternative to Kobold that doesn't offer the same speed on pure FAT partitions, but in return can run in parallel with Thing as well as handling symbolic links and long filenames, is KoBatch, programmed by Holger Weets. Currently it is only available on request directly from Holger: Holger Weets Tangastraße 45 D-26121 Oldenburg Germany Email: Holger Weets @ OL (MausNet, no mails > 16Kb!) Holger_Weets@ol.maus.de (Internet, no mails > 16Kb!)