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Topic       : Documentation for Thing
Author      : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version     : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject     : Documentation/Shells
Nodes       : 269
Index Size  : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : %I
@help       : %Hilfe
@options    : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileFAQ - What are environmental variables?                               Thing

Q: The documentation keeps refering to environmental variables such as 
   'AVSERVER' or 'FONTSELECT'. What on earth are they?

A: They are ASCII format configuration files which allow programs to 
   find each other. MagiC (MagXDesk) and MultiTOS make extensive use of 
   these but they're also useful under Single-TOS. Here's some example 
   setups; remember you must enter your paths to make use of these!:
   MagiC (MagXDesk)

     MagiC uses MAGX.INF, which is normally located in the root directory 
     of the boot disk/partition (usually C:\). Any environmental variables 
     can be added after a '#_ENV' token.
       Important! Any entries must be added before the line containing
       the '#_CNF' entry!

     For Thing simply add the following lines:


     After rebooting, all sensible programs that support the AV or the 
     Font Protocol should use Thing as an AV-server or font selector 
     server respectively.


     In the directory MULTITOS, which is normally located in the root 
     directory of the boot disk/partition (i.e. normally C:\MULTITOS),
     you should find a file called GEM.CNF. For Thing simply add the 
     following lines:
     setenv AVSERVER=THING

     After rebooting, programs that support the AV or the Font Protocol 
     should use Thing as an AV-server or font selector server respectively.
   Single-TOS without OS extensions

     Under Single-TOS it's not quite so easy -- you'll need a separate 
     utility (e.g. Senf, AutoEnv, GemEnv or ENV.CPX plus ENV.PRG etc.) 
     capable of setting the environment during the boot process. Although 
     many newer programs (e.g. ST-Guide, ParaFin etc.) recognise the 
     absence of a multitasking AES and can work with Thing via the AV 
     Protocol even without 'AVSERVER', it's worth setting up. Use whatever 
     syntax your setting program requires, which might be:
             AVSERVER=C:\THING\      } Adapt this to 
             FONTSELECT=C:\THING\    } your own path
   Single-TOS & MINT

     If one is working only with MiNT (i.e. without MultiTOS!) one needs 
     to supplement the file MINT.CNF on the boot drive with:

     setenv AVSERVER THING
   Single-TOS & GEMRAM (WINX)

     To use WINX the utility GEMRAM must be installed for the later TOS 
     versions, which is capable of setting up environmental variables 
     during booting. GEMRAM is normally run from the AUTO folder and reads 
     a file called GEMRAM.ENV to which the following entries should be 


     Without GEMRAM or MiNT one can also use the 'Senf' utility from 
     Thomas Binder (he is also the author of TOS2GEM that is included in 
     the Thing package:-)).