Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileFile formats - THING.RSC and THINGTXT.RSC Thing
Thing currently uses two external RSC files, THING.RSC and THINGTXT.RSC.
Both are normal GEM resource files that can be edited using most RSC file
editors (Interface, ORCS, WERCS etc). Neither contains colour icons (this
does not apply if one has installed THINGCOL.RSC with the coloured
logo in place of THING.RSC from the original package!).
THING.RSC contains all dialogs, default icons and the menu bar, while
THINGTXT.RSC contains all alert boxes, error messages and other free
If you attempt to edit this file please bear in mind the following:
∙ Thing calculates the co-ordinates when loading the resource file not
on the basis of the system font but rather the 'cell size' of the
system font. The first object tree in the THING.RSC contains this
statement as a string (object number 1) in the first object tree:
' 8 16' ... means that the font during design of the file was based
on a cell size of 8*16 pixels. This statement must be
changed if during alteration of the file one is working
with a replacement system font (which may, for example,
be 7*12 or 8*8 pixels etc.)!
∙ Edited RSC files may NOT be distributed under any circumstances!
If you've created a new language version please send me a copy and
I'll check and include it in the official distribution. Currently
English and German versions are supported... ∙ The resource file is already bordering on the 64Kb upper limit so if
you're editing with Interface be careful not to save the file in RSX
format as the file will be too big!
The RSX format cannot be read by Thing at present and leads to a crash!
∙ All keyboard shortcuts are MagiC compatible -- i.e. the shortcuts can
be seen and edited directly under MagiC. Using the 'Card index' style
paged dialogs the shortcuts for some buttons are not directly visible
but the definitions are MagiC compatible.
∙ Menu shortcuts are evaluated and can be changed as desired. However,
only Control (^X) and Shift + Control (⇧^X) combinations should
be assigned, if possible.
The shortcut Shift + Delete for 'Delete' is hard coded into Thing
and cannot be turned off, but additional 'Delete' shortcuts may be
∙ The RCS must be able to read the top eight bytes of the object type
correctly (as I recall the old Digital Research RCS doesn't handle
these bytes correctly -- but please do check for yourselves!).
∙ Some Thing dialogs employ tabbed 'card index' style layouts where
individual 'pages' are simply stored as object trees overlaying one
another. Check that your RCS doesn't automatically combine these into
'Parent-child' relationships! To edit the underlying parts of the
dialogs one has to hide the 'obscuring' page to reach the next 'lower'
page. Make sure that you unhide all the hidden pages at the end (with
Interface you can hold down Control when clicking on 'Unhide' to
select the parent object) as otherwise you will get a partly blank