Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileIconsThing Icon ManagerFile formats - ICONS.INF Thing
ICONS.INF contains a list of icon assignments which determines which
icons in ICONS.RSC are used for the various drives, files and folders.
If Thing cannot find ICONS.INF then the standard icons, as described in
'Icons', are used by default.
Thing searches for ICONS.INF -- as well as for ICONS.RSC -- only in the
same directory as THING.APP and in the path defined using the THINGDIRenvironmental variable where available. The HOME environmental variable
is not observed.
ICONS.INF structure: - Blank lines are ignored by Thing
- Lines preceded with a '#' character are ignored by Thing and may be
used for comments
- The maximum line length must not exceed 510 characters
- ICONS.INF is not kept in memory! Instead the assignments are interpreted
and set up in optimised internal structures (incidentally this is why
no internal function to change the assignments is available)
Each line in ICONS.INF has the following format:
<Type> "<Icon>" <Wildcard>[,<Wildcard>...] [[<Character>][/<Colour>]]
<Type> IFIL - Assignment for files/programs
IFLD - Assignment for folder/s
IDRV - Assignment for drives
<Icon> Descriptive label used for icon in the RSC file
<Wildcard> One or several masks, separated by commas; the masks are
not case sensitive, i.e. '*.Txt', '*.TXT' and '*.txt' are
handled exactly the same way.
For drives one specifies the individual drive letters
here, for example:
<Character> An optional character that must be specified without a
comma, and must be separated from the <Wildcard> by at
least one space character. In the text display mode this
is then displayed at the left in front of the file name,
so long as the file is not an executable program.
<Colour> One can also optionally specify a text colour for an
icon type which Thing then uses in the text or mini-icon
mode irrespective of the text colour selected for the
window. Assignment is by a number between 0 and 15 which
match the colour numbers of the AES system colours:
0 - White 4 - Blue 8 - Light grey 12 - Dark blue
1 - Black 5 - Cyan 9 - Dark grey 13 - Dark cyan
2 - Red 6 - Yellow 10 - Dark red 14 - Dark yellow
3 - Green 7 - Magenta 11 - Dark green 15 - Dark magenta
If the colour specified is the same as the background
colour of the window in which it appears, Thing will
automatically use the standard text colour for the window
to prevent the entry becoming invisible.
To clarify matters, here are a few examples:
# Individual programs
IFIL "KOBOLD 2" kobold_2.prg
IFIL "PURE C" pc.prg
# Files
IFIL "APP" *.prg,*.app
IFIL "TOS" *.tos,*.ttp
IFIL "RSC" *.rsc r/2
IFIL "TXT" *.txt,*.doc t
# Folders
# Drives
It's important to list all specific files, programs and folders
before the wildcard entries, e.g. 'PC.PRG' before '*.PRG', because
the file is read from the first line downwards and the first
suitable entry is used -- a more sophisticated check could be
implemented but it would waste a disproportional amount of time.