Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileWhat are symbolic links?Copy/Move/Link objects Thing
Here the impending Copy process can be confirmed before Thing 'takes off',
and the job is not passed on to Kobold. If the process is cancelled the
source files remain selected (useful if one has made an error in selecting
the destination directory -- one can simply repeat the Drag&Drop to the
correct directory).
Copy: In this mode the selected source files are copied or moved to the
destination directory, depending on the further selections made in this
Link ('Alias'): This mode create symbolic links of the selected sources in
the destination directory; this corresponds to using Drag&Drop while
holding down left Shift . In this case 'Delete originals (Move)' is
greyed out (not selectable) as otherwise the newly created symbolic
links would be born as full orphans...
Delete originals (= Move): If this option is set, the files will be moved;
this corresponds to Control -Drag&Drop. Within the same drive the files
will be Moved simply by rewriting the path -- otherwise by copying and
subsequently deleting the originals (hence the name of the option).
Incidentally, Thing always Moves file by file -- i.e. each file is
deleted immediately after copying and not only when all files have been
Rename copies: The copies are renamed individually -- i.e. a new name has
to be entered at the destination for each file and each folder. This
corresponds to Alternate -Drag&Drop.
Follow links: If the source objects contain symbolic links, then copies of
the objects will be created in the destination directory to which the
links point. So if one copies, say U:\a under MagiC to a different
directory, Thing will again create a symbolic link there to the same
destination if this option is set (crossed). Otherwise the directory A:\
will be copied complete, i.e. the complete contents of the recently
inserted floppy disk. This option can also be set with Drag&Drop while
holding down right Shift and in that case it prevents automatically the
starting of Kobold, since this does not support such a mode.
Not all operating systems and also not all file systems permit the
creation or use of symbolic links. Since an absolutely certain check
of this capability can be achieved unfortunately only by some rather
dirty tricks, Thing always offers the creation of symbolic links if
this cannot be established via the info functions of the file system.
It may happen therefore that after clicking on OK one receives an
error message; as a rule this means that either the operating system
in use cannot use symbolic links at all, or that they are not
possible with the installed file system.