Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileRead more about Console windows now!Extra - Configuration... (TOS2GEM) Thing
This page sets all the options for TOS2GEM - the Thing Console windowprogrammed by Thomas Binder.
Use TOS2GEM: If this option is set (crossed) and TOS2GEM is correctly
installed, TOS and TTP programs are run inside a TOS2GEM Console window.
If this option is switched off, other Console windows will be used with
MagiC (VT52) and MultiTOS (MINIWIN), which may be desirable to run
TOS/TTP programs in the background or in parallel with Thing.
⇨ Read more about Console windows now!.
Automatically close Console window at program termination: If this option
is set (crossed) Thing automatically closes the Console window on
exiting a TOS/TTP program so long as the Console window wasn't already
open and no errors (non-zero return code) were encountered.
History: Enter into the edit field the number of lines of scroll-back
output to be buffered. If this value is changed it only comes into effect
after the Console window is re-initialised -- and the previous contents
are lost!
Buffering: Buffering the TOS2GEM output can considerably accelerate
display by outputting the characters in batches instead of character by
character. Three options are available (toggle):
None: Disables output buffering.
Size: Sets the number of characters to buffer before output starts
and is independent of the time interval between outputs.
Time: Sets a fixed time interval between outputs (20ms - 999ms).
Colours: Sets the display of colours (including inverse text output).
Three options are available:
None: The system defaults are used.
VT52: The colour sequence is interpreted as for the 'original' hardware
colours i.e. depending on the graphic mode colour 1 can be black,
sometimes red or (rarely) some other colour.
VDI: The colour sequence is taken from the VDI colour codes so white
is always 0, black is always 1 etc.
Window elements: The individual Console window gadgets (components) can
be turned on and off by clicking the relevant area in the stylised 'mini
Switching off the horizontal slider under MagiC or when using a utility
such as WINX etc. under Single-TOS, for instance, leaves more space in
the window.