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Topic       : Documentation for Thing
Author      : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version     : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject     : Documentation/Shells
Nodes       : 269
Index Size  : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : %I
@help       : %Hilfe
@options    : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
View Ref-FileExtra - Configuration... (Window 2)                                   Thing

This page sets the second group of window options:

Case-sensitive sorting in directory windows: If this option is active 
  (crossed) directories will be sorted in an order paying respect to upper 
  case (capitals) and lower case (small) characters, such as 'ABCabc' 
  instead of 'AaBbCc' for instance.

Case-sensitive auto-locator: If this option is active (crossed), Thing 
  differentiates by case when selecting files via the auto-locator, as 
  long as the file system in use is not restricted to capitals only. So 
  typing in 'a' only selects those files that start with a small 'a', 
  whereas with this option switched off all those having capital 'A' as 
  the first letter will be selected as well.

Automatic placement of directory windows: Normally Thing opens directory
  windows in the position they occupied before they were last closed. With 
  this option one can make Thing look for free space on the desktop instead 
  so that no other windows (not just those of Thing) will be covered. If
  there is no such space, Thing's behaviour will be determined by the 
  settings of the 'Place directory windows interactively' option.

  In addition, during automatic placement Thing respects the margins and 
  separations described further below.

Place directory windows interactively: With this option active, if the
  directory window to be opened covers other windows of Thing or one of
  a parallel-running application, a movable ghost outline frame appears 
  that allows the position of the window to be set manually. Positioning 
  of the frame may be carried out with the mouse or with the cursor keys
  and  Return .
  Together with 'Automatic placement of directory windows', manual 
  positioning is only needed if no free space could be found for the new 
Automatically fit window in X-direction: This option has to be active 
  (crossed) if directory windows are to be wide enough always to display 
  all the files (providing this is possible).

Automatically fit window in Y-direction: Similar to the previous entry,
  except that the window's height is adapted to the contents.
  If fitting for both the X- and Y- direction is activated then this 
  corresponds to the behaviour of Thing 1.0x when using the 'Window 
  re-sizes to display all objects' option.
  The maximum height and/or width of the window also respects the margins 
  described below.
Minimum separation for automatic placement:
Left, Right, Above, Below: Here you can set the distance in pixels from
  the edges of the desktop's working area that Thing respects during 
  automatic placement of directory windows and automatic fitting. So if 
  one enters '128' for 'Left', for instance, Thing will open each 
  directory window at least 128 pixels from the left edge of the screen.
  These values are useful if one wants to prevent new directory windows 
  covering the icons or an application menu bar such as Appline or 
Horizontal, Vertical: These two values specify the minimum separation 
  (in pixels) from already opened windows Thing should use when placing 
  windows automatically. This can prevent adjacent windows appearing to 
  'stick' to each other, which may look a little peculiar.
  Important: Unless 'Automatic placement of directory windows' is active,
  (crossed) the values entered into the six edit fields have no effect on 
  the opening of windows!