Topic : Documentation for Thing
Author : Arno Welzel/Thomas Binder/TransAction
Version : thing.hyp 1.27E (23/8/1998)
Subject : Documentation/Shells
Nodes : 269
Index Size : 6336
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
@lang :
@default : %I
@help : %Hilfe
@options : +g -i -s +y +zz -t4 -d10
@width : 75
@hostname : THING
View Ref-FileExtra - Function Keys.../'Tools' menu Thing
This dialog offers separate pages to assign Function keys alone and in
combination with Shift , Control or Alternate , as well as allocating
entries in the 'Tools' menu.
Key allocations are evaluated as follows:
If only a filename is entered the relevant file will be opened when the
key/combination is pressed, taking into account any applications installed
for it.
If the file is a program then it will be started, of course; optionally
one can also specify here any command line parameters to be passed.
If a pathname is entered (denoted by a trailing backslash '\' character)
Thing opens a new directory window to the specified path when the key or
key combination is pressed. The path can be followed optionally by a file
Incidentally, double-clicking on any entry field displays the file
selector which can be used to select objects (with path) as desired.
Here's a few examples:
E:\TEXTS\LETTER.DOC Opens the file 'LETTER.DOC' in the 'E:\TEXTS\' directory.
C:\AUTO\ Opens the 'AUTO' folder on drive 'C:' with the file mask '*'.
C:\ *.ACC Opens the 'C:\' directory with the file mask '*.ACC'
D:\TOOLS\LHARC.TTP -a -r E:\WORK\*.* H:\WORK Starts the 'LHARC.TTP' program in the 'D:\TOOLS' directory with
the command line '-a -r E:\WORK\*.* H:\WORK'.
Since Version 0.40 there is also a popup menu in various dialogs (for
example the 'Info about File', 'Info about Application' etc.) which can
be used to assign a Function key (alone or with Shift , Control or
Alternate ) to a file or program, though without command lines.
Tool menu entriesEntries in the 'Menu 'Tools'' page are made in the same way as for Function
keys, with the optional addition of a text description for the drop-down
menu which may contain up to 16 characters, using the '|' character as a
Example: Entering: ST-Guide|C:\ST-GUIDE.ACC will start ST-GUIDE.ACC from the root of C: when the 'ST-Guide' legend
in the 'Tools' menu is clicked on.
Double-clicking on the line and selecting the desired program from the
file selector automatically enters the program name in the text portion
(before the '|').
Note:Paths that are longer than the space provided can give rise to
problems in calling the desired application!