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Topic       : Pure Assembler Documentation
Author      : John Kormylo
Version     : PASM.HYP 1.0
Subject     : Documentation/Pure Assembler
Nodes       : 740
Index Size  : 20262
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File A  A0                            A1
    A2                            A3
    A4                            A5
    A6                            A7
    ABCD                          ABCD.B
    Accrued Exception Byte        ACCset
    ACIA Control Register         ACIA Status Register
    ACSI and FDC                  ADD
    ADD.L                         ADD.W
    ADDA                          ADDA.L
    ADDA.W                        ADDI
    ADDI.L                        ADDI.W
    ADDQ                          ADDQ.L
    ADDQ.W                        addr
    Address Registers             Address Translation Cache
    Addressing                    ADDX
    ADDX.L                        ADDX.W
    ALIGN                         ALINE
    Alphabetical                  An
    AND                           AND.L
    AND.W                         ANDI
    ANDI to CCR                   ANDI to SR
    ANDI.L                        ANDI.W
    ASCII                         ASCIIL
    ASCIIZ                        ASL
    ASL.W                         ASR
    ASR.W                         Assembler
    Assembler Errors              Atari Memory Map
    ATC                           auto_resident

 B  Bcc                           BCC
    BCHG                          BCHG.B
    BCLR                          BCLR.B
    bconin_vec                    bconout_vec
    bconstat_vec                  bcostat_vec
    BCS                           bell_hook
    BEQ                           BFCHG
    BFCLR                         BFEXTS
    BFEXTU                        BFFFO
    BFINS                         BFSET
    BFTST                         BGE
    BGT                           BHI
    BKPT                          BLE
    Blitter Chip                  Blitter Control Register
    Blitter Halftone Operations   Blitter Logical Operations
    Blitter Skew                  BLS
    BLT                           BMI
    BNE                           BPL
    BRA                           BSET
    BSET.B                        BSR
    BSS                           BTST
    BTST.B                        BVC

 C  CAAR                          Cache
    Cache Address Register        Cache Control Register
    CACR                          call_TOS
    Calling                       CALLM
    CAS                           CAS2
    CCR                           CHK
    CHK.W                         CHK2
    CLR                           CLR.L
    CLR.W                         CMP
    CMP.L                         CMP.W
    CMP2                          CMPA
    CMPA.L                        CMPA.W
    CMPI                          CMPI.L
    CMPI.W                        CMPM
    CODEC ADC Input               CODEC Input Source
    colorptr                      COMM
    comments                      con_state
    Condition Code Byte           Condition Code Register
    Condition Codes               Configuration Switches
    Constants                     conterm
    Cookie Jar                    CPU Root Pointer
    CPUs:                         CRP

 D  d(An)                         d(An,Rx)
    d(PC)                         d(PC,Rx)
    D0                            D1
    D2                            D3
    D4                            D5
    D6                            D7
    DATA                          Data Registers
    DBcc                          DBCC
    DBCS                          DBEQ
    DBF                           DBGE
    DBGT                          DBHI
    DBLE                          dble_vector_prod
    DBLS                          DBLT
    DBMI                          DBNE
    DBPL                          DBRA
    DBT                           DBVC
    DBVS                          DC
    DCB                           defshiftmod
    Dest                          Destination Function Code
    Device Drivers                DFC
    Directives                    Disk Drivers
    DIVS                          DIVS.L
    DIVS.W                        DIVSL
    DIVU                          DIVU.L
    DIVU.W                        DIVUL
    DMA Crossbar Input Select     DMA Crossbar Output Select
    DMA Interrupt Control Registe DMA Mode Control
    DMA Sound Chip                DMA Sound Control
    DMA Sound Control Register    DMA Status
    Dn                            Double
    DS                            DSP Command Vector Register
    DSP Expansion Port            DSP Host Interface
    DSP Interrupt Control Registe DSP Interrupt Status Register
    DSP SSI                       DSP56001

 E  ELSE                          END
    ENDC                          ENDIF
    ENDM                          ENDMOD
    Enhanced Joystick Ports       EOR
    EOR.L                         EOR.W
    EORI                          EORI to CCR
    EORI to SR                    EORI.L
    EORI.W                        EQU
    ERROR                         error
    Error: absolute               Error: addressing mode
    Error: alignment              Error: argument syntax
    Error: bad character          Error: bad digit
    Error: bad label              Error: bad operands
    Error: bad operator           Error: bad size
    Error: close                  Error: comment
    Error: constant               Error: create
    Error: directive              Error: displacement
    Error: division by zero       Error: immediate
    Error: include                Error: index scale
    Error: index size             Error: internal
    Error: invalid id             Error: invalid option
    Error: label                  Error: line too big
    Error: list syntax            Error: location counter
    Error: macro name             Error: missing endif
    Error: missing endm           Error: missing option
    Error: missing option argumen Error: missing source
    Error: multiple source        Error: no if
    Error: no macro               Error: no RAM
    Error: opcode                 Error: open
    Error: register list          Error: relative
    Error: relocation             Error: seek
    Error: segment                Error: size
    Error: string                 Error: super
    Error: syntax                 Error: write
    etv_critic                    etv_term
    etv_timer                     EVEN
    Examples                      Exception Status Byte
    Exception Vectors             Exceptions
    exec_os                       EXG
    EXITM                         EXPORT
    expression                    EXT
    EXTB                          Extended
    External Serial Input         External Serial Output

 F  FABS                          FACOS
    FADD                          Falcon Processor Control
    FASIN                         FATAN
    FATANH                        FBcc
    FBEQ                          FBF
    FBGE                          FBGL
    FBGLE                         FBGT
    FBLE                          FBLT
    FBNE                          FBNGE
    FBNGL                         FBNGT
    FBNLE                         FBNLT
    FBOGE                         FBOGT
    FBOLE                         FBOLT
    FBOR                          FBSEQ
    FBSF                          FBSNE
    FBST                          FBT
    FBUEQ                         FBUGE
    FBUGT                         FBULE
    FBULT                         FBUN
    FCMP                          FCOS
    FCOSH                         FDBcc
    FDBEQ                         FDBF
    FDBGE                         FDBGL
    FDBGLE                        FDBGT
    FDBLE                         FDBLT
    FDBNE                         FDBNGE
    FDBNGL                        FDBNGT
    FDBNLE                        FDBNLT
    FDBOGE                        FDBOGT
    FDBOLE                        FDBOLT
    FDBOR                         FDBSEQ
    FDBSF                         FDBSNE
    FDBST                         FDBT
    FDBUEQ                        FDBUGE
    FDBUGT                        FDBULE
    FDBULT                        FDBUN
    FDC Control Bytes             FDIV
    FETOX                         FETOXM1
    FGETEXP                       FGETMAN
    FINT                          FINTRZ
    Flags:                        FLINE
    Floating Point Control Regist Floating Point Data Registers
    Floating Point Instruction Ad Floating Point Status Registe
    flock                         FLOG10
    FLOG2                         FLOGN
    FLOGNP1                       FMOD
    FMOVE                         FMOVE (Control Register)
    FMOVECR                       FMOVEM
    FMOVEM (Control Registers)    FMUL
    FNEG                          FNOP
    force_media_change            FP0
    FP1                           FP2
    FP3                           FP4
    FP5                           FP6
    FP7                           FPCR
    FPIAR                         FPn
    FPSR                          FPU
    FPU Condition Codes           FREM
    Frequency Divider External Sy Frequency Divider Internal Sy
    FRESTORE                      FSAVE
    FSCALE                        FScc
    FSEQ                          FSF
    FSGE                          FSGL
    FSGLDIV                       FSGLE
    FSGLMUL                       FSGT
    FSIN                          FSINCOS
    FSINH                         FSLE
    FSLT                          FSNE
    FSNGE                         FSNGL
    FSNGT                         FSNLE
    FSNLT                         FSOGE
    FSOGT                         FSOLE
    FSOLT                         FSOR
    FSQRT                         FSSEQ
    FSSF                          FSSNE
    FSST                          FST
    FSUB                          FSUEQ
    FSUGE                         FSUGT
    FSULE                         FSULT
    FSUN                          FTAN
    FTANH                         FTENTOX
    FTRAPcc                       FTRAPEQ
    FTRAPF                        FTRAPGE
    FTRAPGL                       FTRAPGLE
    FTRAPGT                       FTRAPLE
    FTRAPLT                       FTRAPNE
    FTRAPNGE                      FTRAPNGL
    FTRAPNGT                      FTRAPNLE
    FTRAPNLT                      FTRAPOGE
    FTRAPOGT                      FTRAPOLE
    FTRAPOLT                      FTRAPOR
    FTRAPSEQ                      FTRAPSF
    FTRAPSNE                      FTRAPST
    FTRAPT                        FTRAPUEQ
    FTRAPUGE                      FTRAPUGT
    FTRAPULE                      FTRAPULT
    FTRAPUN                       FTST
    FTWOTOX                       Function Code

 G  GI Sound Chip                 GLOBL
    GPIO Data Direction

 H  hdv_boot                      hdv_bpb
    hdv_mediach                   hdv_rw

 I  I/O Ports                     IDE Error
    IDE Head                      IDE Port
    IDE Status                    IF
    IF1                           IF2
    IFB                           IFcc
    IFEQ                          IFF
    IFGE                          IFGT
    IFLE                          IFLT
    IFNB                          IFNE
    IKBD                          IKBD Absolute Mouse Position
    IKBD Absolute Mouse Position  IKBD and MIDI Interface
    IKBD Controller Execute       IKBD Joystick Event Report
    IKBD Joystick Keycode Mode    IKBD Joystick Report
    IKBD Keycode Mouse Position R IKBD Load Mouse Position
    IKBD Memory Load              IKBD Memory Read
    IKBD Mouse Button Action      IKBD Mouse Scale
    IKBD Mouse Threshold          IKBD Relative Mouse Position
    IKBD Reset                    IKBD Set Absolute Mouse Posit
    IKBD Set Fire Button Monitori IKBD Set Joystick Keycode Mod
    IKBD Set Joystick Monitoring  IKBD Set Mouse Button Action
    IKBD Set Mouse Keycode Mode   IKBD Set Mouse Scale
    IKBD Set Mouse Threshold      IKBD Set Time of Day Clock
    IKBD Status Report            IKBD Time of Day
    ILLEGAL                       IMPORT
    INCLUDE                       Instructions
    Interrupt Mask                Interrupt Stack Pointer

 J  JMP                           JMP.L
    Joystick                      Joystick Masks
    JSR                           JSR.L

 K  klc_hook

 L  label                         LCOMM
    LEA                           LEA.L
    LINK                          LIST
    LMC1992                       LOCAL
    LSL                           LSL.W
    LSR                           LSR.W

 M  MACRO                         Macros
    Master Stack Pointer          max.size
    MC146818A                     MC60020
    MC68000                       MC68010
    MC68030                       MC68040
    MC6850                        MC68851
    MC68881                       MC68nnn
    Mega FPU                      memcntlr
    Memory Controller             MFP Interrupt Registers
    MFP Serial Registers          MFP Timer Registers
    MK68901                       MODULE
    MOVE                          MOVE from CCR
    MOVE from SR                  MOVE from SR Time
    MOVE from USP                 MOVE to CCR
    MOVE to CCR Time              MOVE to SR
    MOVE to SR Time               MOVE to USP
    MOVE.L                        MOVE.W
    MOVE16                        MOVEA
    MOVEC                         MOVEM
    MOVEM.L                       MOVEM.W
    MOVEP                         MOVEQ
    MOVES                         MSP
    MULS                          MULS.L
    MULS.W                        multiply_by_constant
    MULU                          MULU.L

 N  NBCD                          NBCD.B
    NCR5380                       NEG
    NEG.L                         NEG.W
    NEGX                          NEGX.L
    NEGX.W                        NOLIST
    NOP                           NOT
    NOT.L                         NOT.W

 O  OFFSET                        OPERR:
    Optimization                  OR
    OR.L                          OR.W
    ORG                           ORI
    ORI to CCR                    ORI to SR
    ORI.L                         ORI.W

 P  PACK                          Packed BCD
    PAGE                          palmode
    PBAC                          PBAS
    PBBC                          PBBS
    PBcc                          PBGC
    PBGS                          PBIC
    PBIS                          PBLC
    PBLS                          PBSC
    PBSS                          PBWC
    PBWS                          PC
    PDBAC                         PDBAS
    PDBBC                         PDBBS
    PDBcc                         PDBGC
    PDBGS                         PDBIC
    PDBIS                         PDBLC
    PDBLS                         PDBSC
    PDBSS                         PDBWC
    PDBWS                         PEA
    PEA.L                         Peripherals
    PFLUSH                        PFLUSHA
    PFLUSHR                       PFLUSHS
    PLOAD                         PLOADR
    PLOADW                        PMMU
    PMMU Condition Codes          PMMU Status Register
    PMOVE                         PMOVEFD
    PRESTORE                      PRINT
    printer_driver                Privileged
    Program Counter               prv_aux
    prv_auxo                      prv_lst
    prv_lsto                      PSAC
    PSAS                          PSAVE
    PSBC                          PSBS
    PScc                          PSGC
    PSGS                          PSIC
    PSIS                          PSLC
    PSLS                          PSR
    PSSC                          PSSS
    PSWC                          PSWS
    PTEST                         PTESTR
    PTESTW                        PTRAPAC
    PTRAPAS                       PTRAPBC
    PTRAPBS                       PTRAPcc
    PTRAPGC                       PTRAPGS
    PTRAPIC                       PTRAPIS
    PTRAPLC                       PTRAPLS
    PTRAPSC                       PTRAPSS
    PTRAPWC                       PTRAPWS
    pun_ptr                       Pure C Linkage

 Q  Quotient Byte

 R  Real Time Clock               Record Attenuation
    Record Gain                   Record Tracks Select
    REG                           Registers
    REPT                          RESET
    resvalid                      resvector
    ROL                           ROL.W
    ROR                           ROR.W
    ROXL                          ROXL.W
    ROXR                          ROXR.W
    RSR                           RTC Register A
    RTC Register B                RTC Register C
    RTC Register D                RTD
    RTE                           RTM
    RTR                           RTS

 S  sav_context                   save_row
    SBCD                          SBCD.B
    Scan Codes                    Scc
    SCC                           SCC Baud Rate Generator
    SCC Buffer Status             SCC Clock Mode
    SCC Command                   SCC DMA Control
    SCC External Status Interrupt SCC Interrupt Enable
    SCC Interrupt Vector          SCC Master Interrupt Control
    SCC Misc. Control Bits        SCC Misc. Status Bits
    SCC Misc. Transmit and Receiv SCC Read Registers
    SCC Receive Parameters        SCC Special Receive Condition
    SCC Transmit and Receive Para SCC Transmit Parameters
    SCC Write Registers           scr_dump
    Screen Dump                   screenpt
    SCS                           SCSI Bus Status Register
    SCSI Bus/Status Register      SCSI Controller
    SCSI Data Register            SCSI DMA Control
    SCSI DMA Initiator Receive    SCSI DMA Send Register
    SCSI DMA Target Receive       SCSI ID Register
    SCSI Initiator Command Regist SCSI Input Data Register
    SCSI Mode Register            SCSI Phases
    SCSI Reset Parity/Interrupt   SCSI Signals
    SCSI Target Command Register  seekrate
    SEQ                           Serial Communications Control
    SET                           SF
    SF.B                          SFC
    SGE                           SGT
    SHI                           Single
    size modifier                 Sizes:
    SLE                           SLS
    SLT                           SMI
    SNE                           Sound Mode Control
    Sound Track Control           Source
    Source Function Code          SP
    SPL                           SR
    SRP                           sshiftmd
    SSP                           ST
    ST Color Palette              ST Compatible Image
    ST Functional                 ST General Purpose Interrupt 
    ST MFP                        ST MFP Interrupt Registers
    ST Privileged                 ST RAM
    ST Shift Mode                 ST Sync Mode
    ST.B                          Stack Pointer
    Statements                    Status Register
    STE Joystick Directions       STE Joystick Fire Buttons
    STOP                          SUB
    SUB.L                         SUB.W
    SUBA                          SUBA.L
    SUBA.W                        SUBI
    SUBI.L                        SUBI.W
    SUBQ                          SUBQ.L
    SUBQ.W                        SUBX
    SUBX.L                        SUBX.W
    SUPER                         Supervisor Mode
    Supervisor Root Pointer       Supervisor Stack Pointer
    SVC                           SVS
    SWAP                          System Control Unit
    System Variables              System Variables by Address
    System Variables by Name

 T  TAS                           TAS.B
    TC                            TEXT
    Translation Control           Transparent Translation
    TRAP                          TRAPcc
    TRAPCC                        TRAPCS
    TRAPEQ                        TRAPF
    TRAPGE                        TRAPGT
    TRAPHI                        TRAPLE
    TRAPLS                        TRAPLT
    TRAPMI                        TRAPNE
    TRAPPL                        TRAPT
    TRAPV                         TRAPVC
    TRAPVS                        TSR
    TST                           TST.L
    TST.W                         TT Floating Point
    TT Functional                 TT General Purpose Interrupt 
    TT MFP                        TT MFP Interrupt Registers
    TT Palette                    TT Privileged
    TT RAM                        TT Shift Mode
    TT0                           TT1
    TTL                           Tversion

 U  UCR                           UNLK
    UNPK                          USER
    User Stack Pointer            USP

 V  Vblank                        VBR
    Vector Base Register          Video Address Counter
    Video Base                    Video Controller

 W  WD1772                        WD1772 Command Register
    WD1772 Status Register

 X  XBRA                          XBRA Protocol
    XDEF                          XREF

 Y  YM2149                        YM2149 Register 7

 Z  Z8530

 *  #data                         ([b,An,Rx],d)
    ([b,An],Rx,d)                 ([b,PC,Rx],d)
    ([b,PC],Rx,d)                 (An)
    (An)+                         *
    *=                            -(An)
    =                             _bufl
    _drvbits                      _hz_200
    _longframe                    _nflops
    _p_cookies                    _prt_cnt
    _sysbase                      _timr_ms