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Topic       : Pure Assembler Documentation
Author      : John Kormylo
Version     : PASM.HYP 1.0
Subject     : Documentation/Pure Assembler
Nodes       : 740
Index Size  : 20262
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +x +z -t4
@width      : 75
View Ref-File[ Constants ]

  Default is decimal:  0  1  255
  % for binary:       %0 %1 %1111111
  @ for octal:        @0 @1 @377       (or 0377)
  $ for hexadecimal:  $0 $1 $ff        (or 0xff)

  Note: one can use underbars inside a numerical constant as a place
        indicator; e.g. 1_000_000 or $ff_0000

  Use single quotes ' '.  One can pack up to four characters into a
  longword; e.g. 'abcd' = $61626364

  Use double quotes " ".  One can only use a string as an operand of
  a DC, ASCII, ASCIIL or ASCIIZ directive.
  Strings are NOT necessarily null terminated (see ASCIIZ).

  A defined label will be replaced by its address or assigned
  longword value.

Location Counter:
  The asterisk '*' can be used as the current address value, but only
  as part of an expression (with no blanks between the * and the
  operator).  For example; 'label = *+4'

  An expression involving constants will be pre-computed by the
  Pure Assembler.  These are similar but not quite identical to
  C Language expressions.

Floating point:
  Any decimal number containing a '.' or 'E' will be translated as
  floating point number:  1.0E2 == 100.0
  These can be used in a DC directive or as a #data value
  in a floating point instruction.  The precision is determined by
  the size modifier.  They can be used in expressions involving only
  the + - * or / operators.

Register list:
  Used only by MOVEM and FMOVEM instructions, and the REG directive.
  Corresponds to set of bit flags (one for each possible register).