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Topic       : Doku: Notiz-ACC/Editor
Author      : Holger Weets/Rainer Wiesenfeller
Version     : notice.hyp 1.00 (16/3/1998)
Subject     : Dokumentation/Editoren
Nodes       : 71
Index Size  : 2070
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : en
@default    : 
@help       : Keyboard summary
@options    : -d12 -i -s -t4 +z
@width      : 75GEMscript

Notice currently understands the following GEMscript commands:
Open(file)          - loads a file
ToFront(file)       - brings a text buffer to the front (if necessary
                      it is loaded)
Find(pattern)       - searches for the pattern from the cursor's position
GetFront()          - returns the name of the active text buffer
GetChar()           - returns the character under the cursor
GetWord()           - returns the word under the cursor
GetLine()           - returns the line the cursor is on
CursorX([value])    - if <value> is specified, the cursor is placed in
                      the corresponding column,  Otherwise, the current
                      cursor column is returned
CursorY([value])    - if <value> is specified, the cursor is placed in
                      the corresponding line.  Otherwise, the current
                      line number is returned
InsString(string)   - inserts <string> at current cursor position (may
                      contain CRs)
Print([file])       - prints the text buffer
Save([file])        - saves the text buffer
SaveAs([file])      - opens the file selector in which a new name for
                      the text buffer can be specified and under which
                      it is then saved
BlkStart([file])    - marks the start of the block (cursor position)
BlkEnd([file])      - marks the end of the block (cursor position)
Cut([file])         - cuts the selected block
Copy([file])        - copies the selected block
Paste([file])       - pastes the clipboard in front of the cursor line
Delete([file])      - deletes the selected block
EraseText([file])   - releases the text buffer
Quit()              - quits Notice
TextStart([file])   - places the cursor at the beginning of the text
TextEnd([file])     - places the cursor at the end of the text
Left([file])        - moves the cursor one character to the left
Right([file])       - moves the cursor one character to the right
Up([file])          - moves the cursor to the previous line
Down([file])        - moves the cursor to the next line
NextWord([file])    - moves the cursor one word to the right
PrevWord([file])    - moves the cursor one word to the left
LineStart([file])   - places the cursor at the beginning of the line
LineEnd([file])     - places the cursor at the end of the line
DelChar([file])     - deletes the character under the cursor
Backspace([file])   - deletes the character to the left of the cursor
NewLine([file])     - inserts an empty line before the current one
DelLine([file])     - deletes the line the cursor is on
appGetLongName()    - returns "Notice"

- All of the commands mentioned are carried out by Notice directly in
  the text (and so visible to the user). This may not be the fastest
  method, but it allows you to easily check the correctness of the
  script and can be implemented almost without overhead ;-)
- for more complex commands (say "give me the 5th word on the 17th line")
  I might write a script library