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Topic       : Pure C Library Documentation
Author      : John Kormylo
Version     : LIB.HYP 1.0
Subject     : Documentation/Pure C Library
Nodes       : 1309
Index Size  : 32068
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-File[ PCFLTLIB - Math Functions ]

... contains all floating point functions which do NOT use the 68881

Pure C implements all (non-FPU) floating point operations using
function calls, including floating point addition and multiplication
(this is invisible to the programmer).

The following is a list of all global names which can be resolved by
linking in PCFLTLIB.LIB:

GetEnvir      __xdsub       _dwsub        _sssub        _xxmod
GetHaltV      __xladd       _dxcnv        _swadd        _xxmul
GetRndDi      __xldiv       _exp          _swcmp        _xxoverf
GetRndPr      __xlmul       _exp1         _swcnv        _xxrem
ProcEntr      __xlrem       _exp10        _swdiv        _xxsub
ProcExit      __xlsub       _exp2         _swmod        _xxunder
SetEnvir      __xsadd       _exp21        _swmul        _xyentry
SetExcep      __xsdiv       _fabs         _swrem        acos
SetHaltV      __xsmul       _floor        _swsub        acosh
SetRndDi      __xsrem       _fmod         _sxcnv        asin
SetRndPr      __xssub       _fpu1op       _tan          asinh
TestExce      __xxadd       _fpuddop      _tanh         atan
_GetEnvi      __xxcmp       _fpudsop      _trunc        atan2
_GetHalt      __xxdec       _fpussop      _txinval      atanh
_GetRndD      __xxdiv       _fpuxdop      _txmover      atof
_GetRndP      __xxinc       _fpuxsop      _txoverf      ceil
_Getmath      __xxinv       _fpuxxop      _urand        cnv_stri
_OutFix       __xxmod       _frexp        _uxcnv        cos
_OutFixF      __xxmul       _gcvt         _wdcnv        cosh
_OutFlt       __xxrem       _hypot        _wscnv        difftime
_PrintF       __xxsub       _ldcnv        _wxcnv        dxcnv
_ProcEnt      _acos         _ldexp        _xdadd        ecvt
_ProcExi      _acosh        _log          _xdcmp        exp
_ScanF        _asin         _log1         _xdcnv        exp1
_ScnFlt       _asinh        _log10        _xddiv        exp10
_SetEnvi      _atan         _log2         _xdmul        exp2
_SetExce      _atan2        _log21        _xdrem        exp21
_SetHalt      _atanh        _lscnv        _xdsub        fabs
_SetRndD      _ceil         _lxcnv        _xladd        fcvt
_SetRndP      _cos          _modf         _xlcmp        floor
_Setmath      _cosh         _norm012      _xlcnv        fmod
_TestExc      _ddadd        _normA0       _xldiv        fpumode
__acos        _ddcmp        _poly         _xlmul        frexp
__asin        _dddiv        _pow          _xlrem        ftoa
__atan        _ddmod        _pow10        _xlsub        gcvt
__atanh       _ddmul        _powi         _xmather      getmathe
__cos         _ddrem        _ret012       _xsadd        hypot
__cosh        _ddsub        _retNaN       _xscmp        ldexp
__exp         _dladd        _round        _xscnv        log
__exp1        _dlcmp        _sdcnv        _xsdiv        log1
__exp10       _dlcnv        _sin          _xsmul        log10
__exp2        _dldiv        _sincos       _xsrem        log2
__exp21       _dlmod        _sinh         _xssub        log21
__expa        _dlmul        _sladd        _xucnv        modf
__expb        _dlrem        _slcmp        _xwadd        poly
__log         _dlsub        _slcnv        _xwcmp        pow
__log1        _dsadd        _sldiv        _xwcnv        pow10
__log10       _dscmp        _slmod        _xwdiv        powi
__log2        _dscnv        _slmul        _xwmul        round
__log21       _dsdiv        _slrem        _xwrem        setmathe
__sin         _dsmod        _slsub        _xwsub        sin
__sincos      _dsmul        _sqrt         _xxadd        sincos
__sinh        _dsrem        _square       _xxcmp        sinh
__sqrt        _dssub        _ssadd        _xxdec        sqrt
__square      _dwadd        _sscmp        _xxdiv        square
__tan         _dwcmp        _ssdec        _xxdivze      strtod
__tanh        _dwcnv        _ssdiv        _xxentry      tan
__xdadd       _dwdiv        _ssinc        _xxflow       tanh
__xddiv       _dwmod        _ssmod        _xxinc        trunc
__xdmul       _dwmul        _ssmul        _xxinexa      urand
__xdrem       _dwrem        _ssrem        _xxinval      xdcnv