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Topic       : C-Language Documentation
Author      : John Kormylo
Version     : C.HYP 1.0
Subject     : Documentation/C-Language
Nodes       : 233
Index Size  : 6362
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : en
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@help       : Help
@options    : +g -i -s +x +z -t4
@width      : 75
View Ref-File[ Storage Classes ]

Determine where variables and functions are to be stored in RAM.
Not used in casting.

auto     - Default storage class inside any function or local block.
           Auto variables are stored on the stack and are therefore
           lost when the function returns.  Auto name are defined only
           within the current block { }.

static   - Defined to the end of the current source file.  Static
           variables are stored in the program Data or BSS segments
           and therefore retain their value between function calls and
           can be initialized.  Static functions cannot be called from
           another file (avoids name duplication problems).

global   - Default storage class for function definitions and for
           variables defined outside of a function definition.
           Global variables are the same as static variables with the
           additional feature than their addresses are resolved by the
           linker.  (Note: there is NO 'global' keyword in ANSI C.)

extern   - Default storage class for function prototypes.  Used to
           link global variables between modules.

register - Do not store variable in RAM; leave it on the registers (as
           much as possible).  Note: registers do not have addresses.