Topic : MC68030 - Instruction Assembler Syntax Author : Bjørn Ove Årthun/Jiri Kucik Version : mc68030.hyp 0.01 (29/02/96) Subject : Programming/Others Nodes : 120 Index Size : 2440 HCP-Version : 2 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : @help : %main @options : +g -i -s +z @width : 75 View Ref-FileAbout&author Author of the HYPertext +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Mnemonic |Description |Mnemonic |Description | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |ABCD |Add Decimal with Extend |MULS |Signed Multiply |ADD |Add |MULU |Unsigned Multiply |ADDA |Add Address |---------|--------------------------- |ADDI |Add Immediate |NBCD |Negate Decimal with Extend |ADDQ |Add Quick |NEG |Negate |ADDX |Add with Extend |NEGX |Negate with Extend |AND |Logical AND |NOP |No Operation |ANDI |Logical AND Immediate |NOT |Logical Complement |ASL, ASR |Arithmetic Shift L/R |---------|--------------------------- |-----------| |OR |Logical inclusive Or |Bcc |Branch Conditionally |ORI |Logical inclusive Immediate |BCHG |Test Bit and change |---------|--------------------------- |BFCLR |Test Bit Field and Clr |PACK |Pack BCD |BFEXTS |Signed Bit Field Extract |PEA |Push Effective Address |BFEXTU |Unsigned -----||----- |---------|--------------------------- |BFFFO |Bit Field Find First One |RESET |Reset External Devices |BFINS |Bit Field Insert |ROL, ROR |Rotate Left and Right |BFSET |Test Bit Field and Set |ROXL,ROXR|Rotate with Extend |BFTST |Test Bit Field |RTD |Return and Deallocate |BKPT |Breakpoint |RTE |Return from Exception |BRA |Branch |RTM |Return from Module |BSET |Test Bit and Set |RTR |Return from Restore Codes |BSR |Branch to Subroutine |RTS |Return from Subroutine |BTST |Test Bit |---------|--------------------------- |-----------| |SBCD |Subtr. Decimal with Extend |CALLM |Call Module |Scc |Set Conditionally |CAS |Compare and Swap Operands|STOP |Stop |CAS2 |As above in Dual Mode |SUB |Subtract |CHK |Check Reg: Against Bound |SUBA |Subtract Address |CHK2 |Check Against Upper and |SUBI |Subtract Immediate | |Lower Bounds |SUBQ |Subtract Quick |CLR |Clear |SUBX |Subtract with Extend |CMP |Compare |SWAP |Swap Register words |CMPA |Compare Address |---------|--------------------------- |CMPI |Compare Immediate |TAS |Test Operand and Set |CMPM |Compare Memory to Memory |TRAP |Trap |CMP2 |Compare Register Against |TRAPcc |Trap Conditionally | |Upper and Lower Bounds |TRAPV |Trap on Overflow |-----------| |TST |Test Operand |DBcc |Test Condition, Decrement|---------|--------------------------- | |and Branch |UNLK |Unlink |DIVS, DIVSL|Signed Divide |UNPK |Unpack |DIVU, DIVUL|Unsigned Divide |------------------------------------- |-----------| | CoProcessor Instructions |EOR |Exclusive Or |------------------------------------- |EORI |Exclusive Or Immediate |cpBcc |Branch Conditionally |EXG |Exchange Registers |cpDBcc |Test Condition, |EXT, EXTB |Signed Extend | |Decrement and Branch |-----------| |cpGEN |Coprocessor General Instr. |ILLEGAL |Take Illegal Instruction |cpRESTORE|Restore Internal State | |Trap |cpSAVE |Save Internal State |-----------| |cpScc |Set Conditionally |JMP |Jump |cpTRAPcc |Trap Conditionally |JSR |Jump to Subroutine |---------+--------------------------- |-----------| | Unofficial Instructions |LEA |Load Effective Address |------------------------------------- |LINK |Link and Allocate | | |LSL, LSR |Logical Shift Left and | |Not complete. :) | |Right | | |-----------| | | |MOVE |Move | | |MOVEA |Move Address | | |MOVE CCR |Move Condition Code Reg. | | |MOVE SR |Move Status Register | | |MOVE USP |Move User Stack Pointer | | |MOVEC |Move Control Register | | |MOVEM |Move Multiple | | |MOVEP |Move Peripheral | | |MOVEQ |Move Quick | | |MOVES |Move Alternate Address | | | |Space | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Dual Mode: 64 bit processing intructions eg. Muls.l d0,d1:d2 | The Destination Operand is in 64 bit format +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Addressing Modes and Assembler Syntax +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Instruction Cycles table +--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Optimizations +---------------------------------------------------------------------------