Hypertext file: compend.hyp with 3889 entries Charset UTF-8 OS Atari Module compend Database The ATARI Compendium Language en Node The Atari Compendium Alias the Atari Compendium Node Main Title Table of Contents Alias main Alias Table of Contents Node Extended Table of Contents Alias extended Table of Contents Node %About Title About Node Author & Publisher Alias author & Publisher Node Foreword Alias foreword Node Limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty Alias limits of Liability and Disclaimer of Warranty Node Trademark Affiliation Alias trademark Affiliation Node %News Title News Node HYPertext Authors Alias hYPertext Authors Node %Copy Title ?? Copyright ?? Node Used Tools and Programs Alias used Tools and Programs Node Jan Krupka Alias jan Krupka Node Stanislav Opichal Alias stanislav Opichal Node Introduction to Atari Programming Alias introduction to Atari Programming Alias Chapter 1 Node Atari Computer Hardware Alias atari Computer Hardware Node 260/520/1040 ST Alias ST Label 14 TOS Label 19 GEM Node Mega ST 2/4 Alias mega ST 2/4 Alias Mega ST Node STacy Alias sTacy Node 1040 STe Alias STe Node Mega STe Alias mega STe Node TT030 Alias tT030 Node ST Book Alias sT Book Node Falcon030 Alias falcon030 Node Atari 'Clone' Computers Alias atari 'Clone' Computers Alias Hades Alias Milan Node Atari Computer Software Alias atari Computer Software Label 11 MultiTOS Node Atari GEM Alias atari GEM Node Third-Party System Software Alias third-Party System Software Node Geneva Alias geneva Node MagiC Alias magiC Node Programming Languages Alias programming Languages Node Conventions Alias conventions Node GEMDOS Alias gEMDOS Alias Chapter 2 Node The TOS File System Alias the TOS File System Label 25 Drive Identifiers Label 44 GEMDOS Filenames Label 68 GEMDOS Directories Label 89 GEMDOS Path Specifications Label 115 Wildcards Label 115 filemask Label 139 Disk Transfer Address (DTA) Label 164 File Attributes Label 192 File Time/Date Stamp Label 198 File Maintenance Label 228 File/Record Locking Label 242 Special File Handles Label 247 GSH_PRN Label 247 GSH_BIOSMIDIIN Label 247 GSH_CONIN Label 247 GSH_BIOSMIDIOUT Label 247 GSH_CONOUT Label 247 GSH_BIOSAUX Label 247 GSH_BIOSCON Label 247 GSH_BIOSPRN Label 247 GSH_AUX Node Memory Management Alias memory Management Label 4 Standard RAM Label 4 ST RAM Label 9 Alternative RAM Label 9 TT RAM Node GEMDOS Processes Alias gEMDOS Processes Label 75 PF_PRIVATE Label 75 PF_FASTLOAD Label 75 PF_READABLE Label 75 PF_GLOBAL Label 75 PF_SUPERVISOR Label 75 PF_TTRAMMEM Label 75 PF_TTRAMLOAD Label 191 The Atari Extended Argument Specifications Node GEMDOS Vectors Alias gEMDOS Vectors Node MiNT Alias miNT Node Processes Alias processes Node Threads Alias threads Node File System Extensions Alias file System Extensions Label 21 access permissions Node Pseudo Drives Alias pseudo Drives Alias Pseudo Drive Alias U: Label 9 \DEV Label 9 \PIPE Label 9 \SHM Label 9 \PROC Node The U:\PROC Directory Alias the U:\PROC Directory Alias U:\PROC Label 15 PROC_WAITIO Label 15 PROC_STOPPED Label 15 PROC_EXITED Label 15 PROC_READY Label 15 PROC_RUN Label 15 PROC_WAITEVENT Label 15 PROC_TSR Node Loadable Devices Alias loadable Devices Alias .XDD Label 10 CENTR Label 12 MODEM1 Label 14 MODEM2 Label 16 SERIAL1 Label 18 SERIAL2 Label 20 MIDI Label 22 PRN Label 24 AUX Label 26 CON Label 28 TTY Label 30 STDIN Label 32 STDOUT Label 34 STDERR Label 36 CONSOLE Label 38 MOUSE Label 42 AES_BIOS Label 44 AES_MT Label 191 O_HEAD Label 191 O_APPEND Label 191 O_RDONLY Label 191 O_DENYRW Label 191 O_NDELAY Label 191 O_RDWR Label 191 O_DENYNONE Label 191 O_TTY Label 191 O_DENYR Label 191 O_COMPAT Label 191 O_EXEC Label 191 O_DENYW Label 191 O_LOCK Label 191 O_WRONLY Label 191 O_TRUNC Label 191 O_EXCL Label 191 O_CREAT Label 191 O_NOINHERIT Label 366 SPRINTF_MAX Node Loadable File Systems Alias loadable File Systems Alias .XFS Label 80 FS_NOXBIT Label 80 FS_CASESENSITIVE Label 80 FS_KNOPARSE Label 117 S_IXOTH Label 117 S_IWOTH Label 117 S_IROTH Label 117 S_IXGRP Label 117 S_IWGRP Label 117 S_IRGRP Label 117 S_IXUSR Label 117 S_IWUSR Label 117 S_IRUSR Label 117 S_ISVTX Label 117 S_ISGID Label 117 S_ISUID Label 117 S_IFSOCK Label 117 S_IFCHR Label 117 S_IFDIR Label 117 S_IFBLK Label 117 S_IFREG Label 117 S_IFIFO Label 117 S_IMEM Label 117 S_IFLNK Label 199 PATH_MAX Label 214 TOS_SEARCH Node MiNT Interprocess Communication Alias miNT Interprocess Communication Label 4 Pipelines Label 4 pipes Label 15 FA_TTY Label 15 FA_SOFTPIPE Label 15 FA_UNIDIR Label 42 Signals Label 58 Memory Sharing Label 82 Other Methods of Communication Node MiNT Debugging Alias miNT Debugging Label 11 Tracing Label 53 Modifying the Proces Context Label 92 MiNT Debugging Keys Label 130 MiNT Debugging Levels Node The MINT.CNF File Alias the MINT.CNF File Alias MINT.CNF Label 29 INIT Label 41 DEBUG_LEVEL Label 44 DEBUG_DEVNO Label 47 SLICES Label 51 MAXMEM Label 56 BIOSBUF Label 61 SECURELEVEL Label 70 FASTLOAD Label 80 NEWFATFS Label 86 VFAT Label 92 WB_ENABLE Label 97 CACHE Label 102 VFATLCASE Label 108 HIDE_B Node GEMDOS Character Functions Alias gEMDOS Character Functions Node GEMDOS Time & Date Functions Alias gEMDOS Time & Date Functions Node GEMDOS Function Calling Procedure Alias gEMDOS Function Calling Procedure Node Signal Table Alias signal Table Label 7 SIGNULL Label 13 SIGHUP Label 19 SIGINT Label 23 SIGQUIT Label 26 SIGILL Label 31 SIGTRAP Label 35 SIGABRT Label 41 SIGPRIV Label 46 SIGFPE Label 50 SIGKILL Label 53 SIGBUS Label 57 SIGSEGV Label 61 SIGSYS Label 67 SIGPIPE Label 71 SIGALRM Label 75 SIGTERM Label 80 SIGURG Label 82 SIGSTOP Label 87 SIGTSTP Label 93 SIGCONT Label 97 SIGCHLD Label 101 SIGTTIN Label 105 SIGTTOU Label 109 SIGIO Label 113 SIGXCPU Label 118 SIGXFSZ Label 123 SIGVTALRM Label 127 SIGPROF Label 131 SIGWINCH Label 137 SIGUSR1 Label 140 SIGUSR2 Node GEMDOS Function Reference Alias gEMDOS Function Reference Node File I/O (handles) Alias file I/O (handles) Node Drives and Directories Alias drives and Directories Node Device I/O (Console, Printer and RS232) Alias device I/O (Console, Printer and RS232) Node %GM Other Title Other Node TT030 Extensions Alias tT030 Extensions Node MiNT GEMDOS Extensions Alias miNT GEMDOS Extensions Node Process Control Alias process Control Node Signals' Handling Alias signals' Handling Node Interprocess Communication Alias interprocess Communication Node Security Alias security Node File System Alias file System Node %MG Other Title Other Node Cauxin() Alias cauxin() Node Cauxis() Alias cauxis() Label 17 DEV_BUSY Label 17 DEV_READY Node Cauxos() Alias cauxos() Node Cauxout() Alias cauxout() Node Cconin() Alias cconin() Node Cconis() Alias cconis() Node Cconos() Alias cconos() Node Cconout() Alias cconout() Node Cconrs() Alias cconrs() Node Cconws() Alias cconws() Node Cnecin() Alias cnecin() Node Cprnos() Alias cprnos() Node Cprnout() Alias cprnout() Node Crawcin() Alias crawcin() Node Crawio() Alias crawio() Node Dclosedir() Alias dclosedir() Node Dcntl() Alias dcntl() Label 24 FS_INSTALL Label 42 FS_MOUNT Label 52 FS_UNMOUNT Label 58 FS_UNINSTALL Label 69 DEV_INSTALL Label 97 DEV_NEWTTY Label 110 DEV_NEWBIOS Node Dcreate() Alias dcreate() Node Ddelete() Alias ddelete() Node Dfree() Alias dfree() Label 33 DEFAULT_DRIVE Node Dgetcwd() Alias dgetcwd() Node Dgetdrv() Alias dgetdrv() Node Dgetpath() Alias dgetpath() Node Dlock() Alias dlock() Label 14 DRV_LOCK Label 14 DRV_UNLOCK Node Dopendir() Alias dopendir() Label 15 MODE_COMPAT Label 15 MODE_NORMAL Node Dpathconf() Alias dpathconf() Label 21 DP_INQUIRE Label 24 DP_IOPEN Label 30 DP_MAXLINKS Label 35 DP_PATHMAX Label 40 DP_NAMEMAX Label 45 DP_ATOMIC Label 51 DP_TRUNC Label 51 DP_NOTRUNC Label 51 DP_AUTOTRUNC Label 51 DP_DOSTRUNC Label 67 DP_CASE Label 67 DP_SENSITIVE Label 67 DP_NOSENSITIVE Label 67 DP_SAVEONLY Node Dreaddir() Alias dreaddir() Node Dreadlabel() Alias dreadlabel() Node Drewinddir() Alias drewinddir() Node Dwritelabel() Alias dwritelabel() Node Dxreaddir() Alias dxreaddir() Node Dsetdrv() Alias dsetdrv() Node Dsetpath() Alias dsetpath() Node Fattrib() Alias fattrib() Label 34 FA_HIDDEN Label 34 FA_SET Label 34 FA_INQUIRE Label 34 FA_READONLY Label 34 FA_DIR Label 34 FA_ARCHIVE Label 34 FA_SYSTEM Label 34 FA_VOLUME Node Fchmod() Alias fchmod() Node Fchown() Alias fchown() Node Fclose() Alias fclose() Node Fcntl() Alias fcntl() Label 22 F_DUPFD Label 27 F_GETFD Label 33 F_SETFD Label 41 F_GETFL Label 45 F_SETFL Label 52 F_GETLK Label 81 F_SETLK Label 91 F_SETLKW Label 96 FSTAT Label 104 FIONREAD Label 109 FIONWRITE Label 114 SHMGETBLK Label 121 SHMSETBLK Label 126 PPROCADDR Label 131 PBASEADDR Label 134 PCTXTSIZE Label 145 PSETFLAGS Label 149 PGETFLAGS Label 153 PTRACEGFLAGS Label 160 PTRACESFLAGS Label 164 PTRACEGO Label 170 PTRACEFLOW Label 178 PTRACESTEP Label 182 PLOADINFO Label 199 TIOCGETP Label 218 TIOCSETP Label 225 TIOCGETC Label 246 TIOCSETC Label 251 TIOCGLTC Label 272 TIOCSLTC Label 276 TIOCGPGRP Label 279 TIOCSPGRP Label 282 TIOCSTOP Label 285 TIOCSTART Label 290 TIOCGWINSZ Label 306 TIOCSWINSZ Label 313 TIOCGXKEY Label 342 TIOCSXKEY Label 354 TIOCIBAUD Label 366 TIOCOBAUD Label 378 TIOCCBRK Label 381 TIOCSBRK Label 384 TIOCGFLAGS Label 390 TIOCSFLAGS Label 390 TF_1STOP Label 390 TF_15STOP Label 390 TF_2STOP Label 390 TF_8STOP Label 390 TF_7STOP Label 390 TF_6STOP Label 390 TF_5STOP Label 404 TCURSOFF Label 407 TCURSON Label 410 TCURSBLINK Label 413 TCURSSTEADY Label 416 TCURSSRATE Label 419 TCURSGRATE Node Fcreate() Alias fcreate() Node Fdatime() Alias fdatime() Label 14 FD_SET Label 14 FD_INQUIRE Node Fdelete() Alias fdelete() Node Fdup() Alias fdup() Node Fforce() Alias fforce() Node Fgetchar() Alias fgetchar() Label 17 TTY_COOKED Label 17 TTY_ECHO Node Fgetdta() Alias fgetdta() Node Finstat() Alias finstat() Node Flink() Alias flink() Node Flock() Alias flock() Label 15 FILE_IN_USE Label 15 FLK_LOCK Label 15 FLK_UNLOCK Node Fmidipipe() Alias fmidipipe() Node Fopen() Alias fopen() Label 22 S_DENYNONE Label 22 S_INHERIT Label 22 S_COMPAT Label 22 S_DENYREADWRITE Label 22 S_READWRITE Label 22 S_DENYWRITE Label 22 S_WRITE Label 22 S_DENYREAD Label 22 S_READ Node Foutstat() Alias foutstat() Node Fpipe() Alias fpipe() Node Fputchar() Alias fputchar() Node Fread() Alias fread() Node Freadlink() Alias freadlink() Node Frename() Alias frename() Node Fseek() Alias fseek() Label 19 SEEK_CUR Label 19 SEEK_SET Label 19 SEEK_END Node Fselect() Alias fselect() Node Fsetdta() Alias fsetdta() Node Fsfirst() Alias fsfirst() Node Fsnext() Alias fsnext() Node Fsymlink() Alias fsymlink() Node Fwrite() Alias fwrite() Node Fxattr() Alias fxattr() Node Sync() Alias sync() Node Maddalt() Alias maddalt() Node Malloc() Alias malloc() Node Mfree() Alias mfree() Node Mshrink() Alias mshrink() Node Mxalloc() Alias mxalloc() Label 27 MX_PREFSTRAM Label 27 MX_PREFTTRAM Label 27 MX_STRAM Label 27 MX_TTRAM Label 48 MX_READABLE Label 48 MX_GLOBAL Label 48 MX_SUPERVISOR Label 48 MX_HEADER Label 48 MX_PRIVATE Node Pause() Alias pause() Node Pdomain() Alias pdomain() Label 15 DOMAIN_TOS Label 15 DOMAIN_MINT Node Pexec() Alias pexec() Label 33 PE_LOADGO Label 37 PE_LOAD Label 45 PE_GO Label 52 PE_BASEPAGE Label 67 PE_GOTHENFREE Label 75 PE_CLOADGO Label 84 PE_CGO Label 100 PE_NOSHARE Label 106 PE_REPLACE Node Pfork() Alias pfork() Node Pgetauid() Alias pgetauid() Node Pgetegid() Alias pgetegid() Node Pgeteuid() Alias pgeteuid() Node Pgetgid() Alias pgetgid() Node Pgetgroups() Alias pgetgroups() Node Pgetpgrp() Alias pgetpgrp() Node Pgetpid() Alias pgetpid() Node Pgetppid() Alias pgetppid() Node Pgetpriority() Alias pgetpriority() Label 19 PRIO_PROCESS Label 23 PRIO_PGRP Label 31 PRIO_USER Node Pgetuid() Alias pgetuid() Node Pkill() Alias pkill() Node Pmsg() Alias pmsg() Label 18 MSG_WRITE Label 18 MSG_READ Label 18 MSG_NOWAIT Label 18 MSG_READWRITE Node Pnice() Alias pnice() Node Prenice() Alias prenice() Node Prusage() Alias prusage() Label 17 PRU_PROCESSTIME Label 17 PRU_CHILDKERNALTIME Label 17 PRU_KERNELTIME Label 17 PRU_CHILDPROCESSTIME Label 17 PRU_MEMORY Node Psemaphore() Alias psemaphore() Label 20 SEM_UNLOCK Label 20 SEM_CREATE Label 20 SEM_LOCK Label 20 SEM_DESTROY Node Psetauid() Alias psetauid() Node Psetegid() Alias psetegid() Node Pseteuid() Alias pseteuid() Node Psetgid() Alias psetgid() Node Psetgroups() Alias psetgroups() Node Psetlimit() Alias psetlimit() Label 18 LIM_MAXMEM Label 18 LIM_MAXTIME Label 18 LIM_MAXMALLOC Node Psetpgrp() Alias psetpgrp() Node Psetpriority() Alias psetpriority() Label 36 PRIO_MIN Label 36 PRIO_MAX Node Psetregid() Alias psetregid() Node Psetreuid() Alias psetreuid() Node Psetuid() Alias psetuid() Node Psigaction() Alias psigaction() Label 29 SIG_IGN Label 29 SIG_DFL Label 29 SA_NOCLDSTOP Node Psigblock() Alias psigblock() Node Psigintr() Alias psigintr() Node Psignal() Alias psignal() Node Psigpause() Alias psigpause() Node Psigpending() Alias psigpending() Node Psigreturn() Alias psigreturn() Node Psigsetmask() Alias psigsetmask() Node Pterm() Alias pterm() Label 17 TERM_ERROR Label 17 TERM_OK Label 17 TERM_BADPARAMS Label 17 TERM_CRASH Label 17 TERM_CTRLC Node Pterm0() Alias pterm0() Node Ptermres() Alias ptermres() Node Pumask() Alias pumask() Node Pusrval() Alias pusrval() Node Pvfork() Alias pvfork() Node Pwait() Alias pwait() Node Pwait3() Alias pwait3() Label 19 PW_STOPPED Label 19 PW_NOBLOCK Node Pwaitpid() Alias pwaitpid() Label 16 PWP_GROUP Label 16 PWP_ALL Node Salert() Alias salert() Node Shutdown() Alias shutdown() Node Ssystem() Alias ssystem() Label 22 S_OSNAME Label 28 S_OSXNAME Label 39 S_OSVERSION Label 56 S_OSHEADER Label 65 S_OSBUILDDATE Label 75 S_OSBUILDTIME Label 88 S_OSCOMPILE Label 119 S_OSFEATURES Label 132 S_GETCOOKIE Label 157 S_SETCOOKIE Label 171 S_GETLVAL Label 184 S_GETWVAL Label 194 S_GETBVAL Label 204 S_SETLVAL Label 213 S_SETWVAL Label 222 S_SETBVAL Label 230 S_SECLEVEL Label 253 S_RUNLEVEL Label 263 S_TSLICE Label 271 S_FORCEFASTLOAD Label 286 S_SYNCTIME Label 299 S_CLOCKMODE Label 313 S_TIOCMGET Node Super() Alias super() Label 16 SUP_SET Label 16 SUP_INQUIRE Label 16 SUP_SUPER Label 16 SUP_USER Node Suptime() Alias suptime() Node Sversion() Alias sversion() Node Syield() Alias syield() Node Sysconf() Alias sysconf() Label 17 SYS_MAXCOMMAND Label 17 SYS_MAXGROUPS Label 17 SYS_MAXFILES Label 17 SYS_MAXPROCS Label 17 SYS_MAXREGIONS Label 17 SYS_MAXINQ Node Talarm() Alias talarm() Node Tgetdate() Alias tgetdate() Node Tgettime() Alias tgettime() Node Tgettimeofday() Alias tgettimeofday() Node Tmalarm() Alias tmalarm() Node Tsetdate() Alias tsetdate() Node Tsetitimer() Alias tsetitimer() Label 18 ITIMER_REAL Label 18 ITIMER_VIRTUAL Label 18 ITIMER_PROF Node Tsettime() Alias tsettime() Node Tsettimeofday() Alias tsettimeofday() Node BIOS Alias bIOS Alias Chapter 3 Node System Startup Alias system Startup Node %SSfn Node OS Header Alias oS Header Alias OS-Header Label 12 os_entry Label 14 os_version Label 18 reseth Label 20 os_beg Label 22 os_end Label 25 os_rsv1 Label 27 os_magic Label 30 os_date Label 32 os_conf Label 35 os_dosdate Label 37 p_root Label 42 p_kbshift Label 48 p_run Label 54 p_rsv2 Label 99 OS Configuration Bits Label 99 country code Label 147 GEM Memory Usage Parameter Block Label 170 Keyboard Shift State Variable Label 193 Currently Running Process Node The Cookie Jar Alias the Cookie Jar Alias Cookie Jar Alias Cookie Alias cookie jar Alias cookie Label 14 Cookie Structure Label 41 Searching for a Cookie Label 80 Placing a Cookie Label 142 System Cookies Label 150 _CPU Label 160 _VDO Label 172 _FPU Label 191 _FDC Label 202 _SND Label 214 _MCH Label 231 hade Label 233 _SWI Label 238 _FRB Label 242 _FLK Label 246 _NET Label 256 _IDT Label 278 _AKP Label 286 QUAL_DRAFT Label 286 QUAL_DEFAULT Label 286 QUAL_FINAL Label 286 FSMC Label 310 SAM\0 Label 310 SAM_COOKIE Node BIOS Devices Alias bIOS Devices Label 11 DEV_MIDI Label 11 DEV_PRINTER Label 11 DEV_RAW Label 11 DEV_AUX Label 11 DEV_IKBD Label 11 DEV_CON Label 39 The Console Device Label 50 VT-52 Emulator Label 50 VT-52 Node VT-52 Escape Codes Alias vT-52 Escape Codes Node Media Change Alias media Change Node BIOS Vectors Alias bIOS Vectors Label 4 Reset Vector Label 42 System Bell Vector Label 53 System Keyclick Vector Label 62 Deferred Vertical Blank Handlers Node The XBRA Protocol Alias the XBRA Protocol Node BIOS Function Calling Procedure Alias bIOS Function Calling Procedure Label 46 Calling the BIOS from an Interrupt Node BIOS Function Reference Alias bIOS Function Reference Node Bconin() Alias bconin() Node Bconout() Alias bconout() Node Bconstat() Alias bconstat() Node Bcostat() Alias bcostat() Node Drvmap() Alias drvmap() Node Getbpb() Alias getbpb() Node Getmpb() Alias getmpb() Node Kbshift() Alias kbshift() Label 17 K_CAPSLOCK Label 17 K_RSHIFT Label 17 K_ALT Label 17 K_CLRHOME Label 17 K_LSHIFT Label 17 K_INSERT Label 17 K_CTRL Node Mediach() Alias mediach() Label 25 MED_NOCHANGE Label 25 MED_UNKNOWN Label 25 MED_CHANGED Node Rwabs() Alias rwabs() Label 23 RW_NOMEDIACH Label 23 RW_NOTRANSLATE Label 23 RW_NORETRIES Label 23 RW_WRITE Label 23 RW_READ Node Setexc() Alias setexc() Label 18 VEC_CRITICALERR Label 18 VEC_PROCTERM Label 18 VEC_ILLEGALINSTRUCTION Label 18 VEC_BUSERROR Label 18 VEC_INQUIRE Label 18 VEC_CRITICALERROR Label 18 VEC_XBIOS Label 18 VEC_BIOS Label 18 VEC_GEMDOS Label 18 VEC_ADDRESSERROR Label 18 VEC_TERMINATE Label 18 VEC_TIMER Label 18 VEC_GEM Node Tickcal() Alias tickcal() Node XBIOS Alias xBIOS Alias Chapter 4 Node Video Control Alias video Control Label 13 The Physical/Logical Screen Label 42 Setting/Determining Screen Resolution Label 81 Manipulating the Palette Label 172 GENLOCK Label 172 Advanced Video Node The Falcon030 Sound System Alias the Falcon030 Sound System Alias The Connection Matrix Alias matrix Label 51 Recording/Playing Digital Audio Label 78 Configuring Levels Node %FSSfn Node The DSP Alias the DSP Alias DSP Label 24 DSP Memory Label 33 DSP Word Size Label 39 DSP Subroutines Label 86 DSP Programs Label 108 Sending Data to the DSP Label 131 DSP State Label 140 DSP Debugging Node User/Supervisor Mode Alias user/Supervisor Mode Node MetaDOS Alias metaDOS Node Keyboard and Mouse Control Alias keyboard and Mouse Control Label 18 Loadable XBIOS Keyboard Tables Label 18 KEYTBL.TBL Label 85 IKBD Intelligent Keyboard Controller Node Disk Functions Alias disk Functions Label 5 Boot Sectors Label 5 Bootsector Label 68 The Floppy Drive Label 68 Floppy Drive Label 83 ASCI and SCSI DMA Label 83 SCSI Label 83 ACSI Label 129 BGM Label 129 XGM Label 129 partition information block Label 154 Extended Partitions Label 167 The Bad Sector List Node The Serial Port Alias the Serial Port Label 4 MFP Label 9 SCC Label 31 Serial Port Mapping Label 39 DEV_TTLAN Label 39 DEV_MEGALAN Label 39 DEV_FALCONMODEM1 Label 39 DEV_FALCONMODEM2 Label 39 DEV_TTSERIAL1 Label 39 DEV_TTSERIAL2 Label 39 DEV_TTMODEM1 Label 39 DEV_TTMODEM2 Label 39 DEV_MEGAMODEM Label 39 DEV_FALCONLAN Label 58 Configuring the Serial Port Label 66 MFP Interrupts Label 80 SCC Interrupts Node Printer Control Alias printer Control Node Other XBIOS Functions Alias other XBIOS Functions Label 4 NVM Label 4 non-volatile RAM Node XBIOS Function Calling Procedure Alias xBIOS Function Calling Procedure Node XBIOS Function Reference Alias xBIOS Function Reference Node Screen XBIOS Functions Alias screen XBIOS Functions Node TT030 XBIOS Extensions Alias tT030 XBIOS Extensions Node Falcon XBIOS Extensions Alias falcon XBIOS Extensions Node PSG XBIOS Functions Alias pSG XBIOS Functions Node DMA Record/Playback XBIOS Functions Alias dMA Record/Playback XBIOS Functions Node Connection Matrix Alias connection Matrix Node DSP XBIOS Functions Alias dSP XBIOS Functions Node Keyboard XBIOS Functions Alias keyboard XBIOS Functions Node Screen Dump Alias screen Dump Node Floppy XBIOS Functions Alias floppy XBIOS Functions Node Devices XBIOS Functions Alias devices XBIOS Functions Node ST MFP Functions Alias sT MFP Functions Node %XB MISCELANOUS Title Miscelaneous Node Bconmap() Alias bconmap() Label 25 BMAP_MAPTAB Label 25 BMAP_INQUIRE Label 25 BMAP_CHECK Label 25 BMAP_EXISTS Node Bioskeys() Alias bioskeys() Node Blitmode() Alias blitmode() Label 14 BLIT_INQUIRE Label 20 BLIT_HARD Label 20 BLIT_SOFT Node Buffoper() Alias buffoper() Label 18 PLAY_ENABLE Label 18 RECORD_ENABLE Label 18 PLAY_REPEAT Label 18 RECORD_REPEAT Node Buffptr() Alias buffptr() Node Cursconf() Alias cursconf() Label 15 CURS_GETRATE Label 15 CURS_NOBLINK Label 15 CURS_SETRATE Label 15 CURS_BLINK Label 15 CURS_SHOW Label 15 CURS_HIDE Node Dbmsg() Alias dbmsg() Label 16 DB_COMMAND Label 16 DB_NULLSTRING Node Devconnect() Alias devconnect() Label 17 DMAPLAY Label 17 DSPXMIT Label 17 EXTINP Label 17 ADC Label 30 DMAREC Label 30 DSPRECV Label 30 EXTOUT Label 30 DAC Label 44 CLK_EXT Label 44 CLK_25M Label 44 CLK_32M Label 60 CLK_COMPAT Label 60 CLK_50K Label 60 CLK_33K Label 60 CLK_25K Label 60 CLK_20K Label 60 CLK_16K Label 60 CLK_12K Label 60 CLK_10K Label 60 CLK_8K Label 81 NO_SHAKE Label 81 HANDSHAKE Node DMAread() Alias dMAread() Node DMAwrite() Alias dMAwrite() Node Dosound() Alias dosound() Label 42 DS_INQUIRE Node Dsp_Available() Alias dsp_Available() Node Dsp_BlkBytes() Alias dsp_BlkBytes() Node Dsp_BlkHandShake() Alias dsp_BlkHandShake() Node Dsp_BlkUnpacked() Alias dsp_BlkUnpacked() Node Dsp_BlkWords() Alias dsp_BlkWords() Node Dsp_DoBlock() Alias dsp_DoBlock() Node Dsp_ExecBoot() Alias dsp_ExecBoot() Node Dsp_ExecProg() Alias dsp_ExecProg() Node Dsp_FlushSubroutines() Alias dsp_FlushSubroutines() Node Dsp_GetProgAbility() Alias dsp_GetProgAbility() Node Dsp_GetWordSize() Alias dsp_GetWordSize() Node Dsp_Hf0() Alias dsp_Hf0() Label 15 HF_SET Label 15 HF_INQUIRE Label 15 HF_CLEAR Node Dsp_Hf1() Alias dsp_Hf1() Node Dsp_Hf2() Alias dsp_Hf2() Node Dsp_Hf3() Alias dsp_Hf3() Node Dsp_HStat() Alias dsp_HStat() Label 19 ICR_TRDY Label 19 ICR_RXDF Label 19 ICR_TXDE Label 19 ICR_HF2 Label 19 ICR_HF3 Label 19 ICR_HREQ Label 19 ICR_DMA Node Dsp_InqSubrAbility() Alias dsp_InqSubrAbility() Node Dsp_InStream() Alias dsp_InStream() Node Dsp_IOStream() Alias dsp_IOStream() Node Dsp_LoadProg() Alias dsp_LoadProg() Node Dsp_LoadSubroutine() Alias dsp_LoadSubroutine() Node Dsp_Lock() Alias dsp_Lock() Node Dsp_LodToBinary() Alias dsp_LodToBinary() Node Dsp_MultBlocks() Alias dsp_MultBlocks() Node Dsp_OutStream() Alias dsp_OutStream() Node Dsp_RemoveInterrupts() Alias dsp_RemoveInterrupts() Label 17 RTR_OFF Label 17 RTS_OFF Node Dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() Alias dsp_RequestUniqueAbility() Node Dsp_Reserve() Alias dsp_Reserve() Node Dsp_RunSubroutine() Alias dsp_RunSubroutine() Node Dsp_SetVectors() Alias dsp_SetVectors() Label 26 DSPSEND_ZERO Label 26 DSPSEND_NOTHING Node Dsp_TriggerHC() Alias dsp_TriggerHC() Node Dsp_Unlock() Alias dsp_Unlock() Node Dsptristate() Alias dsptristate() Label 14 DSP_TRISTATE Label 14 DSP_ENABLE Node EgetPalette() Alias egetPalette() Node EgetShift() Alias egetShift() Label 20 ES_BANK Label 20 ES_GRAY Label 20 ES_MODE Label 20 ES_SMEAR Label 32 ST_LOW Label 32 ST_MED Label 32 ST_HIGH Label 32 TT_HIGH Label 32 TT_LOW Label 32 TT_MED Node EsetBank() Alias esetBank() Label 15 ESB_INQUIRE Node EsetColor() Alias esetColor() Label 22 EC_INQUIRE Node EsetGray() Alias esetGray() Label 17 ESG_GRAY Label 17 ESG_INQUIRE Label 17 ESG_COLOR Node EsetPalette() Alias esetPalette() Node EsetShift() Alias esetShift() Node EsetSmear() Alias esetSmear() Label 17 ESM_INQUIRE Label 17 ESM_SMEAR Label 17 ESM_NORMAL Node Flopfmt() Alias flopfmt() Label 17 FLOP_MAGIC Label 17 FLOP_NOSKEW Label 17 FLOP_SKEW Label 17 FLOP_DRIVEA Label 17 FLOP_DRIVEB Label 17 FLOP_VIRGIN Label 73 FLOPPY_DSDD Label 73 FLOPPY_DSED Label 73 FLOPPY_DSHD Node Floprate() Alias floprate() Label 17 FRATE_INQUIRE Label 17 FRATE_6 Label 17 FRATE_12 Label 17 FRATE_2 Label 17 FRATE_3 Node Floprd() Alias floprd() Node Flopver() Alias flopver() Node Flopwr() Alias flopwr() Node Getrez() Alias getrez() Node Gettime() Alias gettime() Node Giaccess() Alias giaccess() Node Gpio() Alias gpio() Label 17 GPIO_READ Label 17 GPIO_INQUIRE Label 17 GPIO_WRITE Node Ikbdws() Alias ikbdws() Node Initmous() Alias initmous() Label 24 IM_DISABLE Label 26 IM_PACKETS Label 26 IM_YTOP Label 26 IM_KEYS Label 26 IM_YBOT Label 26 IM_RELATIVE Label 54 IM_ABSOLUTE Label 80 IM_KEYCODE Node Iorec() Alias iorec() Label 17 IO_KEYBOARD Label 17 IO_SERIAL Label 17 IO_MIDI Node Jdisint() Alias jdisint() Node Jenabint() Alias jenabint() Node Kbdvbase() Alias kbdvbase() Node Kbrate() Alias kbrate() Label 13 KB_INQUIRE Node Keytbl() Alias keytbl() Label 14 KT_NOCHANGE Node Locksnd() Alias locksnd() Node Logbase() Alias logbase() Node Metainit() Alias metainit() Node Mfpint() Alias mfpint() Label 17 MFP_BITBLT Label 17 MFP_TIMERA Label 17 MFP_TIMERB Label 17 MFP_TIMERD Label 17 MFP_BAUDRATE Label 17 MFP_CTS Label 17 MFP_DISK Label 17 MFP_DCD Label 17 MFP_PARALLEL Label 17 MFP_ACIA Label 17 MFP_RING Label 17 MFP_HBLANK Label 17 MFP_MONODETECT Label 17 MFP_RBF Label 17 MFP_DMASOUND Label 17 MFP_RERR Label 17 MFP_TBE Label 17 MFP_TERR Label 17 MFP_200HZ Node Midiws() Alias midiws() Node NVMaccess() Alias nVMaccess() Label 19 NVM_READ Label 19 NVM_RESET Label 19 NVM_WRITE Node Offgibit() Alias offgibit() Label 17 GI_RTS Label 17 GI_FLOPPYA Label 17 GI_FLOPPYB Label 17 GI_SCCPORT Label 17 GI_FLOPPYSIDE Label 17 GI_GPO Label 17 GI_DTR Label 17 GI_STROBE Node Ongibit() Alias ongibit() Node Physbase() Alias physbase() Node Protobt() Alias protobt() Label 21 SERIAL_RANDOM Label 21 SERIAL_NOCHANGE Label 33 DISK_NOCHANGE Label 33 DISK_SSDD Label 33 DISK_DSSD Label 33 DISK_SSSD Label 33 DISK_DSDD Label 33 DISK_DSED Label 33 DISK_DSHD Label 54 EXEC_NO Label 54 EXEC_NOCHANGE Label 54 EXEC_YES Node Prtblk() Alias prtblk() Node Puntaes() Alias puntaes() Node Random() Alias random() Node Rsconf() Alias rsconf() Label 16 BAUD_19200 Label 16 BAUD_9600 Label 16 BAUD_4800 Label 16 BAUD_3600 Label 16 BAUD_2400 Label 16 BAUD_2000 Label 16 BAUD_1800 Label 16 BAUD_1200 Label 16 BAUD_600 Label 16 BAUD_300 Label 16 BAUD_200 Label 16 BAUD_150 Label 16 BAUD_134 Label 16 BAUD_110 Label 16 BAUD_75 Label 16 BAUD_50 Label 34 FLOW_BOTH Label 34 FLOW_NONE Label 34 FLOW_SOFT Label 34 FLOW_HARD Label 34 BAUD_INQUIRE Label 48 RS_INQUIRE Label 48 RS_PARITYENABLE Label 48 RS_PARITYERR Label 48 RS_NOSTOP Label 48 RS_EVENPARITY Label 48 RS_SYNCSTRIP Label 48 RS_LASTBAUD Label 48 RS_BUFFULL Label 48 RS_MATCHBUSY Label 48 RS_ODDPARITY Label 48 RS_FRAMEERR Label 48 RS_RECVENABLE Label 48 RS_BRKDETECT Label 48 RS_CLK16 Label 48 RS_OVERRUNERR Node Scrdmp() Alias scrdmp() Node Setbuffer() Alias setbuffer() Node Setcolor() Alias setcolor() Label 21 COL_INQUIRE Node Setinterrupt() Alias setinterrupt() Label 14 INT_TIMERA Label 14 INT_I7 Label 19 INT_PLAY Label 19 INT_RECORD Label 19 INT_BOTH Label 19 INT_DISABLE Node Setmode() Alias setmode() Label 16 MODE_STEREO Label 16 MODE_MONO Label 16 MODE_STEREO16 Node Setmontracks() Alias setmontracks() Node Setpalette() Alias setpalette() Node Setprt() Alias setprt() Label 15 PRT_PARALLEL Label 15 PRT_DRAFT Label 15 PRT_ATARI Label 15 PRT_CONTINUOUS Label 15 PRT_MONO Label 15 PRT_DAISY Label 15 PRT_DOTMATRIX Label 15 PRT_COLOR Label 15 PRT_SERIAL Label 15 PRT_SINGLE Label 15 PRT_EPSON Label 15 PRT_FINAL Label 37 PRT_INQUIRE Node Setscreen() Alias setscreen() Label 15 SCR_NOCHANGE Node Settime() Alias settime() Node Settracks() Alias settracks() Node Sndstatus() Alias sndstatus() Label 14 SND_RESET Label 25 SND_BADSYNC Label 25 SND_BADCONTROL Label 25 SND_ERROR Label 25 SND_BADCLOCK Label 25 SND_OK Label 39 SND_LEFTCLIP Label 43 SND_RIGHTCLIP Node Soundcmd() Alias soundcmd() Label 18 LTATTEN Label 30 RATTEN Label 41 LTGAIN Label 51 RTGAIN Label 62 ADDERIN Label 62 ADDR_ADC Label 62 ADDR_MATRIX Label 71 ADCINPUT Label 71 RIGHT_MIC Label 71 LEFT_MIC Label 71 LEFT_PSG Label 71 RIGHT_PSG Label 84 SETPRESCALE Label 90 CCLK_6K Label 90 CCLK_12K Label 90 CCLK_25K Label 90 CCLK_50K Label 96 SND_INQUIRE Node Ssbrk() Alias ssbrk() Node Supexec() Alias supexec() Node Unlocksnd() Alias unlocksnd() Node VgetMonitor() Alias vgetMonitor() Alias mon_type() Label 23 MON_MONO Label 23 MON_VGA Label 23 MON_COLOR Label 23 MON_TV Node VgetRGB() Alias vgetRGB() Node VgetSize() Alias vgetSize() Node VsetMask() Alias vsetMask() Label 26 OVERLAY_OFF Label 26 OVERLAY_ON Node VsetMode() Alias vsetMode() Label 17 VM_INQUIRE Label 17 BPS1 Label 17 BPS2 Label 17 BPS4 Label 17 BPS8 Label 17 BPS16 Label 17 COL80 Label 17 COL40 Label 17 VGA Label 17 TV Label 17 PAL Label 17 NTSC Label 17 OVERSCAN Label 17 STMODES Label 17 VERTFLAG Node VsetRGB() Alias vsetRGB() Node VsetScreen() Alias vsetScreen() Label 18 SCR_MODECODE Node VsetSync() Alias vsetSync() Label 16 VCLK_EXTHSYNC Label 16 VCLK_EXTERNAL Label 16 VCLK_EXTVSYNC Node Vsync() Alias vsync() Node WakeTime() Alias wakeTime() Node WavePlay() Alias wavePlay() Label 20 WP_MACRO Label 20 WP_STEREO Label 20 WP_MONO Label 20 WP_8BIT Label 20 WP_16BIT Label 40 .SAA Label 54 AG_FIND Label 58 AG_REPLACE Label 62 AG_CUT Label 65 AG_COPY Label 68 AG_PASTE Label 71 AG_DELETE Label 76 AG_HELP Label 81 AG_PRINT Label 85 AG_SAVE Label 90 AG_ERROR Label 96 AG_QUIT Label 110 WP_OK Label 110 WP_NOSOUND Label 110 WP_ERROR Node Xbtimer() Alias xbtimer() Label 16 XB_TIMERA Label 16 XB_TIMERB Label 16 XB_TIMERC Label 16 XB_TIMERD Node Hardware Alias hardware Alias Chapter 5 Node The 680x0 Processor Alias the 680x0 Processor Alias 68000 Alias 68030 Alias CPU Alias Processor Label 10 VBLANK Label 10 HBLANK Label 10 NMI Label 10 interrupt priority level Label 27 non-maskable interrupt Label 32 The Data/Instruction Caches Label 32 CACR Label 32 cache Node %CPU1fn Node %CPU2fn Node The 68881/882 Floating Point Coprocessor Alias the 68881/882 Floating Point Coprocessor Alias FPU Alias 6888x Alias 68881 Alias 68882 Label 12 Coprocessor Mode Label 41 Peripheral Mode Label 49 FPCIR Label 49 FPCTL Label 49 FPSAV Label 49 FPREST Label 49 FPOPR Label 49 FPCMD Label 49 FPRES Label 49 FPCCR Label 49 FPOP Node Cartridges Alias cartridges Alias cartridge Label 20 Diagnostic Cartridges Label 35 Application Cartridges Label 41 CA_RUN Label 41 CA_DATE Label 41 CA_TIME Label 41 CA_NEXT Label 41 CA_NAME Label 41 CA_SIZE Label 41 CA_INIT Node Game Controllers Alias game Controllers Label 17 Read Controller 0 at 0x00FF9200 Label 29 Read Controller 1 at 0x00FF9200 Label 41 Read Controller 0 at 0x00FF9202 Label 53 Read Controller 1 at 0x00FF9202 Label 71 Paddles Label 71 paddles Label 71 paddle Label 91 Light Gun/Pen Label 91 light pen Label 91 light pens Node The IKBD Controller Alias the IKBD Controller Alias IKBD Label 110 Keyboard Label 125 The Mouse Label 163 CX-40 Label 209 Time-of-Day Label 220 IKBD Commands Node IKBD command codes Alias iKBD command codes Node STe/TT DMA Sound Alias sTe/TT DMA Sound Alias sound system Label 19 DMA Sound Register Label 53 Playing a Sound Label 90 Sound Interrupts using MFP Timer Label 123 Sound Interrupts using GPIP 7 Node The MICROWIRE Interface Alias the MICROWIRE Interface Alias MICROWIRE Label 54 MWMASK Label 54 MWDATA Label 54 MASKVAL Label 54 HIGHLVOL Label 54 HIGHRVOL Node Video Hardware Alias video Hardware Label 31 Falcon030 Video Modes Label 77 Video Memory Label 113 Fine Scrolling Label 126 VBASEHI Label 129 VBASEMID Label 132 VBASELO Label 135 LINEWID Label 137 HSCROLL Label 141 VCOUNTHI Label 144 VCOUNTMID Label 147 VCOUNTLO Label 171 Samples Values Node %VHfn Node AES Alias aES Alias Chapter 6 Node Process Handling Alias process Handling Node %PHfn Node Applications Alias applications Alias Application Label 39 The Command Line Node %APPfn Node AES_app_code Alias aES_app_code Node Desk Accessories Alias desk Accessories Alias accessories Alias accessory Node desk_acc_code Node The Environment String Alias the Environment String Node %ENVfn Node The Event Dispatcher Alias the Event Dispatcher Label 33 Message Events Label 61 User-Defined Message Events Label 74 Mouse Button Events Label 80 Keyboard Events Label 89 Timer Events Label 96 Mouse Rectangle Events Node message loop Node Resources Alias resources Node Objects Alias objects Label 27 ROOT object Node ob_next Alias ob_head Alias ob_tail Node ob_type Alias Object Types Label 7 G_BOX Label 7 G_TEXT Label 7 G_BOXTEXT Label 7 G_IMAGE Label 7 G_PROGDEF Label 7 G_USERDEF Label 7 G_IBOX Label 7 G_BUTTON Label 7 G_BOXCHAR Label 7 G_STRING Label 7 G_FTEXT Label 7 G_FBOXTEXT Label 7 G_ICON Label 7 G_TITLE Label 7 G_CICON Node ob_flags Alias Object Flags Label 8 SELECTABLE Label 8 DEFAULT Label 8 EXIT Label 8 EDITABLE Label 8 RBUTTON Label 8 LASTOB Label 8 TOUCHEXIT Label 8 HIDETREE Label 8 INDIRECT Label 8 FL3DIND Label 8 FL3DACT Label 8 FL3DBAK Label 8 SUBMENU Node ob_state Alias Object States Label 7 SELECTED Label 7 CROSSED Label 7 CHECKED Label 7 DISABLED Label 7 OUTLINED Label 7 SHADOWED Node ob_spec Alias Object-Specific Structures Alias The Object-Specific Field Node obspec Node %bfobspecNote Node Object Colors Alias object Colors Alias WHITE Alias BLACK Alias RED Alias GREEN Alias BLUE Alias CYAN Alias YELLOW Alias MAGENTA Alias LWHITE Alias LBLACK Alias LRED Alias LGREEN Alias LBLUE Alias LCYAN Alias LYELLOW Alias LMAGENTA Node Standard Object Color WORD Alias standard Object Color WORD Node %StdAOCW Node tedinfo Label 71 GDOS_BITM Label 71 GDOS_MONO Label 71 IBM Label 71 SMALL Label 96 TE_LEFT Label 96 TE_RIGHT Label 96 TE_CNTR Node bitblk Node iconblk Node ciconblk Node userblk Node Dialogs Alias dialogs Node Menus Alias menus Label 10 The Menu Bar Label 64 Utilizing a Menu Bar Label 77 Hierarchical Menus Label 108 Popup Menus Label 117 Menu Settings Label 125 Drop-Down List Boxes Label 146 The Menu Buffer Node Windows Alias windows Alias Window Label 11 NAME Label 15 CLOSER Label 19 FULLER Label 23 MOVER Label 27 INFO Label 31 SIZER Label 35 UPARROW Label 39 DNARROW Label 43 VSLIDE Label 48 LFARROW Label 52 RTARROW Label 56 HSLIDE Label 61 SMALLER Label 97 The Desktop Windows Label 116 The Rectangle List Label 166 Window Toolbars Node The Graphics Library Alias the Graphics Library Node The File Selector Library Alias the File Selector Library Node The Scrap Library Alias the Scrap Library Label 12 Implementing 'Cut' and 'Copy' Label 43 Implementing 'Paste' Label 59 MultiTOS Notes Node The Shell Library Alias the Shell Library Label 9 The Shell Buffer Label 22 Miscellaneous Shell Library Functions Node The GEM.CNF File Alias the GEM.CNF File Alias GEM.CNF Label 23 AE_FONTID Label 23 AE_PNTSIZE Label 23 AE_SREDRAW Label 23 AE_TREDRAW Label 23 AE_LANG Node AES Function Calling Procedure Alias aES Function Calling Procedure Node AES Function Reference Alias aES Function Reference Node Application Services Library Alias application Services Library Node appl_exit() Node appl_find() Node appl_getinfo() Label 20 AES_LARGEFONT Label 20 SYSTEM_FONT Label 33 AES_SMALLFONT Label 37 AES_SYSTEM Label 50 AES_LANGUAGE Label 50 AESLANG_SWEDISH Label 50 AESLANG_ENGLISH Label 50 AESLANG_FRENCH Label 50 AESLANG_SPANISH Label 50 AESLANG_GERMAN Label 50 AESLANG_ITALIAN Label 66 AES_PROCESS Label 79 AES_PCGEM Label 89 AES_INQUIRE Label 89 MENU_INSTL Label 105 AES_MOUSE Label 118 AES_MENU Label 134 AES_SHELL Label 154 AES_WINDOW Label 188 AES_MESSAGE Label 219 AES_OBJECT Label 233 AES_FORM Node appl_init() Label 32 _AESversion Label 34 _AESnumapps Label 38 _AESapid Label 41 _AESappglobal Label 44 _AESrscfile Label 49 _AESmaxchar Label 54 _AESminchar Node appl_read() Label 33 APR_NOWAIT Node appl_search() Label 19 APP_NEXT Label 19 APP_FIRST Label 33 APP_APPLICATION Label 33 APP_SHELL Label 33 APP_SYSTEM Label 33 APP_ACCESSORY Node appl_tplay() Node appl_trecord() Label 26 APPEVNT_MOUSE Label 26 APPEVNT_KEYBOARD Label 26 APPEVNT_BUTTON Label 26 APPEVNT_TIMER Node appl_write() Node Event Library Alias event Library Node evnt_button() Label 19 MIDDLE_BUTTON Label 19 LEFT_BUTTON Label 19 RIGHT_BUTTON Node evnt_dclick() Label 14 EDC_INQUIRE Label 14 EDC_SET Node evnt_keybd() Node evnt_mesag() Label 71 MN_SELECTED Label 82 WM_REDRAW Label 92 WM_TOPPED Label 100 WM_CLOSED Label 106 WM_FULLED Label 117 WM_ARROWED Label 117 WA_UPLINE Label 117 WA_LFLINE Label 117 WA_DNLINE Label 117 WA_UPPAGE Label 117 WA_RTLINE Label 117 WA_LFPAGE Label 117 WA_DNPAGE Label 117 WA_RTPAGE Label 142 WM_HSLID Label 149 WM_VSLID Label 156 WM_SIZED Label 166 WM_MOVED Label 177 WM_NEWTOP Label 180 WM_UNTOPPED Label 188 WM_ONTOP Label 195 WM_BOTTOMED Label 202 WM_ICONIFY Label 212 WM_UNICONIFY Label 221 WM_ALLICONIFY Label 233 WM_TOOLBAR Label 242 AC_OPEN Label 248 AC_CLOSE Label 258 AP_TERM Label 277 AP_TFAIL Label 284 AP_RESCHG Label 288 SHUT_COMPLETED Label 292 RESCH_COMPLETED Label 298 AP_DRAGDROP Label 314 SH_WDRAW Label 320 CH_EXIT Node evnt_mouse() Label 17 MO_LEAVE Label 17 MO_ENTER Node evnt_multi() Label 29 MU_TIMER Label 29 MU_M1 Label 29 MU_M2 Label 29 MU_KEYBD Label 29 MU_BUTTON Label 29 MU_MESAG Node evnt_timer() Node Form Library Alias form Library Node form_alert() Node form_button() Node form_center() Node form_dial() Label 18 FMD_START Label 18 FMD_FINISH Label 18 FMD_SHRINK Label 18 FMD_GROW Node form_do() Node form_error() Label 18 FERR_FILENOTFOUND Label 23 FERR_PATHNOTFOUND Label 28 FERR_NOHANDLES Label 35 FERR_ACCESSDENIED Label 41 FERR_LOWMEM Label 46 FERR_BADENVIRON Label 51 FERR_BADFORMAT Label 56 FERR_BADDRIVE Label 60 FERR_DELETEDIR Label 65 FERR_NOFILES Node form_keybd() Node File Selector Library Alias file Selector Library Node fsel_exinput() Label 17 FSEL_CANCEL Label 17 FSEL_OK Node fsel_input() Node Graphics Library Alias graphics Library Node graf_dragbox() Node graf_growbox() Node graf_handle() Node graf_mkstate() Node graf_mouse() Label 18 M_ON Label 18 BUSY_BEE Label 18 M_RESTORE Label 18 M_SAVE Label 18 OUTLN_CROSS Label 18 M_LAST Label 18 FLAT_HAND Label 18 POINT_HAND Label 18 M_OFF Label 18 USER_DEF Label 18 M_FORCE Label 18 THICK_CROSS Label 18 THIN_CROSS Label 18 TEXT_CRSR Node graf_movebox() Node graf_rubberbox() Node graf_shrinkbox() Node graf_slidebox() Node graf_watchbox() Node Menu Library Alias menu Library Node menu_attach() Label 23 ME_ATTACH Label 23 ME_INQUIRE Label 23 ME_REMOVE Label 53 SCROLL_NO Label 53 SCROLL_YES Node menu_bar() Label 23 MENU_REMOVE Label 23 MENU_INQUIRE Label 23 MENU_INSTALL Node menu_icheck() Node menu_ienable() Node menu_istart() Label 18 MIS_SETALIGN Label 18 MIS_GETALIGN Node menu_popup() Node menu_register() Label 15 REG_NEWNAME Node menu_settings() Node menu_text() Node menu_tnormal() Node Object Library Alias object Library Node objc_add() Node objc_change() Label 15 NO_DRAW Label 15 REDRAW Node objc_delete() Node objc_draw() Node objc_edit() Label 21 ED_CHAR Label 21 ED_INIT Label 21 ED_START Label 21 ED_END Node objc_find() Node objc_offset() Node objc_order() Label 19 OO_FIRST Label 19 OO_LAST Node objc_sysvar() Label 15 SV_INQUIRE Label 15 SV_SET Label 29 LK3DIND Label 36 LK3DACT Label 38 INDBUTCOL Label 41 ACTBUTCOL Label 44 BACKGRCOL Label 47 AD3DVAL Node Resource Library Alias resource Library Node rsrc_free() Node rsrc_gaddr() Label 19 R_TREE Label 19 R_IBPDATA Label 19 R_TEPVALID Label 19 R_TEPTMPLT Label 19 R_OBSPEC Label 19 R_IMAGEDATA Label 19 R_IBPMASK Label 19 R_TEDINFO Label 19 R_TEPTEXT Label 19 R_FRSTR Label 19 R_FRIMG Label 19 R_BIPDATA Label 19 R_STRING Label 19 R_OBJECT Label 19 R_BITBLK Label 19 R_IBPTEXT Label 19 R_ICONBLK Node rsrc_load() Node rsrc_obfix() Node rsrc_rcfix() Node rsrc_saddr() Node Scrap Library Alias scrap Library Node scrp_read() Node scrp_write() Node Shell Library Alias shell Library Node shel_envrn() Node shel_find() Node shel_get() Label 28 SHEL_BUFSIZE Node shel_put() Node shel_read() Node shel_write() Label 23 SWM_LAUNCH Label 23 SW_PSETLIMIT Label 23 SW_PRENICE Label 23 SW_DEFDIR Label 23 SW_ENVIRON Label 95 SWM_LAUNCHNOW Label 112 SWM_LAUNCHACC Label 118 SWM_SHUTDOWN Label 118 SD_ABORT Label 118 SD_PARTIAL Label 118 SD_COMPLETE Label 146 SWM_RESCHANGE Label 153 SWM_BROADCAST Label 160 SWM_ENVIRON Label 177 SWM_NEWMSG Label 189 SWM_AESMSG Node Window Library Alias window Library Node wind_calc() Label 14 WC_BORDER Label 14 WC_WORK Node wind_close() Node wind_create() Node wind_delete() Node wind_find() Node wind_get() Label 23 WF_WORKXYWH Label 28 WF_CURRXYWH Label 33 WF_PREVXYWH Label 39 WF_FULLXYWH Label 43 WF_HSLIDE Label 49 WF_VSLIDE Label 55 WF_TOP Label 63 WF_FIRSTXYWH Label 70 WF_NEXTXYWH Label 76 WF_NEWDESK Label 83 WF_HSLSIZE Label 89 WF_VSLSIZE Label 95 WF_SCREEN Label 111 WF_COLOR Label 153 WF_DCOLOR Label 163 WF_OWNER Label 176 WF_BEVENT Label 188 WF_BOTTOM Label 198 WF_ICONIFY Label 207 WF_UNICONIFY Label 215 WF_TOOLBAR Label 222 WF_FTOOLBAR Label 231 WF_NTOOLBAR Node wind_new() Node wind_open() Node wind_set() Label 19 WF_NAME Label 26 WF_INFO Label 88 W_FULLER Label 88 W_HELEV Label 88 W_HSLIDE Label 88 W_LFARROW Label 88 W_HBAR Label 88 W_DNARROW Label 88 W_NAME Label 88 W_VELEV Label 88 W_VSLIDE Label 88 W_BOX Label 88 W_VBAR Label 88 W_INFO Label 88 W_SIZER Label 88 W_UPARROW Label 88 W_SMALLER Label 88 W_RTARROW Label 88 W_DATA Label 88 W_TITLE Label 88 W_WORK Label 88 W_CLOSER Label 128 B_UNTOPPABLE Label 167 WF_UNICONIFYXYWH Node wind_update() Label 15 BEG_MCTRL Label 15 NO_BLOCK Label 15 BEG_UPDATE Label 15 END_MCTRL Label 15 END_UPDATE Node VDI Alias vDI Alias Chapter 7 Node VDI Workstations Alias vDI Workstations Label 12 Physical Workstations Label 28 ASSIGN.SYS Label 76 Virtual Workstations Node Workstation Specifics Alias workstation Specifics Label 4 Coordinate Systems Label 4 Raster Coordinates Label 4 RC Label 21 Normalized Device Coordinates Label 21 NDC Label 40 Rendering Graphics Label 56 Generalized Device Primitives Label 86 VDI Rectangles Label 125 Device Types vs. Required Functions Label 137 Write Modes Node Using Color Alias using Color Label 18 Monochrome Devices Label 24 Palette-Based Devices Label 36 True Color Devices Label 50 Color Mapping Node %UCfn Node VDI Raster Forms Alias vDI Raster Forms Label 9 BLiTTER Label 20 VDI Device-Specific Format Label 30 VDI Standard Format Node %RFfn Node Vector Handling Alias vector Handling Node GDOS Alias gDOS Label 17 Determining the Version of GDOS Present Label 50 FSM-GDOS vs. SpeedoGDOS Node GDOS 1.x Alias gDOS 1.x Label 19 Bitmap Fonts Node FONTGDOS Alias fONTGDOS Label 9 Bezier Curves Label 17 Error Support Node FSMGDOS Alias fSMGDOS Alias FSM-GDOS Node SpeedoGDOS Alias speedoGDOS Label 9 The fix31 Data Type Label 45 Kerning Label 57 Caching Label 69 Special Effects Label 77 EXTEND.SYS Label 92 Speedo Character Indexes Label 111 Speedo Font IDs Node Device Drivers Alias device Drivers Label 4 Printer and Plotter Drivers Label 15 Dot-Matrix Printers Label 22 SLM804 Label 30 SLM_NOPAPER Label 30 SLM_NOTONER Label 30 SLM_ERROR Label 30 SLM_OK Label 41 All Printer Drivers Label 49 Camera and Tablet Drivers Label 57 The Metafile Driver Node VDI Function Calling Procedure Alias vDI Function Calling Procedure Node VDI/GDOS Function Reference Alias vDI/GDOS Function Reference Node VDI Workstation Alias vDI Workstation Node VDI Output Alias vDI Output Node VDI Attributes Alias vDI Attributes Node VDI Inquire Alias vDI Inquire Node VDI Raster Alias vDI Raster Node VDI Input Alias vDI Input Node VDI Escapes Alias vDI Escapes Node VDI Alpha Escapes Alias vDI Alpha Escapes Node VDI Printer Escapes Alias vDI Printer Escapes Node VDI Metafile Escapes Alias vDI Metafile Escapes Node VDI Polaroid Escapes Alias vDI Polaroid Escapes Node VDI Tablet Escapes Alias vDI Tablet Escapes Node VDI Other Escapes Alias vDI Other Escapes Node VDI GDOS Alias vDI GDOS Node VDI FONTGDOS Alias vDI FONTGDOS Node VDI FSMGDOS Alias vDI FSMGDOS Node VDI SpeedoGDOS Alias vDI SpeedoGDOS Node v_alpha_text() Node v_arc() Node v_bar() Node v_bez() Label 27 BEZ_BEZIER Label 27 BEZ_NODRAW Label 27 BEZ_POLYLINE Node v_bez_fill() Node v_bez_off() Node v_bez_on() Node v_bez_qual() Node v_bit_image() Label 32 IMAGE_RIGHT Label 32 IMAGE_CENTER Label 32 IMAGE_TOP Label 32 IMAGE_LEFT Label 32 IMAGE_BOTTOM Node v_cellarray() Node v_circle() Node v_clear_disp_list() Node v_clrwk() Node v_clsvwk() Node v_clswk() Node v_contourfill() Label 15 OTHER_COLOR Node v_curdown() Node v_curhome() Node v_curleft() Node v_curright() Node v_curtext() Node v_curup() Node v_dspcur() Node v_eeol() Node v_eeos() Node v_ellarc() Node v_ellipse() Node v_ellpie() Node v_enter_cur() Node v_exit_cur() Node v_fillarea() Node v_flushcache() Node v_fontinit() Node v_form_adv() Node v_ftext() Node v_ftext16() Node v_ftext_offset() Node v_ftext_offset16() Node v_getbitmap_info() Node v_getoutline() Node v_get_pixel() Node v_gtext() Node v_hardcopy() Node v_hide_c() Node v_justified() Label 21 NOJUSTIFY Label 21 JUSTIFY Node v_killoutline() Node v_loadcache() Node v_meta_extents() Node v_offset() Node v_opnvwk() Node V_Opnvwk() Alias v_Opnvwk() Node v_opnwk() Node V_Opnwk() Alias v_Opnwk() Node v_output_window() Node v_pgcount() Alias v_escape2000() Node v_pieslice() Node v_pline() Node v_pmarker() Node v_rbox() Node v_rfbox() Node v_rmcur() Node v_rvoff() Node v_rvon() Node v_savecache() Node v_set_app_buff() Node v_show_c() Node v_sound() Node v_updwk() Node v_write_meta() Node vex_butv() Node vex_curv() Node vex_motv() Node vex_timv() Node vm_coords() Node vm_filename() Node vm_pagesize() Node vq_cellarray() Node vq_chcells() Node vq_color() Label 22 COLOR_ACTUAL Label 22 COLOR_REQUESTED Node vq_curaddress() Node vq_extnd() Node vq_gdos() Alias vq_vgdos() Label 30 GDOS_FSM Label 30 GDOS_FNT Label 30 GDOS_NONE Node vq_key_s() Node vq_mouse() Node vq_scan() Node vq_tabstatus() Node vq_tdimensions() Node vqf_attributes() Node vqin_mode() Label 20 LOCATOR Label 20 VALUATOR Label 20 CHOICE Label 20 STRING Node vql_attributes() Node vqm_attributes() Node vqp_error() Node vqp_films() Node vqp_state() Node vqt_advance() Node vqt_advance32() Node vqt_attributes() Node vqt_cachesize() Label 15 CACHE_CHAR Label 15 CACHE_MISC Node vqt_devinfo() Label 16 DEV_MISSING Label 16 DEV_INSTALLED Node vqt_extent() Node vqt_f_extent() Node vqt_f_extent16() Node vqt_fontheader() Node vqt_fontinfo() Node vqt_get_table() Node vqt_name() Label 15 BITMAP_FONT Label 15 OUTLINE_FONT Node vqt_pairkern() Node vqt_trackkern() Node vqt_width() Node vr_recfl() Node vr_trnfm() Node vro_cpyfm() Label 19 NOT_SXORD Label 19 NOT_S Label 19 NOT_D Label 19 S_ONLY Label 19 ALL_BLACK Label 19 D_ONLY Label 19 S_OR_D Label 19 NOTS_OR_D Label 19 S_OR_NOTD Label 19 S_AND_D Label 19 NOT_SORD Label 19 ALL_WHITE Label 19 S_AND_NOTD Label 19 NOTS_AND_D Label 19 NOT_SANDD Label 19 S_XOR_D Node vrq_choice() Node vrq_locator() Node vrq_string() Node vrq_valuator() Node vrt_cpyfm() Node vs_clip() Label 15 CLIP_OFF Label 15 CLIP_ON Node vs_color() Node vs_curaddress() Alias v_curaddress() Node vs_mute() Node vs_palette() Node vsc_expose() Node vsc_form() Node vsf_color() Node vsf_interior() Label 16 FIS_USER Label 16 FIS_HOLLOW Label 16 FIS_HATCH Label 16 FIS_SOLID Label 16 FIS_PATTERN Node vsf_perimeter() Label 14 PERIMETER_OFF Label 14 PERIMETER_ON Node vsf_style() Node vsf_udpat() Node vsin_mode() Label 14 SAMPLE_MODE Label 14 REQUEST_MODE Node vsl_color() Node vsl_ends() Label 19 SQUARE Label 19 ARROWED Label 19 ROUND Node vsl_type() Label 18 SOLID Label 18 LDASHED Label 18 DOTTED Label 18 DASHDOT Label 18 DASH Label 18 DASHDOTDOT Label 18 USERLINE Node vsl_udsty() Node vsl_width() Node vsm_choice() Node vsm_color() Node vsm_height() Node vsm_locator() Node vsm_string() Node vsm_type() Label 16 MRKR_ASTERISK Label 16 MRKR_DOT Label 16 MRKR_BOX Label 16 MRKR_CROSS Label 16 MRKR_DIAMOND Label 16 MRKR_PLUS Node vsm_valuator() Node vsp_film() Node vsp_message() Node vsp_save() Node vsp_state() Node vst_alignment() Node vst_arbpt() Node vst_arbpt32() Node vst_charmap() Label 15 MAP_BITSTREAM Label 15 MAP_ATARI Node vst_color() Node vst_effects() Label 18 THICKENED Label 18 LIGHT Label 18 SKEWED Label 18 UNDERLINED Node vst_error() Label 27 FILE_READERR Label 27 MISC_ERROR Label 27 CACHE_FULL Label 27 NO_ERROR Label 27 CHAR_NOT_FOUND Label 27 SCREEN_ERROR Label 27 FILE_OPENERR Label 27 APP_ERROR Label 27 BAD_FORMAT Node vst_font() Node vst_height() Node vst_kern() Label 17 TRACK_TIGHT Label 17 TRACK_NONE Label 17 TRACK_VERYTIGHT Label 17 TRACK_NORMAL Label 27 PAIR_OFF Label 27 PAIR_ON Node vst_load_fonts() Node vst_point() Node vst_rotation() Node vst_scratch() Label 18 SCRATCH_BITMAP Label 18 SCRATCH_BOTH Label 18 SCRATCH_NONE Node vst_setsize() Node vst_setsize32() Node vst_skew() Node vst_unload_fonts() Node vswr_mode() Label 17 MD_ERASE Label 17 MD_TRANS Label 17 MD_XOR Label 17 MD_REPLACE Node vt_alignment() Node vt_axis() Node vt_origin() Node vt_resolution() Node Line-A Alias line-A Alias Chapter 8 Alias LINE-A Node The Line-A Variable Table Alias the Line-A Variable Table Label 17 CUR_FONT Label 21 M_POS_HX Label 24 M_POS_HY Label 27 M_PLANES Label 31 M_CDB_BG Label 33 M_CDB_FG Label 35 MASK_FORM Label 45 INQ_TAB Label 50 DEV_TAB Label 56 GCURX Label 58 GCURY Label 60 M_MID_CT Label 64 MOUSE_BT Label 67 REQ_COL Label 71 SIZ_TAB Label 80 CUR_WORK Label 83 DEF_FONT Label 85 FONT_RING Label 91 FONT_COUNT Label 96 CUR_MS_STAT Label 113 V_HID_CNT Label 116 CUR_X Label 119 CUR_Y Label 122 CUR_FLAG Label 126 MOUSE_FLAG Label 131 V_SAV_XY Label 134 SAVE_LEN Label 137 SAVE_ADDR Label 140 SAVE_STAT Label 147 SAVE_AREA Label 149 USER_TIM Label 154 NEXT_TIM Label 156 USER_BUT Label 160 USER_CUR Label 164 USER_MOT Label 168 V_CEL_HT Label 170 V_CEL_MX Label 172 V_CEL_MY Label 174 V_CEL_WR Label 177 V_COL_BG Label 179 V_COL_FG Label 181 V_CUR_AD Label 183 V_CUR_OF Label 187 V_CUR_XY Label 190 V_PERIOD Label 192 V_CUR_CT Label 194 V_FNT_AD Label 197 V_FNT_ND Label 199 V_FNT_ST Label 201 V_FNT_WD Label 204 V_REZ_HZ Label 206 V_OFF_AD Label 210 V_REZ_VT Label 212 BYTES_LIN Label 214 PLANES Label 217 WIDTH Label 220 CONTRL Label 222 INTIN Label 224 PTSIN Label 226 INTOUT Label 228 PTSOUT Label 230 COLBIT0-3 Label 230 COLBIT0 Label 232 COLBIT1 Label 234 COLBIT2 Label 236 COLBIT3 Label 238 LSTLIN Label 244 LNMASK Label 246 WRMODE Label 248 X1 Label 250 Y1 Label 252 X2 Label 254 Y2 Label 256 PATPTR Label 258 PATMSK Label 262 MFILL Label 264 CLIP Label 266 XMINCL Label 268 XMAXCL Label 270 YMINCL Label 272 YMAXCL Label 274 XDDA Label 277 DDAINC Label 292 SCALDIR Label 294 MONO Label 296 SOURCEX Label 299 SOURCEY Label 302 DESTX Label 305 DESTY Label 308 DELX Label 310 DELY Label 312 FBASE Label 315 FWIDTH Label 317 STYLE Label 328 LITEMASK Label 330 SKEWMASK Label 332 WEIGHT Label 334 ROFF Label 337 LOFF Label 340 SCALE Label 342 CHUP Label 346 TEXTFG Label 348 SCRTCHP Label 352 SCRPT2 Label 355 TEXTBG Label 357 COPYTRAN Label 360 SEEDABORT Node Line-A Font Headers Alias line-A Font Headers Node Line-A Function Calling Procedure Alias line-A Function Calling Procedure Node Line-A Function Reference Alias line-A Function Reference Node Line-A Initialize Alias line-A Initialize Alias $A000 Node Line-A Plot Pixel Alias line-A Plot Pixel Alias $A001 Node Line-A Get Pixel Alias line-A Get Pixel Alias $A002 Node Line-A Arbitrary Line Alias line-A Arbitrary Line Alias $A003 Node Line-A Horizontal Line Alias line-A Horizontal Line Alias $A004 Node Line-A Filled Rectangle Alias line-A Filled Rectangle Alias $A005 Node Line-A Filled Polygon Alias line-A Filled Polygon Alias $A006 Node Line-A BitBlt Alias line-A BitBlt Alias $A007 Label 2 D_YMIN Label 2 D_NXLN Label 2 D_NXWD Label 2 D_NXPL Label 2 S_FORM Label 2 BG_COL Label 2 PLANE_CT Label 2 P_ADDR Label 2 FG_COL Label 2 S_XMIN Label 2 P_NXLN Label 2 S_YMIN Label 2 P_NXPL Label 2 S_NXLN Label 2 S_NXWD Label 2 S_NXPL Label 2 OP_TAB Label 2 D_FORM Label 2 P_MASK Label 2 B_WD Label 2 B_HT Label 2 D_XMIN Label 2 SPACE Node %LNA1 Node Line-A TextBlt Alias line-A TextBlt Alias $A008 Node Line-A Show Mouse Alias line-A Show Mouse Alias $A009 Node Line-A Hide Mouse Alias line-A Hide Mouse Alias $A00A Node Line-A Transform Mouse Alias line-A Transform Mouse Alias $A00B Node Line-A Undraw Sprite Alias line-A Undraw Sprite Alias $A00C Node Line-A Draw Sprite Alias line-A Draw Sprite Alias $A00D Node Line-A Copy Raster Alias line-A Copy Raster Alias $A00E Node Line-A Seed Fill Alias line-A Seed Fill Alias $A00F Node The Desktop Alias the Desktop Alias Desktop Alias dektop Alias Chapter 9 Node MultiTOS Considerations Alias multiTOS Considerations Label 22 Extendibility Label 22 DESKCOPY Label 22 DESKFMT Label 65 TOS Application Launching Label 76 Desktop environment variables Label 76 ACCPATH Label 76 SHSHOW Label 76 SHPRINT Node Desktop Files Alias desktop Files Label 4 DESKTOP.INF Label 15 NEWDESK.INF Label 44 DESKICON.RSC Label 52 DESKCICN.RSC Node XCONTROL Title XCONTROL The Extensible Control Panel Alias xCONTROL Alias Chapter 10 Node XCONTROL Structures Alias xCONTROL Structures Node CPX Executable Format Alias cPX Executable Format Alias CPX Node CPX Flavors Alias cPX Flavors Label 15 Resident CPX's Label 25 Set-Only CPX's Label 32 Form CPX's Label 44 Event CPX's Node CPX File Formats Alias cPX File Formats Node XCONTROL Function Calling Procedure Alias xCONTROL Function Calling Procedure Node Example Form CPX Skeleton Alias example Form CPX Skeleton Node Example Event CPX Skeleton Alias example Event CPX Skeleton Node XCONTROL Function Reference Alias xCONTROL Function Reference Node XCONTROL Callback Functions Alias xCONTROL Callback Functions Node cpx_button() Node cpx_call() Node cpx_close() Node cpx_draw() Node cpx_hook() Node cpx_init() Node cpx_key() Node cpx_m1() Node cpx_m2() Node cpx_timer() Node cpx_wmove() Node XCONTROL Utility Functions Alias xCONTROL Utility Functions Node CPX_Save() Alias cPX_Save() Node Get_Buffer() Alias get_Buffer() Node getcookie() Node GetFirstRect() Alias getFirstRect() Node GetNextRect() Alias getNextRect() Node MFsave() Alias mFsave() Node Popup() Alias popup() Node rsh_fix() Node rsh_obfix() Node Set_Evnt_Mask() Alias set_Evnt_Mask() Node Sl_arrow() Alias sl_arrow() Node Sl_dragx() Alias sl_dragx() Node Sl_dragy() Alias sl_dragy() Node Sl_size() Alias sl_size() Node Sl_x() Alias sl_x() Node Sl_y() Alias sl_y() Node Xform_do() Alias xform_do() Label 32 CT_KEY Node XGen_Alert() Alias xGen_Alert() Label 12 FILE_ERR Label 12 FILE_NOT_FOUND Label 12 SAVE_DEFAULTS Label 12 MEM_ERR Node GEM User Interface Guidelines Alias gEM User Interface Guidelines Alias Chapter 11 Node The Basics Alias the Basics Node GEM Windows Alias gEM Windows Label 31 Window Messages Label 116 Clipping Rectangles Label 125 Window Titles Label 143 Iconified Windows Label 189 Window Information Line Label 199 Window Colors Node %GWfn Node Dialog Boxes Alias dialog Boxes Label 56 Unfolding Dialogs Label 68 User-Defined Controls Node Alerts Alias alerts Node The File Selector Alias the File Selector Node Progress Indicators Alias progress Indicators Node Toolboxes Alias toolboxes Node Toolbars Alias toolbars Node GEM Menus Alias gEM Menus Alias Dual-State Menu Items Label 40 The File Menu Label 67 The Edit Menu Node %GM1fn Node %GM2fn Node %GM3fn Node Keyboard Equivalents Alias keyboard Equivalents Alias Disjoint/Group Selection Node Device Independence Alias device Independence Node Globalization Alias globalization Node %CH11Colors Title Colors Node %CH11Sound Title Sound Node Application Software Alias application Software Node Installation Software Alias installation Software Node Entertainment Software Alias entertainment Software Node Function References Alias function References Alias Appendix A Node GEMDOS Functions by Opcode Alias gEMDOS Functions by Opcode Node BIOS Functions by Opcode Alias bIOS Functions by Opcode Node XBIOS Functions by Opcode Alias xBIOS Functions by Opcode Node AES Functions by Opcode Alias aES Functions by Opcode Node VDI Functions by Opcode Alias vDI Functions by Opcode Node %VDIBOfn Node %VDIQUfn Node MM: Usage Alias mM: Usage Node Memory Map Alias memory Map Alias Appendix B Node MM: System Boot Variables Alias mM: System Boot Variables Label 6 0x00000000 Label 9 0x00000004 Node MM: 680x0 Exception Vectors Alias mM: 680x0 Exception Vectors Label 6 0x00000008 Label 9 0x0000000C Label 12 0x00000010 Label 15 0x00000014 Label 18 0x00000018 Label 21 0x0000001C Label 25 0x00000020 Label 28 0x00000024 Label 31 0x00000028 Label 34 0x0000002C Label 37 0x00000030 Label 40 0x00000034 Label 43 0x00000038 Label 46 0x0000003C Label 49 0x00000040 Label 53 0x00000060 Node MM: Auto-Vector Interrupts Alias mM: Auto-Vector Interrupts Label 6 0x00000064 Label 10 0x00000068 Label 13 0x0000006C Label 17 0x00000070 Label 20 0x00000074 Label 24 0x00000078 Label 28 0x0000007C Node MM: TRAP Exception Vectors Alias mM: TRAP Exception Vectors Label 6 0x00000080 Label 9 0x00000084 Label 12 0x00000088 Label 15 0x0000008C Label 18 0x00000090 Label 21 0x00000094 Label 24 0x00000098 Label 27 0x0000009C Label 30 0x000000A0 Label 33 0x000000A4 Label 36 0x000000A8 Label 39 0x000000AC Label 42 0x000000B0 Label 45 0x000000B4 Label 48 0x000000B8 Label 51 0x000000BC Node MM: 68881 Co-processor Exception Vectors Alias mM: 68881 Co-processor Exception Vectors Label 6 0x000000C0 Label 10 0x000000C4 Label 13 0x000000C8 Label 16 0x000000CC Label 19 0x000000D0 Label 22 0x000000D4 Label 25 0x000000D8 Label 28 0x000000DC Node MM: 68851 MMU Exception Vectors Alias mM: 68851 MMU Exception Vectors Label 6 0x000000E0 Label 9 0x000000E4 Label 12 0x000000E8 Label 15 0x000000EC Node MM: Multi-Function Peripheral Port Vectors Alias mM: Multi-Function Peripheral Port Vectors Label 6 0x00000100 Label 9 0x00000104 Label 15 0x00000108 Label 18 0x0000010C Label 22 0x00000110 Label 25 0x00000114 Label 28 0x00000118 Label 31 0x0000011C Label 34 0x00000120 Label 37 0x00000124 Label 40 0x00000128 Label 43 0x0000012C Label 46 0x00000130 Label 49 0x00000134 Label 52 0x00000138 Label 59 0x0000013C Node MM: Multi-Function Peripheral Port Vectors (TT) Alias mM: Multi-Function Peripheral Port Vectors (TT) Label 6 0x00000140 Label 9 0x00000144 Label 12 0x00000148 Label 15 0x0000014C Label 18 0x00000150 Label 21 0x00000154 Label 24 0x00000158 Label 27 0x0000015C Label 30 0x00000160 Label 33 0x00000164 Label 36 0x00000168 Label 39 0x0000016C Label 42 0x00000170 Label 45 0x00000174 Label 48 0x00000178 Label 51 0x0000017C Node MM: Zilog 85C30 (SCC) Interrupt Vectors Alias mM: Zilog 85C30 (SCC) Interrupt Vectors Label 6 0x00000180 Label 9 0x00000184 Label 12 0x00000188 Label 15 0x0000018C Label 18 0x00000190 Label 22 0x00000194 Label 25 0x00000198 Label 29 0x0000019C Label 32 0x000001A0 Label 35 0x000001A4 Label 38 0x000001A8 Label 41 0x000001AC Label 44 0x000001B0 Label 48 0x000001B4 Label 51 0x000001B8 Label 55 0x000001BC Label 58 0x000001C0 Node MM: Processor State Save Area Alias mM: Processor State Save Area Label 6 0x00000380 Label 6 proc_lives Label 9 0x12345678 Label 12 0x00000384 Label 12 proc_dregs Label 16 0x000003A4 Label 16 proc_aregs Label 20 0x000003C4 Label 20 proc_pc Label 25 0x000003C8 Label 25 proc_usp Label 29 0x000003CC Label 29 proc_stk Label 33 0x000003EC Node MM: System Vectors Alias mM: System Vectors Label 6 0x00000400 Label 6 etv_timer Label 10 0x00000404 Label 10 etv_critic Label 14 0x00000408 Label 14 etv_term Label 18 0x0000040C Node MM: System Variables Alias mM: System Variables Label 6 0x00000420 Label 6 memvalid Label 14 0x00000424 Label 14 memcntlr Label 18 0x00000426 Label 18 resvalid Label 24 0x0000042A Label 24 resvector Label 30 0x0000042E Label 30 phystop Label 33 0x00000432 Label 33 _membot Label 39 0x00000436 Label 39 _memtop Label 45 0x0000043A Label 45 memval2 Label 50 0x0000043E Label 50 _flock Label 56 0x00000440 Label 56 seekrate Label 67 0x00000442 Label 67 _timr_ms Label 77 0x00000444 Label 77 _fverify Label 82 0x00000446 Label 82 _bootdev Label 87 0x00000448 Label 87 palmode Label 92 0x0000044A Label 92 defshftmd Label 96 0x0000044C Label 96 sshiftmd Label 101 0x0000044E Label 101 _v_bas_ad Label 108 0x00000452 Label 108 vblsem Label 113 0x00000454 Label 113 nvbls Label 122 0x00000456 Label 122 _vblqueue Label 133 0x0000045A Label 133 colorptr Label 139 0x0000045E Label 139 screenpt Label 146 0x00000462 Label 146 _vbclock Label 151 0x00000466 Label 151 _frclock Label 157 0x0000046A Label 157 hdv_init Label 162 0x0000046E Label 162 swv_vec Label 168 0x00000472 Label 168 hdv_bpb Label 180 0x00000476 Label 180 hdv_rw Label 192 0x0000047A Label 192 hdv_boot Label 201 0x0000047E Label 201 hdv_mediach Label 214 0x00000482 Label 214 _cmdload Label 221 0x00000484 Label 221 conterm Label 232 0x00000485 Label 235 0x00000486 Label 235 trp14ret Label 239 0x0000048A Label 239 criticret Label 244 0x0000048E Label 244 themd Label 249 0x0000049E Label 249 _md Label 253 0x000004A2 Label 253 savptr Label 257 0x000004A6 Label 257 _nflops Label 262 0x000004A8 Label 262 con_state Label 267 0x000004AC Label 267 save_row Label 272 0x000004AE Label 272 sav_contxt Label 277 0x000004B2 Label 277 _bufl Label 284 0x000004BA Label 284 _hz_200 Label 289 0x000004BE Label 289 the_env Label 293 0x000004C2 Label 293 _drvbits Label 301 0x000004C6 Label 301 _dskbufp Label 306 0x000004CA Label 306 _autopath Label 312 0x000004CE Label 312 _vbl_list Label 317 0x000004EE Label 317 _prt_cnt Label 327 0x000004F0 Label 327 _prtabt Label 331 0x000004F2 Label 331 _sysbase Label 372 0x000004F6 Label 372 _shell_p Label 380 0x000004FA Label 380 end_os Label 384 0x000004FE Label 384 exec_os Label 390 0x00000502 Label 390 scr_dump Label 395 0x00000506 Label 395 prv_lsto Label 400 0x0000050A Label 400 prv_lst Label 405 0x0000050E Label 405 prv_auxo Label 410 0x00000512 Label 410 prv_aux Label 415 0x00000516 Label 415 pun_ptr Label 456 0x0000051A Label 456 memval3 Label 461 0x0000051E Label 461 xconstat Label 466 0x0000053E Label 466 xconin Label 471 0x0000055E Label 471 xcostat Label 476 0x0000057E Label 476 xconout Label 481 0x0000059E Label 481 _longframe Label 490 0x000005A0 Label 490 _p_cookies Label 494 0x000005A4 Label 494 ramtop Label 498 0x000005A8 Label 498 ramvalid Label 502 0x000005AC Label 502 bell_hook Label 506 0x000005B0 Label 506 kcl_hook Node %MMSVfn Node MM: System RAM / Expansion Alias mM: System RAM / Expansion Label 6 0x000005B4 Label 16 0x00A00000 Label 23 0x00DF0000 Label 30 0x00E00000 Node MM: IDE Controller Alias mM: IDE Controller Label 6 0x00F00000 Label 9 0x00F00004 Label 21 0x00F00006 Label 24 0x00F00008 Label 27 0x00F0000A Label 30 0x00F0000C Label 33 0x00F0000E Label 36 0x00F00010 Label 41 0x00F00012 Label 44 0x00F00014 Label 49 0x00F00016 Label 52 0x00F00018 Label 62 0x00F0001A Label 66 0x00F0001E Label 85 0x00F00020 Label 89 0x00F00038 Label 93 0x00F00040 Node MM: ROM / Reserved Hardware Space Alias mM: ROM / Reserved Hardware Space Label 6 0x00FA0000 Label 10 0x00FC0000 Label 15 0x00FF0000 Node MM: Memory Management Unit / Falcon Processor Control Alias mM: Memory Management Unit / Falcon Processor Control Label 6 0x00FF8000 Label 18 0x00FF8002 Label 22 0x00FF8006 Label 31 0x00FF8007 Label 43 0x00FF8008 Node MM: Video Registers Alias mM: Video Registers Label 6 0x00FF8200 Label 9 0x00FF8202 Label 12 0x00FF8204 Label 15 0x00FF8206 Label 18 0x00FF8208 Label 21 0x00FF820A Label 29 0x00FF820C Label 32 0x00FF820E Label 37 0x00FF8210 Label 41 0x00FF8212 Label 45 0x00FF8240 Label 60 0x00FF8242 Label 63 0x00FF8244 Label 66 0x00FF8246 Label 69 0x00FF8248 Label 72 0x00FF824A Label 75 0x00FF824C Label 78 0x00FF824E Label 81 0x00FF8250 Label 84 0x00FF8252 Label 87 0x00FF8254 Label 90 0x00FF8256 Label 93 0x00FF8258 Label 96 0x00FF825A Label 99 0x00FF825C Label 102 0x00FF825E Label 105 0x00FF8260 Label 115 0x00FF8262 Label 133 0x00FF8264 Label 136 0x00FF8266 Label 146 0x00FF8268 Label 150 0x00FF827E Label 158 0x00FF8280 Label 161 0x00FF8282 Label 164 0x00FF8284 Label 167 0x00FF8286 Label 170 0x00FF8288 Label 173 0x00FF828A Label 176 0x00FF828C Label 179 0x00FF828E Label 182 0x00FF8290 Label 185 0x00FF8292 Label 189 0x00FF82A0 Label 192 0x00FF82A2 Label 195 0x00FF82A4 Label 198 0x00FF82A6 Label 201 0x00FF82A8 Label 204 0x00FF82AA Label 207 0x00FF82AC Label 210 0x00FF82AE Label 214 0x00FF82C2 Label 224 0x00FF82C4 Label 228 0x00FF8400 Node MM: ACSI DMA and Floppy Disk Controller Alias mM: ACSI DMA and Floppy Disk Controller Label 6 0x00FF8600 Label 10 0x00FF8604 Label 14 0x00FF8606 Label 37 0x00FF8608 Label 40 0x00FF860A Label 43 0x00FF860C Label 46 0x00FF860E Node MM: SCSI DMA Control Alias mM: SCSI DMA Control Label 6 0x00FF8700 Label 9 0x00FF8702 Label 12 0x00FF8704 Label 15 0x00FF8706 Label 18 0x00FF8708 Label 21 0x00FF870A Label 24 0x00FF870C Label 27 0x00FF870E Label 30 0x00FF8710 Label 33 0x00FF8712 Label 36 0x00FF8714 Label 48 0x00FF8716 Node MM: SCSI Controller Registers Alias mM: SCSI Controller Registers Label 6 0x00FF8780 Label 9 0x00FF8782 Label 12 0x00FF8784 Label 15 0x00FF8786 Label 18 0x00FF8788 Label 21 0x00FF878A Label 24 0x00FF878C Label 28 0x00FF878E Label 32 0x00FF8790 Node MM: Programmable Sound Generator (YM 2149) Alias mM: Programmable Sound Generator (YM 2149) Label 6 0x00FF8800 Label 31 0x00FF8802 Label 54 0x00FF8804 Node MM: DMA Sound System Alias mM: DMA Sound System Label 6 0x00FF8900 Label 16 0x00FF8901 Label 29 0x00FF8902 Label 32 0x00FF8904 Label 35 0x00FF8906 Label 38 0x00FF8908 Label 41 0x00FF890A Label 44 0x00FF890C Label 47 0x00FF890E Label 50 0x00FF8910 Label 53 0x00FF8912 Label 56 0x00FF8914 Label 60 0x00FF8920 Label 73 0x00FF8921 Node MM: MICROWIRE Alias mM: MICROWIRE Label 6 0x00FF8922 Label 9 0x00FF8924 Label 12 0x00FF8926 Node MM: Falcon030 DSP / DMA Controller Alias mM: Falcon030 DSP / DMA Controller Label 6 0x00FF8930 Label 34 0x00FF8932 Label 66 0x00FF8934 Label 71 0x00FF8935 Label 93 0x00FF8936 Label 102 0x00FF8937 Label 111 0x00FF8938 Label 121 0x00FF8939 Label 128 0x00FF893A Label 135 0x00FF8940 Label 143 0x00FF8942 Label 147 0x00FF8944 Node MM: Real Time Clock (146818A) Alias mM: Real Time Clock (146818A) Label 6 0x00FF8960 Label 9 0x00FF8962 Label 12 0x00FF8964 Node MM: BLiTTER Bit-Block Transfer Processor Alias mM: BLiTTER Bit-Block Transfer Processor Label 6 0x00FF8A00 Label 10 0x00FF8A20 Label 13 0x00FF8A22 Label 16 0x00FF8A24 Label 20 0x00FF8A26 Label 24 0x00FF8A28 Label 27 0x00FF8A2A Label 30 0x00FF8A2C Label 33 0x00FF8A2E Label 36 0x00FF8A30 Label 39 0x00FF8A32 Label 43 0x00FF8A34 Label 47 0x00FF8A36 Label 50 0x00FF8A38 Label 53 0x00FF8A3A Label 56 0x00FF8A3B Label 59 0x00FF8A3C Label 70 0x00FF8A3D Label 80 0x00FF8A3E Node MM: SCC DMA Registers Alias mM: SCC DMA Registers Label 6 0x00FF8C00 Label 9 0x00FF8C02 Label 12 0x00FF8C04 Label 15 0x00FF8C06 Label 18 0x00FF8C08 Label 21 0x00FF8C0A Label 24 0x00FF8C0C Label 27 0x00FF8C0E Label 30 0x00FF8C10 Label 33 0x00FF8C12 Label 36 0x00FF8C14 Label 48 0x00FF8C16 Node MM: SCC Ports (85C30) Alias mM: SCC Ports (85C30) Label 6 0x00FF8C80 Label 9 0x00FF8C82 Label 12 0x00FF8C84 Label 15 0x00FF8C86 Label 18 0x00FF8C88 Node MM: System Control Unit Alias mM: System Control Unit Label 6 0x00FF8E00 Label 9 0x00FF8E02 Label 12 0x00FF8E04 Label 16 0x00FF8E06 Label 20 0x00FF8E08 Label 23 0x00FF8E0A Label 26 0x00FF8E0C Label 29 0x00FF8E0E Label 32 0x00FF8E10 Node MM: Mega STe Cache / Processor Control Alias mM: Mega STe Cache / Processor Control Label 6 0x00FF8E20 Label 15 0x00FF8E22 Node MM: Extended Joystick / Paddle / Light Gun Ports Alias mM: Extended Joystick / Paddle / Light Gun Ports Label 6 0x00FF9200 Label 9 0x00FF9202 Label 12 0x00FF9204 Label 16 0x00FF9210 Label 19 0x00FF9212 Label 22 0x00FF9214 Label 25 0x00FF9216 Label 28 0x00FF9218 Label 32 0x00FF9220 Label 35 0x00FF9222 Label 38 0x00FF9224 Node MM: Falcon030 VIDEL Palette Registers Alias mM: Falcon030 VIDEL Palette Registers Label 6 0x00FF9800 Label 12 0x00FF9C00 Node MM: DSP Host Interface Alias mM: DSP Host Interface Label 6 0x00FFA200 Label 34 0x00FFA201 Label 44 0x00FFA202 Label 48 0x00FFA203 Label 53 0x00FFA204 Label 56 0x00FFA205 Label 59 0x00FFA206 Label 62 0x00FFA207 Label 65 0x00FFA208 Node MM: ST Multi-function Peripheral Port (68901) Alias mM: ST Multi-function Peripheral Port (68901) Label 6 0x00FFFA00 Label 10 0x00FFFA02 Label 27 0x00FFFA04 Label 32 0x00FFFA06 Label 50 0x00FFFA08 Label 65 0x00FFFA0A Label 69 0x00FFFA0C Label 73 0x00FFFA0E Label 77 0x00FFFA10 Label 81 0x00FFFA12 Label 85 0x00FFFA14 Label 89 0x00FFFA16 Label 95 0x00FFFA18 Label 111 0x00FFFA1A Label 115 0x00FFFA1C Label 130 0x00FFFA1E Label 133 0x00FFFA20 Label 136 0x00FFFA22 Label 139 0x00FFFA24 Label 142 0x00FFFA26 Label 145 0x00FFFA28 Label 165 0x00FFFA2A Label 180 0x00FFFA2C Label 195 0x00FFFA2E Label 198 0x00FFFA30 Node %MMMFPfn Node MM: Math Co-processor in Peripheral Mode Alias mM: Math Co-processor in Peripheral Mode Label 6 0x00FFFA40 Label 11 0x00FFFA42 Label 16 0x00FFFA44 Label 21 0x00FFFA46 Label 26 0x00FFFA48 Label 31 0x00FFFA4A Label 36 0x00FFFA4C Label 40 0x00FFFA4E Label 45 0x00FFFA50 Label 50 0x00FFFA54 Label 55 0x00FFFA56 Label 58 0x00FFFA58 Label 63 0x00FFFA5C Label 68 0x00FFFA60 Node MM: TT030 Multi-function Peripheral Port (68901) Alias mM: TT030 Multi-function Peripheral Port (68901) Label 6 0x00FFFA80 Label 9 0x00FFFA82 Label 12 0x00FFFA84 Label 15 0x00FFFA86 Label 18 0x00FFFA88 Label 21 0x00FFFA8A Label 24 0x00FFFA8C Label 27 0x00FFFA8E Label 30 0x00FFFA90 Label 33 0x00FFFA92 Label 36 0x00FFFA94 Label 39 0x00FFFA96 Label 42 0x00FFFA98 Label 45 0x00FFFA9A Label 48 0x00FFFA9C Label 51 0x00FFFA9E Label 54 0x00FFFAA0 Label 57 0x00FFFAA2 Label 60 0x00FFFAA4 Label 63 0x00FFFAA6 Label 66 0x00FFFAA8 Label 69 0x00FFFAAA Label 72 0x00FFFAAC Label 75 0x00FFFAAE Label 78 0x00FFFAB0 Node MM: Keyboard ACIA (6850) Alias mM: Keyboard ACIA (6850) Label 6 0x00FFFC00 Label 60 0x00FFFC02 Node MM: MIDI ACIA (6850) Alias mM: MIDI ACIA (6850) Label 6 0x00FFFC04 Label 10 0x00FFFC06 Node MM: Mega ST Real Time Clock (RP5C15) Alias mM: Mega ST Real Time Clock (RP5C15) Label 6 0x00FFFC20 Label 20 0x00FFFC22 Label 28 0x00FFFC24 Label 32 0x00FFFC26 Label 36 0x00FFFC28 Label 40 0x00FFFC2A Label 47 0x00FFFC2C Label 51 0x00FFFC2E Label 55 0x00FFFC30 Label 59 0x00FFFC32 Label 63 0x00FFFC34 Label 68 0x00FFFC36 Label 73 0x00FFFC38 Label 77 0x00FFFC3A Label 88 0x00FFFC3C Label 92 0x00FFFC3E Label 104 0x00FFFC40 Node MM: Expansion Area Alias mM: Expansion Area Label 6 0x01000000 Label 10 0x02000000 Label 14 0xFE000000 Label 18 0xFEFF0000 Node MM: Shadow Image Alias mM: Shadow Image Label 6 0xFF000000 Node Native File Formats Alias native File Formats Alias Appendix C Node The .GEM File Format Alias the .GEM File Format Alias .GEM Node The .IMG File Format Alias the .IMG File Format Alias .IMG Label 13 The IMG Header Label 38 Interpreting Extra Palette Information Label 67 Image Data Format Label 95 Image Compression Node The .FNT File Format Alias the .FNT File Format Alias .FNT Label 86 Font Data Label 99 Character Offset Table Label 109 Horizontal Offset Table Node The .RSC File Format Alias the .RSC File Format Alias .RSC Label 14 The RSC Header Label 96 Free Strings and Images Label 103 AES 3.30 Resource Format Label 111 The Extension Array Label 136 The CICONBLK Extension Node Error Codes Alias error Codes Alias Appendix D Node %ERCDfn Node BIOS Errors Alias bIOS Errors Label 7 E_OK Label 9 ERROR Label 11 EDRVNR Label 13 EUNCMD Label 15 E_CRC Label 17 EBADRQ Label 19 E_SEEK Label 21 EMEDIA Label 23 ESECNF Label 25 EPAPER Label 27 EWRITF Label 29 EREADF Label 31 EGENRL Label 33 EWRPRO Label 35 E_CHNG Label 37 EUNDEV Label 39 EBADSF Label 41 EOTHER Label 43 EINSERT Label 45 EDVNRSP Node GEMDOS Errors Alias gEMDOS Errors Label 7 EINVFN Label 9 EFILNF Label 11 EPTHNF Label 13 ENHNDL Label 15 EACCDN Label 17 EIHNDL Label 19 ENSMEM Label 21 EIMBA Label 23 EDRIVE Label 25 ENSAME Label 27 ENMFIL Label 29 ELOCKED Label 31 ENSLOCK Label 33 ERANGE Label 33 ENAMETOOLONG Label 36 EINTRN Label 38 EPLFMT Label 40 EGSBF Label 42 EBREAK Label 44 EXCPT Label 46 EPTHOV Label 48 ELOOP Label 50 EMOUNT Node TOS Error Messages Alias tOS Error Messages Node TOS Error #35 Alias tOS Error #35 Node Exception Errors Alias exception Errors Alias Bombs Node ASCII Tables Alias aSCII Tables Alias Appendix E Node Original ATARI Character Table Alias original ATARI Character Table Node ASCII Character Table With Code Numbers Alias aSCII Character Table With Code Numbers Node %GFfn Node IKBD Scan Codes Alias iKBD Scan Codes Alias Appendix F Node %IKBD1fn Node %IKBD2fn Node %IKBD3fn Node Speedo Fonts Alias speedo Fonts Alias Appendix G Node The Speedo Font Header Alias the Speedo Font Header Alias Speedo Font Header Node The Bitstream International Character Set Alias the Bitstream International Character Set Alias Bitstream International Character Set Node %GFNTfn Node The Bitstream International Character Set (part 1) Alias the Bitstream International Character Set (part 1) Node The Bitstream International Character Set (part 2) Alias the Bitstream International Character Set (part 2) Node The Bitstream International Character Set (part 3) Alias the Bitstream International Character Set (part 3) Node The Drag & Drop Protocol Alias the Drag & Drop Protocol Alias Appendix H Node The Originator Alias the Originator Label 102 DD_OK Label 106 DD_NAK Label 109 DD_EXT Label 113 DD_LEN Label 117 DD_TRASH Label 121 DD_PRINTER Label 124 DD_CLIPBOARD Node The Recipient Alias the Recipient Node The Programmable Sound Generator Alias the Programmable Sound Generator Alias PSG Alias Appendix I Alias Yamaha FM chip Alias YM 2149 Label 5 Controlling the PSG Label 21 PSG_APITCHLOW Label 21 PSG_APITCHHIGH Label 27 PSG_BPITCHLOW Label 27 PSG_BPITCHHIGH Label 33 PSG_CPITCHLOW Label 33 PSG_CPITCHHIGH Label 39 PSG_NOISEPITCH Label 43 PSG_MODE Label 43 PSG_NOISEA Label 43 PSG_NOISEB Label 43 PSG_NOISEC Label 43 PSG_ENABLEA Label 43 PSG_ENABLEB Label 43 PSG_ENABLEC Label 43 PSG_PRTAOUT Label 43 PSG_PRTBOUT Label 58 PSG_AVOLUME Label 64 PSG_BVOLUME Label 70 PSG_CVOLUME Label 76 PSG_FREQLOW Label 76 PSG_FREQHIGH Label 81 PSG_ENVELOPE Label 86 PSG_PORTA Label 90 PSG_PORTB Label 102 Sound Envelopes Node PSG Frequencies Alias pSG Frequencies Node Structures Alias structures Alias Appendix J Node SHELW Alias sHELW Node MN_SET Alias mN_SET Node MENU Alias mENU Node MFORM Alias mFORM Node EVNTREC Alias eVNTREC Node MD Alias mD Node MPB Alias mPB Node BPB Alias bPB Node context Node FILESYS Alias fILESYS Node DIR Alias dIR Node LOCK Alias lOCK Node kerinfo Node fcookie Node FILEPTR Alias fILEPTR Node DEVDRV Alias dEVDRV Node DTA Alias dTA Node XBRA Alias xBRA Node GDOS_INFO Alias gDOS_INFO Node netinfo Node COOKIE Alias cOOKIE Node MUPB Alias mUPB Node OSHEADER Alias oSHEADER Alias SYSHDR Node KBDVECS Alias kBDVECS Node aespb Node PARMBLK Alias pARMBLK Node APPLBLK Alias aPPLBLK Node USERBLK Alias uSERBLK Node CICON Alias cICON Node CICONBLK Alias cICONBLK Node ICONBLK Alias iCONBLK Node BITBLK Alias bITBLK Node TEDINFO Alias tEDINFO Node timeval Node timezone Node OBJC_COLORWORD Alias oBJC_COLORWORD Node OBJECT Alias oBJECT Node XCPB Alias xCPB Node CPXINFO Alias cPXINFO Node CPXHEAD Alias cPXHEAD Node SIGACTION Alias sIGACTION Node PMSG Alias pMSG Node XATTR Alias xATTR Node DATETIME Alias dATETIME Node xkey Node winsize Node ltchars Node tchars Node sgttyb Node ploadinfo Node FLOCK Alias fLOCK Node DISKINFO Alias dISKINFO Node dev_descr Node fs_descr Node MFDB Alias mFDB Node VDI_Workstation Alias vDI_Workstation Node RGB Alias rGB Node BIOS_TIME Alias bIOS_TIME Node PRTBLK Alias pRTBLK Node KEYTAB Alias kEYTAB Node IOREC Alias iOREC Node DSPBLOCK Alias dSPBLOCK Node SBUFPTR Alias sBUFPTR Node MAPTAB Alias mAPTAB Node BCONMAP Alias bCONMAP Node MOBLK Alias mOBLK Node MRETS Alias mRETS Node bfobspec Node StdAOColWORD Alias stdAOColWORD Node OBSPEC Alias oBSPEC Node RSHDR Alias rSHDR Node IMG_HEADER Alias iMG_HEADER Node FONT_HDR Alias fONT_HDR Node APPLRECORD Alias aPPLRECORD Node PD Alias pD Alias BASEPAGE Node CD_DISC_INFO Alias cD_DISC_INFO Node CD_TOC_ENTRY Alias cD_TOC_ENTRY Node DOSTIME Alias dOSTIME Node META_DRVINFO Alias mETA_DRVINFO Node META_INFO_1 Alias mETA_INFO_1 Alias METAINFO Node META_INFO_2 Alias mETA_INFO_2 Node META_HEADER Alias mETA_HEADER Node MOUSE Alias mOUSE Node PBDEF Alias pBDEF Node PH Alias pH Node PUN_INFO Alias pUN_INFO Node RGB_LIST Alias rGB_LIST Node SCANX Alias sCANX Node SCREEN Alias sCREEN Node SHELTAIL Alias sHELTAIL Node SWINFO Alias sWINFO Node XDO_INF Alias xDO_INF Node XFNT_INFO Alias xFNT_INFO Node Versions of System Components Alias versions of System Components Alias Appendix K Alias versions Node Bibliography Alias bibliography Node SR Alias sR Node TSR Alias tSR Node LAN Alias lAN Node %Size Node %Machine Node %Type Node Index Alias index