Hypertext file: AIP.hyp with 2333 entries
 Module         AIP
 Database       Atari Infopages
 Node           Main
 Alias          ÜBERSICHT
 Node           Downloadquellen
 Node           Sonderkonditionen für Anbieter
 Node           Manfreds Vorwort
 Node           Statistik
 Node           Dirks Vorwort
 Node           Hilfe zu den eMail-Adressen
 Node           fido-hinweis
 Node           maus-hinweis
 Node           internet-hinweis
 Node           Hinweise für Autoren
 Node           Hinweise für Anbieter
 Node           Nötige Programmdaten
 Node           DFUE Tips
 Node           AUTOREN
 Node           Autoren: A
 Node           Autoren: B
 Node           Autoren: C
 Node           Autoren: D
 Node           Autoren: E
 Node           Autoren: F
 Node           Autoren: G
 Node           Autoren: H
 Node           Autoren: I
 Node           Autoren: J
 Node           Autoren: K
 Node           Autoren: L
 Node           Autoren: M
 Node           Autoren: N
 Node           Autoren: O
 Node           Autoren: P
 Node           Autoren: Q
 Node           Autoren: R
 Node           Autoren: S
 Node           Autoren: T
 Node           Autoren: U
 Node           Autoren: V
 Node           Autoren: W
 Node           Autoren: X
 Node           Autoren: Y
 Node           Autoren: Z
 Node           Autoren: Komplett
 Node           Dummy (vorname) . Dummy (nachname)
 Node           Georg Acher
 Node           Heiko Achilles
 Node           Mario Adam
 Node           Michael Ahrweiler
 Node           Jabran Akhtar
 Node           Andreas Alich
 Node           Jürgen Altmann
 Node           Wolfgang Ante
 Node           Ole Arndt
 Node           Mika Arpe
 Node           Bernhard Artz
 Node           Atari Corporation
 Node           Bill Aycock
 Node           Thomas Baade
 Node           Stefan Bachert
 Node           Ken Badertscher
 Node           Jwahar R. Bammi
 Node           Reinhard Bartel
 Node           Christoph Bartholme
 Node           René Bartholomay
 Node           Andreas Bath
 Node           Stephan Baucke
 Node           Wolfgang Bauer
 Node           Frank Baumgart
 Node           Christian Becker
 Node           Matthias Becker
 Node           Stefan Becker
 Node           Harald Becker
 Node           Wilfried Behne
 Node           Frank Behrens
 Node           Arnd Beissner
 Node           Thorsten Bella
 Node           Jens Bender
 Node           Rolf Bensch
 Node           Christian Bergknecht
 Node           Thorsten Bergner
 Node           Michael Bernards
 Node           Michael Bernau
 Node           Kurt Bertel
 Node           Falco Bethke
 Node           Ralf Biedermann
 Node           Jeff M. Bilger
 Node           Thomas Binder
 Node           Andreas Binner
 Node           Lutz Birkhahn
 Node           Bernd Blank
 Node           Markus Blank
 Node           Harald Blees
 Node           Stefan Bock
 Node           Kai Bode
 Node           Stephan Bold
 Node           Andreas Bölt
 Node           Andreas Borchard
 Node           Thierry Bousch
 Node           Martin Braschler
 Node           Christoph Bregulla
 Node           Claus Brod
 Node           Jens Brüggemann
 Node           Stefan Brusch
 Node           Oliver Buchmann
 Node           Volker Burggräf
 Node           Byterape-Crew
 Node           Christian Cartus
 Node           Gerd Castan
 Node           Gerhard Clausen
 Node           Alexander Clauss
 Node           Stuart Coates
 Node           John Cole
 Node           Christoph Conrad
 Node           Dieter Cotta
 Node           Christian Dalichow
 Node           Stefan Damerau
 Node           Paul Dana
 Node           Ingo Debus
 Node           Alexander Deiters
 Node           Stuart Denman
 Node           Hans-Peter Dewald
 Node           Erik Dick
 Node           Sönke Diener
 Node           Gerald Dietze
 Node           Sven Dittmar
 Node           Markus Dobler
 Node           Patrick Dubbrow
 Node           Gregor Duchalski
 Node           Rainer Duda
 Node           Ulf Dunkel
 Node           Cyrille Dupuydauby
 Node           Manfred Düsing
 Node           Michael Eberl
 Node           Michael Ebsen
 Node           Andreas Edler
 Node           Stefan Eissing
 Node           Steffen Engel
 Node           Georg Engelhard
 Node           Udo Erdelhoff
 Node           Florian Erhard
 Node           Dragan Espenschied
 Node           Bernd Falkenstein
 Node           Martin Fangmeyer
 Node           Robert Federle
 Node           Dietrich Feist
 Node           Pascal Fellerich
 Node           Jens Fellmuth
 Node           Christian Felsch
 Node           Jan-Hinrich Fessel
 Node           Dieter Fiebelkorn
 Node           Ralf Fischer
 Node           Peter Flathmann
 Node           Georg Fleischmann
 Node           Michel Forget
 Node           Andreas Frank
 Node           Lutz Frank
 Node           Andreas Franke
 Node           Alvar Freude
 Node           Carsten Friehe
 Node           Markus Fritze
 Node           Edgar Fuß
 Node           Martin Gäckler
 Node           Ofir Gal
 Node           Tim Gallivan
 Node           Timm Ganske
 Node           Klaus Garms
 Node           Mike Garrison
 Node           Thomas Garsoffky
 Node           Rainer Gauweiler
 Node           Gerrit Gehnen
 Node           Michael Gehret
 Node           Jerry Geiger
 Node           Dieter Geiß
 Node           Jürgen Geiß
 Node           Heiko Gemmel
 Node           Martin Gergeleit
 Node           Stephan Gerle
 Node           Heiko Gisselmann
 Node           Thomas Göring
 Node           Johannes Göttker-Schnetmann
 Node           Craig Graham
 Node           Stefan Grefen
 Node           Peter Grobner
 Node           Alexander Gröpl
 Node           Christian Grunenberg
 Node           Ulli Gruszka
 Node           Michael Guse
 Node           Olaf Güthe
 Node           Markus Gutschke
 Node           Marcus Häbler
 Node           Dirk Hagedorn
 Node           Christian Hagemeier
 Node           Marco Hahn
 Node           Ulli Hahndorf
 Node           Jörg Hahne
 Node           Heino Hansen
 Node           Pierre Hansen
 Node           Siegfried Hartmann
 Node           Heiko Hartmann
 Node           Dirk Haun
 Node           Michael Haydn
 Node           Uwe Heidemann
 Node           Alexander Heinrich
 Node           Christian Hellmanzik
 Node           Michael Heng
 Node           Anders Henke
 Node           Stephen Henson
 Node           Marianne C. Herdt
 Node           Manuel Hermann
 Node           Jochen Herz
 Node           Axel Herzig
 Node           Jörg Hessdörfer
 Node           Norbert Heyermeyer
 Node           Armin Hierstetter
 Node           Peter Hilbring
 Node           Udo Hilwerling
 Node           Konrad Hinsen
 Node           Stefan Hintz
 Node           Ger Hobbelt
 Node           Roman Hodek
 Node           Phil Hodgkins
 Node           Götz Hoffart
 Node           Markus Hoffmann
 Node           Andreas Hoffmann
 Node           Markus Hoffmann (2)
 Node           Vegard Hofsoey
 Node           Gerd Höller
 Node           Ken Hollis
 Node           Uwe Holtkamp
 Node           Jürgen Holtkamp
 Node           Armin Holz
 Node           Bernhard Hornecker
 Node           Jürgen Horzütz
 Node           Jörg Hoyer
 Node           Gerhard Huber
 Node           Michael Huber
 Node           Walter Hupfeld
 Node           John Hutchinson
 Node           Martin Ibert
 Node           Valentin Illich
 Node           Dieter Intas
 Node           Robert Irrgang
 Node           Karsten Isakovic
 Node           Jost Jahn
 Node           Arto Jalkanen
 Node           Hans-Dieter Jankowski
 Node           Hans-Peter Jansen
 Node           Tord Jansson
 Node           Michael Jelinek
 Node           Richard Jelinek
 Node           Patrick Jerchel
 Node           Charles F. Johnson
 Node           Tommy Jonaeson
 Node           Roger Jordan
 Node           Stephan Junker
 Node           Hubert Kahlert
 Node           Steffan Kaminski
 Node           Michael Kammerlander
 Node           Dirk Katzschke
 Node           Hans Kaufmann
 Node           Ralf Kayser
 Node           Volker Keck
 Node           Jürgen Keitel
 Node           Thomas Kerkloh
 Node           Robert Kiessling
 Node           Markus Kilbinger
 Node           Alexander Kirchner
 Node           Peter Klasen
 Node           Joachim Klein
 Node           Rainer Klute
 Node           Gerd Knops
 Node           Tom Kohl
 Node           Werner Köhler
 Node           Sören Köhler
 Node           Martin Köhling
 Node           Markus Kohm
 Node           Andreas Kohout
 Node           Kolja Koischwitz
 Node           Ignac Kolenko
 Node           Jürgen Koneczny
 Node           Sven Kopacz
 Node           Uwe Kornnagel
 Node           Rolf Kotzian
 Node           Michael Kovar
 Node           Norbert Kowallik
 Node           Norbert Kreutzfeldt
 Node           Stefan Krey
 Node           Jürgen Kriege
 Node           Jan Kriesten
 Node           Thomas Kröbel
 Node           Andreas Kromke
 Node           Henning Krone
 Node           Christian Krüger
 Node           Matthias Krutz
 Node           Michael Kubasch
 Node           Ulrich Kühn
 Node           Thomas Künneth
 Node           Frank Kurpiela
 Node           Richard Kurz
 Node           Jürgen Lankenau
 Node           Vincent Lefevre
 Node           Christian Lehmann
 Node           Thorsten Liebold
 Node           Christian Limpach
 Node           Stefan Lindner
 Node           Anselm Lingnau
 Node           Johannes Link
 Node           Ingo Linkweiler
 Node           Juergen Lock
 Node           Carl Löfgren
 Node           Martin Lonzen
 Node           Alexander Lorenz
 Node           Karsten Lüdersen
 Node           Reinhard Maier
 Node           Andreas Mandel
 Node           Don Maple
 Node           Ole Marienhagen
 Node           Volker Marquardt
 Node           Norbert Marschalleck
 Node           Joep Mathijsen
 Node           Egbert Mattikau
 Node           Andreas Mayer
 Node           C. Mayer-Gürr
 Node           John Mc Loud
 Node           Mike Mee
 Node           Olaf Meisiek
 Node           Mario Meissner
 Node           Jürgen Melkis
 Node           Francisco Mendez
 Node           Ralph Mertens
 Node           Jürgen Meyer
 Node           Gerrit Meyer
 Node           Oliver Michalak
 Node           Markus Miertschink
 Node           Martin Miethke
 Node           Wilfried Mintrop
 Node           Peter Missel
 Node           Christian Mittendorf
 Node           Emanuel Möcklin
 Node           Michael Mögn
 Node           Martin Momberg
 Node           More than two...
 Node           Sacha Moufarrege
 Node           Thomas Much
 Node           Derek Mui
 Node           Manfred Müller-Späth
 Node           Stefan Münch
 Node           Dave Munsie
 Node           Peter Nagel
 Node           Simone Naldi
 Node           Holger Nassenstein
 Node           Jens C. Neffe
 Node           Stephan Neuhaus
 Node           Helmut Neukirchen
 Node           Helmut Neumann
 Node           Thomas Neumann
 Node           Markus Nick
 Node           Fred Nicklisch
 Node           Tassilo Nitz
 Node           Michael Nolte
 Node           Stefan Nyul
 Node           Philipp Oelwein
 Node           Uwe Ohse
 Node           Gerhard Oppenhorst
 Node           Jürgen Orschiedt
 Node           Martin Osieka
 Node           Christoph Ostendorf
 Node           Jörg Otte
 Node           Ole Pahl
 Node           Frank Pajonk
 Node           Andreas Papula
 Node           Bernd Paysan
 Node           Claus J. Pedersen
 Node           Jani Penttinen
 Node           Mario Perdue
 Node           Björn Petersen
 Node           Christoph Peus
 Node           Hartmut Pfitzinger
 Node           Michael Pieper
 Node           Olaf Piesche
 Node           Andreas Pietsch
 Node           Harald Placke
 Node           Jörg Plewe
 Node           Harald Plontke
 Node           Ingo Plückhahn
 Node           Bjarne Pohlers
 Node           Markus Pohlmann
 Node           Thorsten Pohlmann
 Node           Uwe Poliak
 Node           Vincent Pomey
 Node           Simon Poole
 Node           Thomas Posadzy
 Node           Boris Pradarutti
 Node           Thomas Präfcke
 Node           Markus Pristovsek
 Node           Laurenz Prüßner
 Node           Tom Quellenberg
 Node           Thomas Quester
 Node           Stefan Radermacher
 Node           Ulli Ramps
 Node           Mitja Rateiczak
 Node           Ilja Rateiczak
 Node           Michael Rausch
 Node           Daniel Redanz
 Node           Berthold Reiff
 Node           Ralf Reissing
 Node           David Reitter
 Node           Martin Reitzlein
 Node           Frank Renkes
 Node           Julian Reschke
 Node           Hansi Richstein
 Node           Frank Ridderbusch
 Node           Helge Riis
 Node           Stefan Rinke
 Node           Stefan Rogel
 Node           Michael Rohleder
 Node           Ulrich Röhr
 Node           Daniel Rösen
 Node           Ulrich Roßgoderer
 Node           Reiner Rosin
 Node           Frank Röske
 Node           Thorsten Roskowetz
 Node           Wolfram Rösler
 Node           Christian Roth
 Node           Daniel Roth
 Node           Markus Rottacker
 Node           Arne Rudolph
 Node           Michael Ruge
 Node           Frank Rüger
 Node           Torsten Runge
 Node           Stefan Rupp
 Node           Dirk Sabiwalsky
 Node           Dirk Sandhorst
 Node           Frank Sautter
 Node           Heiko Schäfer
 Node           Thomas Schallar
 Node           Christof Schardt
 Node           Oliver Scheel
 Node           Peter Scheerer
 Node           Patrick Scheich
 Node           Harun Scheutzow
 Node           Oliver Schildmann
 Node           Uwe Schlenther
 Node           Andreas Schley
 Node           Michael Schlüter
 Node           Jörg Schmela
 Node           Hayo Schmidt
 Node           Mick Schmidt
 Node           Oliver Schmidt
 Node           Gabriel Schmidt
 Node           Holger Schmidt
 Node           Harald Schmitz
 Node           Armin Schneider
 Node           Peter Schneider
 Node           Thorsten Schnurawa
 Node           Harald Schönfeld
 Node           Roland Schorr
 Node           Frank Schramm
 Node           Andreas Schrell
 Node           Norbert Schulze
 Node           Arne Schween
 Node           Michael Schwingen
 Node           Patrick Seemann
 Node           Ewald Seibert
 Node           Lee Seiler
 Node           Uwe Seimet
 Node           Rainer Seitel
 Node           Peter Seitz
 Node           Alexander Seitz
 Node           Carsten Setje-Eilers
 Node           Michael Seyfried
 Node           Jürgen Sieber
 Node           Harald Siegmund
 Node           Marcel Sieling
 Node           Bob Silliker
 Node           Franz Sirl
 Node           Yat Siu
 Node           Bernd Skibbe
 Node           Stephan Skrodzki
 Node           Jochen Skupin
 Node           Stephan Slabihoud
 Node           Eric R. Smith
 Node           Volker Söhnitz
 Node           Ben Sommer
 Node           Harald Sommerfeldt
 Node           Elmar Sonnenschein
 Node           Frank Specht
 Node           Bernd Spellenberg
 Node           Christoph Spengler
 Node           Norbert Spiegel
 Node           Jörg Sprenger
 Node           Manfred Ssykor
 Node           Dirk Stadler
 Node           Christian Stamm
 Node           John Stanford
 Node           Jan Starzynski
 Node           Martin Steen
 Node           Gereon Steffens
 Node           Axel Steffens
 Node           Mike Steffl
 Node           Udo Steinbach
 Node           Dirk Steins
 Node           Rolf Stelljes
 Node           Oliver Stenzel
 Node           Anton Stepper
 Node           Niel Stewart
 Node           Gerhard Stoll
 Node           Frank Storm
 Node           Christoph Strunk
 Node           Matthias Stürmer
 Node           Lars-Thorsten Sudmann
 Node           Alexander Süß
 Node           Uland Täffner
 Node           Thomas Tempelmann
 Node           Oliver Teuber
 Node           Michael Thänitz
 Node           Raimund Thiel
 Node           Robert Thomitzek
 Node           Jörg Tochtenhagen
 Node           Tobias Tödter
 Node           Carsten Tolkmit
 Node           Robert Tolksdorf
 Node           Rainer Tracht
 Node           Ralf Trinler
 Node           Unbekannt
 Node           Roel van de Kraats
 Node           Friedel van Megen
 Node           Guido Vollbeding
 Node           Harald von Essen
 Node           Jürgen Voorgang
 Node           Georg Wagner
 Node           Lothar W. Wagner
 Node           Matthias Wallmann
 Node           Wolfgang Wander
 Node           Anthony Watson
 Node           Siegfried Weckmann
 Node           Michael Wedding
 Node           Holger Weets
 Node           Rafael Wefers
 Node           Reinhard Weger
 Node           Karol Wegner
 Node           Goetz Wegner
 Node           Volker Weidner
 Node           Michael Weigand
 Node           Thomas Weinert
 Node           Arndt Weinmann
 Node           Robert Weiss
 Node           Arno Welzel
 Node           Markus Wenzel
 Node           Hans Wessels
 Node           Wolf Wibel
 Node           Martin Wiczorke
 Node           Reiner Wiechert
 Node           Martin Wielebinski
 Node           Hermann Wierl
 Node           Rainer Wiesenfeller
 Node           Dan Wilga
 Node           Achim Wilhelm
 Node           Ben-Jamin Wilke
 Node           Wong William
 Node           Andreas Winter
 Node           Christian Witt
 Node           Martin Wizorke
 Node           Dummy X Dummy
 Node           Steve Yelvington
 Node           Michael Ziegler
 Node           Ralf Zimmermann
 Node           Holger Zuck
 Node           Hartwig zur Nieden
 Node           Christoph Zwerschke
 Node           ANBIETER
 Node           Anbieter: A
 Node           Anbieter: B
 Node           Anbieter: C
 Node           Anbieter: D
 Node           Anbieter: E
 Node           Anbieter: F
 Node           Anbieter: G
 Node           Anbieter: H
 Node           Anbieter: I
 Node           Anbieter: J
 Node           Anbieter: K
 Node           Anbieter: L
 Node           Anbieter: M
 Node           Anbieter: N
 Node           Anbieter: O
 Node           Anbieter: P
 Node           Anbieter: Q
 Node           Anbieter: R
 Node           Anbieter: S
 Node           Anbieter: T
 Node           Anbieter: U
 Node           Anbieter: V
 Node           Anbieter: W
 Node           Anbieter: X
 Node           Anbieter: Y
 Node           Anbieter: Z
 Node           Anbieter: Sonstige
 Node           Anbieter: 0
 Node           Anbieter: 1
 Node           Anbieter: 2
 Node           Anbieter: 3
 Node           Anbieter: 4
 Node           Anbieter: 5
 Node           Anbieter: 6
 Node           Anbieter: 7
 Node           Anbieter: 8
 Node           Anbieter: 9
 Node           Anbieter: Österreich
 Node           Anbieter: Schweiz
 Node           Anbieter: Niederlande
 Node           Bolliger-Info
 Node           Sven Bornemark Musik info
 Node           UDO-Info
 Node           Die Invers-Disks
 Node           Düsselsoft-Info
 Node           Service
 Node           ABCM Software Store
 Node           Acher, Eberl & Seibert GbR
 Node           ACS Computer Jörg Bauhaus
 Node           Adequate Systems
 Node           Adolf & Schmoll Computer
 Node           AG-Computertechnik
 Node           Akzente Computer & Werbedesign
 Node           Alpha & Omega Software
 Node           Alschi Soft
 Node           Application Systems Heidelberg GmbH
 Node           Atari (Canada) Corporation
 Node           Atari Benelux Bv
 Node           ATARI Computer Jurek Ceglarek
 Node           Atari Coporation (UK) Ltd.
 Node           Atari Corporation Customer Relations
 Node           Atari France FA
 Node           Atari-Corporation c/o Mr. Jack Tramiel
 Node           Axel Böckem Computer + Textsysteme
 Node           Behne & Behne Systemsoftware GbR
 Node           BERTEL-SOFTWARE
 Node           Best Electronic
 Node           Betz Computer
 Node           carasys
 Node           Catch Computer
 Node           CBS Computersysteme GmbH
 Node           Chemo-Soft
 Node           CoCo sales Agency
 Node           Color Concept Satz und Layout Systeme
 Node           Columbus Soft
 Node           ComCom Computer & Communications
 Node           Compo Software GmbH
 Node           Computer & Freizeit Shop
 Node           Computer & Service Center Reinke GmbH
 Node           Computer Profis Computersysteme & Bürokommunikation
 Node           Computer Software Manuals
 Node           Computer Studio GmbH
 Node           Computer-Service Eberle
 Node           Computer-Studio Wehsner GmbH
 Node           Computerinsel
 Node           Computersysteme Gobernatz
 Node           Computertechnik Rosenplätner GmbH
 Node           Computerversand G. Thobe
 Node           Comtex Computersysteme
 Node           Crazy Bits
 Node           Creative Computer Design
 Node           Creator / Agression
 Node           CSA
 Node           CTS J. Sälzer
 Node           Darksoft//AVANTI
 Node           Dataplay GmbH
 Node           Datasound Computerelektronik & Tontechnik
 Node           Delirium Arts
 Node           delta labs media
 Node           Dickers Datentechnik
 Node           DIGI Shop Linz
 Node           Digital Arts GmbH
 Node           Digital Data Deicke
 Node           Dinologics
 Node           Don't Panic Computer-Komplettlösungen GmbH
 Node           Dr. Zellmer GmbH
 Node           Dresdner Computer Center GmbH
 Node           Düsselsoft
 Node           E. Bolliger
 Node           Edicta GmbH
 Node           EDV-Service Christian Bontenackels
 Node           Eickmann Computer
 Node           Electronic Storm Software
 Node           Elmstreet Soft Andreas Wilcek
 Node           ELSA GmbH (Deutschland)
 Node           ELSA Inc,
 Node           EMAGIC Soft- und Hardware GmbH
 Node           EU-Soft Peter Weber
 Node           EXET
 Node           Fa. Erhardt
 Node           Fischer Computer Systeme
 Node           Fujitsu
 Node           G.M.A.
 Node           Galactic
 Node           Gellermann & Fellmuth GbR
 Node           Gribnif Software
 Node           Gromes Electronic
 Node           Haase Computersysteme
 Node           Hard & Soft Computerzubehör GmbH
 Node           Heim Verlag GmbH
 Node           Hewlett-Packard Deutschland GmbH
 Node           Heyer & Neumann GbR
 Node           HIB Computer GmbH
 Node           Hirsch & Partner GbR
 Node           HiSoft
 Node           HK-Datentechnik
 Node           IDEE Individuelle Computer-Lösungen GmbH
 Node           Ingolf Schneider Computertechnik
 Node           inversmedia Verlag GbR
 Node           Jobis Unternehmenssupport A. Wicke
 Node           Jobis Unternehmenssupport J.R. Plaschka
 Node           Jochen Merz Software
 Node           Kaktus Richstein & Dick GbR
 Node           keyNote Publishing Business Contact Directories
 Node           Klaus Peters Elektronik & Software
 Node           Konfect Corp.
 Node           konTRAST Neumann-Seidel GbR
 Node           Kursiv Karsten Risseeuw
 Node           Layout-Service Kiel
 Node           Lighthouse A + G Sexton GmbH
 Node           LogicBase Software GbR
 Node           LogiLex
 Node           Mactor Europe GmbH
 Node           Markert Computer
 Node           Maxon Computer
 Node           Medac GmbH
 Node           Medusa Computer Systems
 Node           MegaTeam Computer Vertriebs oHG
 Node           Meurer & Zipp GbR
 Node           Meyer & Jacob
 Node           Michael Nolte Computersysteme
 Node           Midi & Computer Systeme
 Node           MORE Soft
 Node           MünzenloherGmbH
 Node           MW Electronic
 Node           MX Soft Alexander Schütz
 Node           nbn-Elektronik
 Node           no! Software GmbH
 Node           Norbert Wieczorek
 Node           Ohst Software
 Node           OLUFS-Software
 Node           Omikron Software
 Node           Orion Compytersysteme GmbH
 Node           OverScan
 Node           Pagedown
 Node           pc-consulting GmbH
 Node           PD-Service Rees & Gabler
 Node           Pergamon Software
 Node           PS Data Hard- und Software GmbH
 Node           PSH Medienvertriebs GmbH
 Node           Purix Software
 Node           Quantum GmbH
 Node           R.O.M. logicware
 Node           Rainer Duda Software
 Node           Reinhard Epp Software
 Node           Reitmaier Musikelektronik
 Node           Richter Distributor
 Node           Rolf Rocke Computer
 Node           ROMWARE GmbH
 Node           Rosin Datentechnik
 Node           Sack Electronic GmbH
 Node           Schminder & Treffer GbR
 Node           SCHWAB EQUIPMENT
 Node           SciLab GmbH
 Node           Seagate Technology GmbH
 Node           Shift Computer und Werbung GmbH
 Node           SI-Tec
 Node           Sienknecht Bürokommunikation
 Node           SK-Computerservice Kuhn
 Node           Soft & Hardware Roman Hodek
 Node           Softarts
 Node           Softbär GbR
 Node           Softdesign Computer Software  
 Node           Softhansa GmbH
 Node           Software Dirk Sandhorst
 Node           Softwarehaus Alexander Heinrich
 Node           Softwareservice Seidel
 Node           SoundPool
 Node           Spielraum Spiele V. Meyer
 Node           Stefan Wagner Computerversand
 Node           Steinberg Computer Shop
 Node           Sven Bornemark Musik
 Node           Synthesizer Studio Jacob
 Node           T.U.M. Soft- & Hardware
 Node           TANDBERG DATA Gmbh
 Node           TEAC Corp. of America
 Node           TEAC Deutschland GmbH ICP Division
 Node           TEAM Computer GmbH
 Node           TEAM Computer GmbH (Gelsenkirchen)
 Node           TEAM Software
 Node           Televideo
 Node           TKC Thomas Kobert Computer
 Node           TKR GmbH & Co. Kg
 Node           TMS
 Node           Toad Computers / NewSTar Technology Management
 Node           Tools GmbH
 Node           Toshiba Europe GmbH
 Node           trifolium
 Node           Tritec Computerfachhandel
 Node           Turtle Direct Computerversand
 Node           TYPES, Holger Schlicht
 Node           U.S. Robotics Deutschland
 Node           U.S. Robotics England
 Node           U.S. Robotics Frankreich
 Node           U.S. Robotics USA
 Node           Uwe Olufs Software
 Node           Veits Hard- & Software Verkauf
 Node           VHF Computer
 Node           VICTOR GmbH
 Node           Walliser & Co.
 Node           WBW-Service Willi B. Werk
 Node           WERBUNG via COMPUTER
 Node           Werner Wohlfahrtstätter Hard- & Software
 Node           Western Digital Deutschland GmbH
 Node           Whiteline Soft Series
 Node           Wilhelm Mikroelectronic-progemtec
 Node           Wobeco Computer & Consulting
 Node           woller & link gbr
 Node           WorkingTitle GbR
 Node           X/Software
 Node           xDesign Joachim Klein Hard & Software
 Node           Xenia Software
 Node           ZYN
 Node           PROGRAMME
 Node           Thin2.UUE
 Node           HD-Wait.UUE
 Node           VT52-Init.UUE
 Node           Third Button UUE
 Node           Schwein.UUE
 Node           Programme: A
 Node           Programme: B
 Node           Programme: C
 Node           Programme: D
 Node           Programme: E
 Node           Programme: F
 Node           Programme: G
 Node           Programme: H
 Node           Programme: I
 Node           Programme: J
 Node           Programme: K
 Node           Programme: L
 Node           Programme: M
 Node           Programme: N
 Node           Programme: O
 Node           Programme: P
 Node           Programme: Q
 Node           Programme: R
 Node           Programme: S
 Node           Programme: T
 Node           Programme: U
 Node           Programme: V
 Node           Programme: W
 Node           Programme: X
 Node           Programme: Y
 Node           Programme: Z
 Node           Programme: Sonstige
 Node           'Hoffmung für Alle' für BibelST
 Alias          'Hoffmung für Alle' für BibelST 2.0
 Node           1stGuide
 Alias          1stGuide 
 Node           1stGuide Utilities
 Alias          1stGuide Utilities 
 Node           3D-Lab
 Alias          3D-Lab 0.10
 Node           7UP
 Alias          7UP 2.32
 Node           7UP Guide
 Alias          7UP Guide 2.2
 Node           A la Card
 Alias          A la Card 1.3
 Node           A/D-Wandler für ROM-Port
 Alias          A/D-Wandler für ROM-Port 
 Node           ABACUS
 Alias          ABACUS 1.03
 Node           Abalone
 Alias          Abalone 1.0
 Node           ABKZ2VFW
 Alias          ABKZ2VFW 1.0
 Node           ACC
 Alias          ACC 2.2
 Node           ACCount-MANager
 Alias          ACCount-MANager V1.4
 Node           ACS-Viewer
 Alias          ACS-Viewer 
 Node           ACSpro
 Alias          ACSpro 2.3
 Node           ACSpro-Funktionen-Beispiel
 Alias          ACSpro-Funktionen-Beispiel 2.3
 Node           Adresse
 Alias          Adresse 2.03
 Node           AES Font Loader
 Alias          AES Font Loader 1.12
 Node           AES Font Loader light
 Alias          AES Font Loader light 0.61
 Node           AESCLOCK
 Alias          AESCLOCK 
 Node           Airbag
 Alias          Airbag 1.5
 Node           Akt-Takt
 Alias          Akt-Takt 2.0
 Node           Alias
 Alias          Alias 0.90
 Node           ALPHA-CD
 Alias          ALPHA-CD 
 Node           Analyse
 Alias          Analyse 0.5
 Node           ANATOMIE.DB
 Alias          ANATOMIE.DB 1.1
 Node           Another CD-Player
 Alias          Another CD-Player 1.10
 Node           Another Crude Player
 Alias          Another Crude Player 1.3
 Node           Appline
 Alias          Appline 1.8
 Node           Appman
 Alias          Appman 0.89
 Node           APP_LIST
 Alias          APP_LIST 0.4
 Node           Arkus
 Alias          Arkus 2.0
 Node           Arrowfix
 Alias          Arrowfix 1.5
 Node           ArtWorx
 Alias          ArtWorx 1.01
 Node           ASCII-Transformer
 Alias          ASCII-Transformer 1.2
 Node           Astro-Guide
 Alias          Astro-Guide 6.0
 Node           Astro-Termine '95
 Alias          Astro-Termine '95 
 Node           Atari Compendium
 Alias          Atari Compendium 2. Auflage
 Node           Atari Infopages
 Alias          Atari Infopages Release 12
 Node           Atari-Crypt-O-Conv  
 Alias          Atari-Crypt-O-Conv   1.0
 Node           ATARI.DTP-FAQ
 Alias          ATARI.DTP-FAQ 1.2
 Node           ATOS - Around The Operating System
 Alias          ATOS - Around The Operating System 8/9 95
 Node           ATSTART
 Alias          ATSTART Release 3
 Node           Audio CD-Player
 Alias          Audio CD-Player 1.0
 Node           Audion
 Alias          Audion 1.60
 Node           AutoCheckFat
 Alias          AutoCheckFat Release 2
 Node           Autoex
 Alias          Autoex 1.0
 Node           AUTOKAT
 Alias          AUTOKAT vom 30.07.1995
 Node           Autokennzeichen Hypertext
 Alias          Autokennzeichen Hypertext 1.6
 Node           AutoMore
 Alias          AutoMore Release 5
 Node           AutoSwitch-OverScan ST
 Alias          AutoSwitch-OverScan ST 3.0zm
 Node           AutoSwitch-OverScan TT
 Alias          AutoSwitch-OverScan TT 1.11
 Node           Avalon
 Alias          Avalon 3.75
 Node           Avalon4Semper
 Alias          Avalon4Semper 3.75
 Node           Bachblüten
 Alias          Bachblüten 0.20
 Node           Backward II
 Alias          Backward II 2.64
 Node           Ballerburg 2 goes multi
 Alias          Ballerburg 2 goes multi 
 Node           Bauernhof
 Alias          Bauernhof 1.4s
 Node           BavariaEventManager
 Alias          BavariaEventManager 1.08
 Node           bdw-Base
 Alias          bdw-Base 1.0
 Node           Before Dawn
 Alias          Before Dawn 1.39
 Node           BELLMENU
 Alias          BELLMENU 1.0
 Node           Benchbar
 Alias          Benchbar 1.00
 Node           Berufliche Bewerbung
 Alias          Berufliche Bewerbung 2.0
 Node           Berzerk
 Alias          Berzerk 
 Node           BEST*DB
 Alias          BEST*DB 1.23
 Node           BEST*FAKT
 Alias          BEST*FAKT 3.38
 Node           BEST*FIBU
 Alias          BEST*FIBU 5.38
 Node           BEST*HONO
 Alias          BEST*HONO 2.00
 Node           BEST*KALK
 Alias          BEST*KALK 3.38
 Node           BEST*LAW
 Alias          BEST*LAW 1.01
 Node           BEST*LOHN
 Alias          BEST*LOHN 4.03
 Node           BEST*PROJ
 Alias          BEST*PROJ 1.20
 Node           BibelST
 Alias          BibelST 2.20
 Node           BibelST-Mini
 Alias          BibelST-Mini 1.0
 Node           Big Net
 Alias          Big Net 1.0
 Node           Big-DOS
 Alias          Big-DOS 
 Node           Binary Diff
 Alias          Binary Diff 1.14
 Node           Binary Patch
 Alias          Binary Patch 1.14
 Node           Binary Patch Light
 Alias          Binary Patch Light 1.14
 Node           Binary Patch Programm Builder
 Alias          Binary Patch Programm Builder 1.14
 Node           BINGO
 Alias          BINGO 2.11
 Node           Blinex
 Alias          Blinex 1.51
 Node           BlowUP030
 Alias          BlowUP030 
 Node           BOBtracker
 Alias          BOBtracker 1.0
 Node           Bombadil
 Alias          Bombadil 1.0
 Node           BombOn
 Alias          BombOn 0.2
 Node           Boot-Tools
 Alias          Boot-Tools 01
 Node           BOOTCONF
 Alias          BOOTCONF 1.21
 Node           BOOTSCHREIB
 Alias          BOOTSCHREIB 1.0a
 Node           Bootsel
 Alias          Bootsel 2.15
 Node           Boxkite
 Alias          Boxkite 1.76
 Node           BraceCheck
 Alias          BraceCheck 1.0
 Node           BREZEL
 Alias          BREZEL 1.13d ß
 Node           BUDGET
 Alias          BUDGET 1.01
 Node           C-AKT
 Alias          C-AKT 1.20
 Node           C-Formula
 Alias          C-Formula 
 Node           c68
 Alias          c68 
 Node           Caesar
 Alias          Caesar 1.5g
 Node           Calc
 Alias          Calc 0.33
 Node           CALENDER.APP
 Alias          CALENDER.APP 0.02
 Node           CALL-TeX
 Alias          CALL-TeX 1.4
 Node           Calvino
 Alias          Calvino 1.02
 Node           Cantor
 Alias          Cantor 1.3
 Node           CARDSHH
 Alias          CARDSHH Release 1
 Node           Casio-SF <-> Atari ST
 Alias          Casio-SF <-> Atari ST 1.35
 Node           Cassetten-Label
 Alias          Cassetten-Label 1.2
 Node           Cat
 Alias          Cat 2.63
 Node           CAT ITGFix
 Alias          CAT ITGFix 0.3
 Node           Cat-HYPertext-Dokumentation
 Alias          Cat-HYPertext-Dokumentation 
 Node           Cat-Stat
 Alias          Cat-Stat 1.29
 Node           Cat2Maus
 Alias          Cat2Maus 1.71
 Node           CatCrypt
 Alias          CatCrypt 2.04
 Node           Catlick / Lick it!
 Alias          Catlick / Lick it! 1.40
 Node           CATPMSTA
 Alias          CATPMSTA 2.30
 Node           CATPMSTA-Hypertext
 Alias          CATPMSTA-Hypertext 1.00
 Node           CatPutz
 Alias          CatPutz 2.27
 Node           CatPutz-HYPertext-Dokumentation
 Alias          CatPutz-HYPertext-Dokumentation 
 Node           CD-Help
 Alias          CD-Help 1.0
 Node           CD-Player
 Alias          CD-Player 1.3c
 Node           CD-Recorder
 Alias          CD-Recorder 1.02
 Node           CD-ROM
 Alias          CD-ROM 1.2
 Node           CFN-Informer
 Alias          CFN-Informer 0.01
 Node           CFN-Lister
 Alias          CFN-Lister 0.01
 Node           CF_FAQ
 Alias          CF_FAQ 1.0
 Node           Chatwin
 Alias          Chatwin 3.01o
 Node           Chip 'n Chips
 Alias          Chip 'n Chips 3.00
 Node           Chkdisk
 Alias          Chkdisk 3
 Node           Chronos
 Alias          Chronos 1.54
 Node           Circles
 Alias          Circles 
 Node           Civi-Patcher
 Alias          Civi-Patcher 1.05
 Node           CKBD
 Alias          CKBD 1.3
 Node           ClickRun
 Alias          ClickRun 1.4
 Node           CLIX
 Alias          CLIX 3.51
 Node           Clocky - die 1001. Meüzeilenuhr
 Alias          Clocky - die 1001. Meüzeilenuhr 1.00
 Node           Clogge
 Alias          Clogge 2.2a
 Node           Clusters
 Alias          Clusters 2.00
 Node           Coffeemaker
 Alias          Coffeemaker 6.22
 Node           Color-Icons
 Alias          Color-Icons 1.20
 Node           CoMa
 Alias          CoMa 3.00
 Node           COMA - Hypertext
 Alias          COMA - Hypertext 3.00
 Node           COMPJED
 Alias          COMPJED 1.4
 Node           Computer und DFÜ-Lexikon
 Alias          Computer und DFÜ-Lexikon 1.0
 Node           CONFISTEC
 Alias          CONFISTEC 
 Node           conflib
 Alias          conflib 0.2.6
 Node           CONF_SYS
 Alias          CONF_SYS 1.01
 Node           CONF_TOF
 Alias          CONF_TOF 1.0
 Node           CoNnect
 Alias          CoNnect 2.46
 Node           Connectissimo!
 Alias          Connectissimo! 1.04
 Node           CPU Cache Control Driver
 Alias          CPU Cache Control Driver 1.01
 Node           Crack Art
 Alias          Crack Art 1.25
 Node           Crazy Sounds
 Alias          Crazy Sounds 
 Node           CS-TeX
 Alias          CS-TeX 4.0
 Node           CyPress
 Alias          CyPress 1.72
 Node           Da Capo
 Alias          Da Capo 1.22
 Node           Da Capo Zusatzdateien
 Alias          Da Capo Zusatzdateien 1.20
 Node           Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch
 Alias          Das Bürgerliche Gesetzbuch 2.0
 Node           Das neueste vom Tage
 Alias          Das neueste vom Tage 1.4
 Node           DataCrypt
 Alias          DataCrypt 1.03
 Node           DAT_SICH
 Alias          DAT_SICH 0.01ß
 Node           DAYCALC
 Alias          DAYCALC 
 Node           DCFTIME
 Alias          DCFTIME 1.2
 Node           DeCAT
 Alias          DeCAT 1.4
 Node           Delay Calculator
 Alias          Delay Calculator 2.0e
 Node           DELSTR
 Alias          DELSTR 1.1
 Node           DeskTitle
 Alias          DeskTitle 1.42
 Node           Device Library
 Alias          Device Library 
 Node           DEVLOCK
 Alias          DEVLOCK 
 Node           Dialler
 Alias          Dialler 2.25
 Node           Dialler & Printter
 Alias          Dialler & Printter 2.35
 Node           Dialler '96
 Alias          Dialler '96 4.0
 Node           Die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung
 Alias          Die neue deutsche Rechtschreibung 0.03
 Node           DirCompare
 Alias          DirCompare 1.11
 Node           Discover
 Alias          Discover 
 Node           Disk Cake
 Alias          Disk Cake 2.1
 Node           DiskList
 Alias          DiskList 3.32beta
 Node           Diskus
 Alias          Diskus 3.21
 Node           Dither
 Alias          Dither 1.6
 Node           DJ Control
 Alias          DJ Control 1.00
 Node           Dokumentation der GDPS-Schnittstelle
 Alias          Dokumentation der GDPS-Schnittstelle 1.1
 Node           Dokumentation der NEWDESK.INF
 Alias          Dokumentation der NEWDESK.INF Rel 02
 Node           DomesTOS
 Alias          DomesTOS 0.54
 Node           Don't worry, be happy
 Alias          Don't worry, be happy 2.0
 Node           Doppelklick
 Alias          Doppelklick 2.0
 Node           DSP Shell
 Alias          DSP Shell 1.0
 Node           DTCOOKIE
 Alias          DTCOOKIE 1.3
 Node           Duet
 Alias          Duet 1.00
 Node           Dumpman K1/K1m
 Alias          Dumpman K1/K1m 1.04
 Node           Dumpman K4/K4r
 Alias          Dumpman K4/K4r 1.04
 Node           Dumpman Universal
 Alias          Dumpman Universal 0.98
 Node           E-Backup
 Alias          E-Backup 2.00
 Node           E-Copy
 Alias          E-Copy 1.70
 Node           EASE Background Maker
 Alias          EASE Background Maker 1.00
 Node           Easy Rider
 Alias          Easy Rider 
 Node           Easy_PGP
 Alias          Easy_PGP 0.90
 Node           Eclipses
 Alias          Eclipses 1.00
 Node           Égale
 Alias          Égale 3.20
 Node           Einheitsübersetzung der Hlg. Schrift
 Alias          Einheitsübersetzung der Hlg. Schrift 2.0
 Node           Elberfelder Bibel für BibelST
 Alias          Elberfelder Bibel für BibelST 3.0
 Node           EnhancedGEM
 Alias          EnhancedGEM 2.20
 Node           EnhancedGEM-Utilities
 Alias          EnhancedGEM-Utilities Rel 2
 Node           Enkat
 Alias          Enkat 1.083
 Node           EPS-Exporter
 Alias          EPS-Exporter 0.02
 Node           Ergo!pro
 Alias          Ergo!pro 2.04
 Node           ESS-Code
 Alias          ESS-Code 6.4
 Node           etherische Öle
 Alias          etherische Öle 2.01
 Node           Everest
 Alias          Everest 3.5
 Node           EXPR
 Alias          EXPR 
 Node           F!FA - Fussbal Informationssystem
 Alias          F!FA - Fussbal Informationssystem 0.95f
 Node           F030 NVRam Configurator
 Alias          F030 NVRam Configurator 1.0
 Node           Face Value
 Alias          Face Value 1.0
 Node           Falcon-User-Datenbank
 Alias          Falcon-User-Datenbank 3. Release
 Node           Fantasy Lexikon
 Alias          Fantasy Lexikon 0.2
 Node           FAQ: GFA-Basic
 Alias          FAQ: GFA-Basic November 1995
 Node           FastBoot 030
 Alias          FastBoot 030 0.4ß
 Node           FAT-Map
 Alias          FAT-Map 1.2
 Node           Fax-Sender
 Alias          Fax-Sender 1.0
 Node           Fax-Wächter
 Alias          Fax-Wächter 1.3
 Node           Filelist
 Alias          Filelist 2.0
 Node           Fileserver für Upoint (BetaStatus)
 Alias          Fileserver für Upoint (BetaStatus) 0.36 (GEM)
 Node           Filter
 Alias          Filter 
 Node           FILTERS
 Alias          FILTERS 2.02
 Node           Flamer
 Alias          Flamer 1.00
 Node           Flames for Falcon
 Alias          Flames for Falcon 1.1
 Node           Floh
 Alias          Floh 1.35
 Node           Focus 3D
 Alias          Focus 3D 1.30
 Node           Font-List
 Alias          Font-List 0.1ß
 Node           Font-Print
 Alias          Font-Print 1.0
 Node           Font-Protokoll
 Alias          Font-Protokoll Revision 4
 Node           FONT-Sorter
 Alias          FONT-Sorter 2.30.1
 Node           FontInfo
 Alias          FontInfo 1.00
 Node           FontSel
 Alias          FontSel 1.08
 Node           FozCi
 Alias          FozCi 2.00
 Node           Fplotter
 Alias          Fplotter 3.0
 Node           Freedom
 Alias          Freedom 1.15
 Node           FSEL+
 Alias          FSEL+ 1.01
 Node           FTP-Mail Cruncher
 Alias          FTP-Mail Cruncher 1.1
 Node           Führerscheinfragen für VESAL
 Alias          Führerscheinfragen für VESAL 
 Node           Fussball-ST
 Alias          Fussball-ST 1.8
 Node           Fussball-ST Plus
 Alias          Fussball-ST Plus 1.9
 Node           GAL-Asm
 Alias          GAL-Asm 1.5
 Node           GAL-Prog
 Alias          GAL-Prog 1.6
 Node           GClock
 Alias          GClock 4.3
 Node           GClock+
 Alias          GClock+ 1.02ß
 Node           GD-Flag
 Alias          GD-Flag 1.15
 Node           GDD2
 Alias          GDD2 2.0
 Node           GDOS-Check
 Alias          GDOS-Check 2.04
 Node           GDOS-Font
 Alias          GDOS-Font 1.12
 Node           GDOS-Info
 Alias          GDOS-Info 2.7
 Node           GDOS-Print
 Alias          GDOS-Print 1.40
 Node           GDOSLIJB
 Alias          GDOSLIJB 0.1ß
 Node           GDPS 'CT
 Alias          GDPS 'CT 1.2
 Node           GDPS Scannertreiber für Epson GT-xxxx
 Alias          GDPS Scannertreiber für Epson GT-xxxx 
 Node           GEM AmiGo
 Alias          GEM AmiGo 
 Node           GEM Bench
 Alias          GEM Bench 4.03
 Node           GEM-Fontviewer
 Alias          GEM-Fontviewer 1.08
 Node           GEM-Message-Liste
 Alias          GEM-Message-Liste 
 Node           GEM-Solitaire
 Alias          GEM-Solitaire 1.13
 Node           GEM-Spew
 Alias          GEM-Spew 
 Node           GEM-View
 Alias          GEM-View 3.16
 Node           GEMAR
 Alias          GEMAR 3.04
 Node           Gemini
 Alias          Gemini 1.a
 Node           Gemory
 Alias          Gemory 1.0
 Node           GEMRAM
 Alias          GEMRAM 1.6
 Node           GEMTrek
 Alias          GEMTrek 1.0
 Node           GENEA
 Alias          GENEA
 Node           Gewicht
 Alias          Gewicht 2.0
 Node           GFA-FlyingDials
 Alias          GFA-FlyingDials 4.9a
 Node           GFA-Patch
 Alias          GFA-Patch 1.07
 Node           GFA-UTIL
 Alias          GFA-UTIL 30.06.1995
 Node           GIRO-STB
 Alias          GIRO-STB 2.0a
 Node           Gitarre
 Alias          Gitarre 1.0
 Node           Glasnost
 Alias          Glasnost 
 Node           Glückrad
 Alias          Glückrad 1.32
 Node           GNU-CHESS
 Alias          GNU-CHESS 3.1
 Node           GNU-Fileutilities
 Alias          GNU-Fileutilities 3.9
 Node           GNU-Grep
 Alias          GNU-Grep 2.0
 Node           GNU-Less
 Alias          GNU-Less 1.77
 Node           GNU-Shellutilities
 Alias          GNU-Shellutilities 1.92
 Node           GNUPLOT für MULTITOS
 Alias          GNUPLOT für MULTITOS 3.6
 Node           Golden Island
 Alias          Golden Island 1.24
 Node           GPRINT
 Alias          GPRINT 1.51 r3
 Node           GrafForm.HYP
 Alias          GrafForm.HYP Release 3
 Node           Grafix
 Alias          Grafix 1.19
 Node           GrafTool
 Alias          GrafTool 
 Node           Graph
 Alias          Graph 1.40
 Node           GREPIT
 Alias          GREPIT 2.10
 Node           Grundgesetz-Hypertext
 Alias          Grundgesetz-Hypertext 0.18
 Node           GruppenStatistik
 Alias          GruppenStatistik 1.2
 Node           GSZRZ
 Alias          GSZRZ 5.7
 Node           GVWFAX
 Alias          GVWFAX 2.0
 Node           HardCoPy-IMaGe
 Alias          HardCoPy-IMaGe 
 Node           HardDisk.CPX
 Alias          HardDisk.CPX 1.33
 Node           HARDDISK.HYP
 Alias          HARDDISK.HYP 1.0
 Node           HASCS III
 Alias          HASCS III 3.31
 Node           HASCS: Die Waffen des Kin O Kin
 Alias          HASCS: Die Waffen des Kin O Kin 
 Node           HD-Informer
 Alias          HD-Informer 1.01
 Node           HD-Plus 6.0
 Alias          HD-Plus 6.0 6.05
 Node           HDDRIVER
 Alias          HDDRIVER 5.0
 Node           HDPARK
 Alias          HDPARK 1.02
 Node           HDwait
 Alias          HDwait 1.2
 Node           HexEdit
 Alias          HexEdit 1.1
 Node           Hexogan
 Alias          Hexogan 0.6
 Node           HISCORE
 Alias          HISCORE 1.00
 Node           History
 Alias          History 1.50
 Node           History Grafik-Archive
 Alias          History Grafik-Archive 1.00
 Node           HiTrix
 Alias          HiTrix 0.1ß
 Node           HowFast
 Alias          HowFast 1.2
 Node           HP-Deskjet Hardcopy-Treiber
 Alias          HP-Deskjet Hardcopy-Treiber 3.5
 Node           HP-Deskjet-Tools u. Treiber
 Alias          HP-Deskjet-Tools u. Treiber 1 (Hauptarchiv)
 Node           HP-Laserjet-Emulator
 Alias          HP-Laserjet-Emulator 1.06
 Node           HRD2LST
 Alias          HRD2LST 1.0β
 Node           HSMODEM
 Alias          HSMODEM A06
 Node           HSMODEM-Info
 Alias          HSMODEM-Info 1.0
 Node           HYPERCA1
 Alias          HYPERCA1 1.3
 Node           Hypertext zu JAnE
 Alias          Hypertext zu JAnE 0.93
 Node           I/O-Interface für ROM-Port
 Alias          I/O-Interface für ROM-Port 
 Node           ICFS
 Alias          ICFS 1.00
 Node           Ico2Rsc
 Alias          Ico2Rsc 1.10
 Node           IconManager
 Alias          IconManager 0.64
 Node           IdeaBook
 Alias          IdeaBook 1.11
 Node           IdeaForm
 Alias          IdeaForm 1.37
 Node           IdeaHYP
 Alias          IdeaHYP 3.70
 Node           IdeaList
 Alias          IdeaList 3.70
 Node           IFC - Der InfoFileConverter
 Alias          IFC - Der InfoFileConverter 0.5
 Node           IFormat
 Alias          IFormat 0.1
 Node           IMAGIN
 Alias          IMAGIN 3.1
 Node           IMG-0300
 Alias          IMG-0300 1.08
 Node           IMG-Mixer
 Alias          IMG-Mixer 1.14
 Node           Int2Maus
 Alias          Int2Maus 1.66
 Node           Interface
 Alias          Interface 2.3
 Node           InTool
 Alias          InTool 1.2
 Node           Invers-Disks für Calamus
 Alias          Invers-Disks für Calamus 
 Node           IO-Converter
 Alias          IO-Converter 2.40ss
 Node           iPRN
 Alias          iPRN 0.45
 Node           ISPELL
 Alias          ISPELL 3.0.09
 Node           ITB-Compare
 Alias          ITB-Compare 1.00
 Node           itb2tel
 Alias          itb2tel 
 Node           ITTSHELL
 Alias          ITTSHELL 1.0
 Node           JAnE
 Alias          JAnE 1.10
 Node           JCN-Shell
 Alias          JCN-Shell 1.12
 Node           JEDI
 Alias          JEDI 0.32
 Node           Jelly CAT
 Alias          Jelly CAT 1.0
 Node           JML-Snapshot
 Alias          JML-Snapshot 5.10
 Node           Jogger
 Alias          Jogger 1.4
 Node           JPEG-Importer
 Alias          JPEG-Importer 1.10
 Node           Jupiter CD-ROM
 Alias          Jupiter CD-ROM 
 Node           JustWait
 Alias          JustWait 1.00
 Node           Kandinsky
 Alias          Kandinsky 2.02
 Node           Karma
 Alias          Karma 2.08
 Node           Katalog-Maker
 Alias          Katalog-Maker 1.10
 Node           KatCe-ST
 Alias          KatCe-ST 1.9
 Node           Katmaker
 Alias          Katmaker V1.12
 Node           Katzenklo
 Alias          Katzenklo 1.12
 Node           Katzenklo HYPertext
 Alias          Katzenklo HYPertext 1.07
 Node           KGB-Shell
 Alias          KGB-Shell 
 Node           KILL
 Alias          KILL 1.21
 Node           Kilma
 Alias          Kilma 3.41
 Node           Kiwi QWK reader
 Alias          Kiwi QWK reader 1.41a
 Node           Knut
 Alias          Knut 1.10
 Node           Kobold
 Alias          Kobold 2.5
 Node           Koboldy
 Alias          Koboldy 1.0
 Node           Kolumbus
 Alias          Kolumbus 2.20b
 Node           KomMaTa
 Alias          KomMaTa 1.4
 Node           KonText
 Alias          KonText 2.12s
 Node           Kundendirektor Plus
 Alias          Kundendirektor Plus 1.0 (4.0*)
 Node           LaTeX-Online-Hilfe
 Alias          LaTeX-Online-Hilfe 3.1415
 Node           Lazaz
 Alias          Lazaz 2.05
 Node           LAZy-Shell-III
 Alias          LAZy-Shell-III 3.1
 Node           LED-Panel
 Alias          LED-Panel 3.1
 Node           Let The Musik Play 2 - Hypertext
 Alias          Let The Musik Play 2 - Hypertext ß0.3
 Node           LHarc
 Alias          LHarc 3.10
 Node           LIN3
 Alias          LIN3 
 Node           LocateIt
 Alias          LocateIt 1.00
 Node           LosungST
 Alias          LosungST 1.03
 Node           Lübke
 Alias          Lübke 1.4b
 Node           Lübke Wörterbuch
 Alias          Lübke Wörterbuch 1.3
 Node           LUPS (Lunar Parcel Service)
 Alias          LUPS (Lunar Parcel Service) 2.0
 Node           Lutherbibel 1984 für BibelST
 Alias          Lutherbibel 1984 für BibelST 2.0
 Node           M-GUCK
 Alias          M-GUCK 1.0
 Node           M>DESK
 Alias          M>DESK 1.20a
 Node           Mad Poet
 Alias          Mad Poet 1.1
 Node           MAdress
 Alias          MAdress 1.35
 Node           MAFIA THE GAME
 Alias          MAFIA THE GAME 1.6
 Node           Magic Stones
 Alias          Magic Stones 1.02
 Node           Magic!TaskUnfreeze
 Alias          Magic!TaskUnfreeze 1.0
 Node           MagiC-3-Falcon-Hack
 Alias          MagiC-3-Falcon-Hack Release 2
 Node           magixrom.ttp
 Alias          magixrom.ttp Release 5
 Node           Mail Service II
 Alias          Mail Service II 2.03.4 ß
 Node           MailShell
 Alias          MailShell 3.3
 Node           MAKE-ASC
 Alias          MAKE-ASC 0.6
 Node           MakeCPX
 Alias          MakeCPX 1.05
 Node           MakeNews
 Alias          MakeNews 1.17
 Node           Makeupl
 Alias          Makeupl 3.20
 Node           MAN2STG
 Alias          MAN2STG 2.0a
 Node           ManView
 Alias          ManView 1.0
 Node           MASS51
 Alias          MASS51 1.05
 Node           Maus Adress Checker, INK
 Alias          Maus Adress Checker, INK 1.01
 Node           Maus Adress Checker, ITB
 Alias          Maus Adress Checker, ITB 1.01
 Node           Maus-Window
 Alias          Maus-Window 1.32
 Node           MAUSADR
 Alias          MAUSADR 1.05a
 Node           MausHelp
 Alias          MausHelp 0.26
 Node           MAUSHYP
 Alias          MAUSHYP 2.03
 Node           MAX
 Alias          MAX 1.2
 Node           MAXIDAT
 Alias          MAXIDAT 5.11
 Node           MBShell
 Alias          MBShell 2.01
 Node           MC
 Alias          MC 1.0
 Node           Mc Coy
 Alias          Mc Coy 1.01
 Node           MCH_SAVE
 Alias          MCH_SAVE 
 Node           MEdit
 Alias          MEdit 
 Node           MEGA-Liste
 Alias          MEGA-Liste Release 01
 Node           MemFile
 Alias          MemFile 3.0
 Node           MEMTEST
 Alias          MEMTEST 
 Node           MenuInfo
 Alias          MenuInfo 2.42
 Node           Merge
 Alias          Merge 
 Node           MetaDOS
 Alias          MetaDOS 2.6
 Node           MFF
 Alias          MFF 1.02
 Node           MGFTP
 Alias          MGFTP 1.03
 Node           mgrep
 Alias          mgrep 
 Node           Midgard
 Alias          Midgard 1.7i
 Node           MIDI COM
 Alias          MIDI COM 3.95
 Node           MIDICORD
 Alias          MIDICORD 
 Node           MidiMaze I
 Alias          MidiMaze I 
 Node           MidiMaze II
 Alias          MidiMaze II 
 Node           MIDIWiz
 Alias          MIDIWiz 1.1g
 Node           MIDI_COM-Treiber
 Alias          MIDI_COM-Treiber 
 Node           Midnight
 Alias          Midnight 2.05
 Node           MiNT-Tools
 Alias          MiNT-Tools Release 2
 Node           MixGEM
 Alias          MixGEM 1.00
 Node           MkACC
 Alias          MkACC 2.10
 Node           MM2STG
 Alias          MM2STG 0.9.3 Release 3
 Node           MMR2STG
 Alias          MMR2STG 1.2
 Node           MODHELP.LZH
 Alias          MODHELP.LZH 0.71
 Node           More joy of GDOS
 Alias          More joy of GDOS 2.5
 Node           More joy of GDOS - Hypertext
 Alias          More joy of GDOS - Hypertext 1.2
 Node           Mortimer Deluxe Quelltext
 Alias          Mortimer Deluxe Quelltext 3.10
 Node           Mountain Reader II
 Alias          Mountain Reader II 2.8
 Node           Mouse
 Alias          Mouse 2.5
 Node           Mouse-Ka-Mania II
 Alias          Mouse-Ka-Mania II 2.1
 Node           MoveIt
 Alias          MoveIt 1.50
 Node           MPEGDSP
 Alias          MPEGDSP 
 Node           MTTSTART
 Alias          MTTSTART 1.4
 Node           multi-FRACTAL
 Alias          multi-FRACTAL V1.3/TT
 Node           multiromendverpuff
 Alias          multiromendverpuff 
 Node           Multitool
 Alias          Multitool 2
 Node           Multiuser
 Alias          Multiuser 3.0
 Node           Mupfel-Tools
 Alias          Mupfel-Tools Release 7
 Node           Music Analyzer
 Alias          Music Analyzer Release 4
 Node           music takes you higher
 Alias          music takes you higher 0.5
 Node           MusicChannel
 Alias          MusicChannel 1.62
 Node           Musterbriefe
 Alias          Musterbriefe 0.10
 Node           MyClock
 Alias          MyClock 1.10
 Node           Mythos - oder die Rückkehr des Herakles
 Alias          Mythos - oder die Rückkehr des Herakles 1.1b
 Node           N-DOS ST
 Alias          N-DOS ST 1.1
 Node           Nanjing
 Alias          Nanjing 1.1
 Node           NBlock
 Alias          NBlock 1.5
 Node           Never Mind
 Alias          Never Mind 1.0
 Node           NewBootSerialNumber
 Alias          NewBootSerialNumber 1.00
 Node           Nightfall
 Alias          Nightfall 1.0
 Node           NKCC - Normalized Key Code Converter
 Alias          NKCC - Normalized Key Code Converter 2.92
 Node           No-Taste
 Alias          No-Taste 1.0
 Node           NOROACH
 Alias          NOROACH 
 Node           Novum Testamentum Graece für BibelST
 Alias          Novum Testamentum Graece für BibelST 1.04
 Node           no|Desktop
 Alias          no|Desktop 3.03
 Node           no|Desktop Hypertext
 Alias          no|Desktop Hypertext 1.02
 Node           NVDI Programmer's Guide
 Alias          NVDI Programmer's Guide 
 Node           NVDI Programmer's Guide (HYP)
 Alias          NVDI Programmer's Guide (HYP) 0.9
 Node           ObjectGEM
 Alias          ObjectGEM 1.20
 Node           ObjectGEM-Utilities
 Alias          ObjectGEM-Utilities 
 Node           Obsession
 Alias          Obsession 1.00
 Node           OCR
 Alias          OCR 1.4
 Node           Offline
 Alias          Offline 1.48
 Node           Okami Newsreader
 Alias          Okami Newsreader 0.26
 Node           OLGA
 Alias          OLGA 1.14
 Node           ONE_TIME.PRG
 Alias          ONE_TIME.PRG 0.99
 Node           Optimizer
 Alias          Optimizer 2.4
 Node           Orginal Construction Kit
 Alias          Orginal Construction Kit 2.10+
 Node           Outfile -> ITB/INK
 Alias          Outfile -> ITB/INK 1.00
 Node           Outside Demoversion
 Alias          Outside Demoversion 3.3
 Node           OWiG
 Alias          OWiG 
 Node           O_P_P_I
 Alias          O_P_P_I 1.07
 Node           P.R.i.m.A
 Alias          P.R.i.m.A 2.7
 Node           Pacshell
 Alias          Pacshell 2.63
 Node           PAD
 Alias          PAD 2.52
 Node           Paint
 Alias          Paint 
 Node           Palette
 Alias          Palette 1.00
 Node           Papillon
 Alias          Papillon 2.2
 Node           ParaFin
 Alias          ParaFin 1.36
 Node           PassThru
 Alias          PassThru 2.73
 Node           PASSWORT
 Alias          PASSWORT 1.2c
 Node           PATCH-IT
 Alias          PATCH-IT 0.01
 Node           Patience
 Alias          Patience 2.25
 Node           Paula
 Alias          Paula 2.4
 Node           Pay Cool
 Alias          Pay Cool 1.0
 Node           PeaceDebug
 Alias          PeaceDebug 1.31
 Node           Pegasus
 Alias          Pegasus 2.13
 Node           Petra
 Alias          Petra 1.1
 Node           PF_GENJB
 Alias          PF_GENJB 0.1ß
 Node           Phoenix
 Alias          Phoenix 3.5
 Node           Phoenix-User-Datenbank
 Alias          Phoenix-User-Datenbank 2.0
 Node           Photo Chrome
 Alias          Photo Chrome 4.0
 Node           PhotoLabor
 Alias          PhotoLabor 1.5
 Node           Pinatubo
 Alias          Pinatubo 1.9
 Node           Pinguin Party
 Alias          Pinguin Party 1.0
 Node           PixArt
 Alias          PixArt 2.2
 Node           PLUGIN
 Alias          PLUGIN 1.1.8
 Node           Poeff
 Alias          Poeff 1.2
 Node           Poison!
 Alias          Poison! 2.50
 Node           Pollenflugkalender
 Alias          Pollenflugkalender 2.00
 Node           Porto.Hyp
 Alias          Porto.Hyp 0.04
 Node           Postfix DEMO
 Alias          Postfix DEMO 1.1
 Node           PowerDOS
 Alias          PowerDOS 1.12
 Node           PRINTSEQ
 Alias          PRINTSEQ 0.23
 Node           PRJDE
 Alias          PRJDE 1.0
 Node           Procurator 2
 Alias          Procurator 2 1.00
 Node           ProgList
 Alias          ProgList 1.13
 Node           Programming-Tools
 Alias          Programming-Tools Release 2
 Node           Protocol II
 Alias          Protocol II 1.1
 Node           PShell
 Alias          PShell 
 Node           Pure C
 Alias          Pure C 1.1
 Node           Pure Pascal
 Alias          Pure Pascal 1.1m
 Node           PureC-Shell
 Alias          PureC-Shell 3.00c
 Node           Q-Start/Q-Fig
 Alias          Q-Start/Q-Fig 1.0
 Node           QED
 Alias          QED 3.60
 Node           QFAX.MDL
 Alias          QFAX.MDL 0.01
 Node           QTausch
 Alias          QTausch 2.00p
 Node           QTausch-HYP
 Alias          QTausch-HYP 1.05
 Node           Quantos
 Alias          Quantos 
 Node           Quasi
 Alias          Quasi 1.20
 Node           Quassel
 Alias          Quassel 0.5
 Node           RAI - Ratgeber Atari-Internet
 Alias          RAI - Ratgeber Atari-Internet 1.0
 Node           RechnungsKobold
 Alias          RechnungsKobold 1.4
 Node           REFCHECK
 Alias          REFCHECK 1.5
 Node           Rejoinder
 Alias          Rejoinder 1.0
 Node           Rekursi
 Alias          Rekursi 1.24
 Node           Remarker
 Alias          Remarker 0.21
 Node           REMINDER
 Alias          REMINDER Release 2
 Node           Resident Symbol Driver
 Alias          Resident Symbol Driver 1.22
 Node           Resolution Selector
 Alias          Resolution Selector 
 Node           Rezepte-Übersicht
 Alias          Rezepte-Übersicht 1.20
 Node           RoadRunner
 Alias          RoadRunner 1.00
 Node           Robert
 Alias          Robert 
 Node           Rolfi
 Alias          Rolfi 1.77
 Node           RSCINLIN
 Alias          RSCINLIN 0.1
 Node           RSCTRANS
 Alias          RSCTRANS 1.1
 Node           RTL-Updater
 Alias          RTL-Updater 1.4
 Node           Rufus
 Alias          Rufus 1.42
 Node           Sabotage
 Alias          Sabotage 
 Node           Saug-Utility
 Alias          Saug-Utility 5.5
 Node           SaveDesk
 Alias          SaveDesk 0.9
 Node           ScanGeni
 Alias          ScanGeni 1.1
 Node           Schlafstörungen
 Alias          Schlafstörungen 0.10
 Node           Scooter-PCB
 Alias          Scooter-PCB 2.11x
 Node           Screenblaster
 Alias          Screenblaster III
 Node           Screenblaster (inside)
 Alias          Screenblaster (inside) III
 Node           SCSI-Tool
 Alias          SCSI-Tool 6.06
 Node           SE-Fakt! für TOS
 Alias          SE-Fakt! für TOS 2.0
 Node           Select
 Alias          Select 0.97
 Node           Senf
 Alias          Senf 1.5
 Node           Septuaginta für BibelST
 Alias          Septuaginta für BibelST 1.04
 Node           SetKey
 Alias          SetKey 1.0
 Node           Shanghai
 Alias          Shanghai 1.0
 Node           SHARP-Archiv
 Alias          SHARP-Archiv 1.2.1
 Node           Sharp.HYP
 Alias          Sharp.HYP 03
 Node           Show Cookie CPX
 Alias          Show Cookie CPX 2.12
 Node           Shower
 Alias          Shower 1.1
 Node           ShowTime
 Alias          ShowTime 2.22
 Node           Shutdown+
 Alias          Shutdown+ 
 Node           SHUTTER
 Alias          SHUTTER 0.9ß
 Node           Sinclair ZX81 Emulator
 Alias          Sinclair ZX81 Emulator 2.1
 Node           Sinus
 Alias          Sinus 1.0
 Node           SM194 Bildschirmtreiber
 Alias          SM194 Bildschirmtreiber 0.9
 Node           Smileys
 Alias          Smileys 1.10
 Node           SMU-Setup
 Alias          SMU-Setup 0.25
 Node           Snapper
 Alias          Snapper 1.60
 Node           Sound 2 Light
 Alias          Sound 2 Light 1.0
 Node           Sound Buster
 Alias          Sound Buster 2.11
 Node           Sozobon C
 Alias          Sozobon C 
 Node           Speed of Light
 Alias          Speed of Light 3.8
 Node           Speedstar 14400 Kommandofunktionen
 Alias          Speedstar 14400 Kommandofunktionen 
 Node           SpeedUp
 Alias          SpeedUp 1.52
 Node           Spider
 Alias          Spider 2.10
 Node           SPOOL
 Alias          SPOOL 2.10
 Node           SPRZUPIC
 Alias          SPRZUPIC 1.2
 Node           src2udo
 Alias          src2udo 0.14
 Node           ST-Buch
 Alias          ST-Buch 1.00
 Node           ST-CAD
 Alias          ST-CAD 0.95e
 Node           ST-Guide
 Alias          ST-Guide Release 14
 Node           ST-Guide Tools
 Alias          ST-Guide Tools Release 4
 Node           ST-HAUS
 Alias          ST-HAUS 0.66
 Node           ST-TeX/myDVI
 Alias          ST-TeX/myDVI 1.2
 Node           ST-Zip
 Alias          ST-Zip 2.6
 Node           Starball
 Alias          Starball 
 Node           STarCall
 Alias          STarCall 2.0-E
 Node           STARDUST
 Alias          STARDUST 
 Node           STarFax
 Alias          STarFax 1.5a
 Node           STarInfo
 Alias          STarInfo 1.2
 Node           STarSave
 Alias          STarSave 1.0
 Node           Start me up
 Alias          Start me up 0.01
 Node           Start Me Up!
 Alias          Start Me Up! 1.08
 Node           StarTrek
 Alias          StarTrek 
 Node           STELLA
 Alias          STELLA 2.56
 Node           Stello
 Alias          Stello 1.00
 Node           Sternkreiszeichen
 Alias          Sternkreiszeichen 2.00
 Node           STG2TEX
 Alias          STG2TEX 1.01
 Node           STG2TXT
 Alias          STG2TXT 1.0
 Node           STJ-Oberon
 Alias          STJ-Oberon 1.23ß
 Node           STOOP
 Alias          STOOP 1.04
 Node           STORAGE.HYP
 Alias          STORAGE.HYP 1.0
 Node           StVG
 Alias          StVG 
 Node           StVO
 Alias          StVO 
 Node           SuperSam
 Alias          SuperSam 1.01
 Node           Suprima Mailbox-System
 Alias          Suprima Mailbox-System 
 Node           Suzy B
 Alias          Suzy B 1.0
 Node           sWAV
 Alias          sWAV 0.2
 Node           SysGem für Pure C
 Alias          SysGem für Pure C 2.02
 Node           SysGem für Pure Pascal
 Alias          SysGem für Pure Pascal 2.02
 Node           SysInfo
 Alias          SysInfo 3.01
 Node           SysInfo-Hypertext
 Alias          SysInfo-Hypertext 1.10
 Node           SysMon
 Alias          SysMon 1.09c
 Node           System-Manager
 Alias          System-Manager 1.0
 Node           S_Backup
 Alias          S_Backup 4.86r3
 Node           Take-Off
 Alias          Take-Off 2.08
 Node           TAR-Importer Plugin für GEMAR
 Alias          TAR-Importer Plugin für GEMAR 2.00
 Node           TarKus
 Alias          TarKus 2.04
 Node           Tartan
 Alias          Tartan 1.7
 Node           TCache
 Alias          TCache 6.4
 Node           TCache CPX
 Alias          TCache CPX 1.0
 Node           Tel-Update
 Alias          Tel-Update 0.18
 Node           TELE2STG
 Alias          TELE2STG 0.90
 Node           TeleINX
 Alias          TeleINX 2.11
 Node           TelWatch
 Alias          TelWatch 1.0
 Node           Terchron
 Alias          Terchron 1.2
 Node           TERM2REM
 Alias          TERM2REM 1.00
 Node           Terminal 2000
 Alias          Terminal 2000 2.5
 Node           Terminplaner
 Alias          Terminplaner 4.0
 Node           Termite -> REMINDER Formatumsetzer
 Alias          Termite -> REMINDER Formatumsetzer 1.00
 Node           Termite/Termitenhügel
 Alias          Termite/Termitenhügel 0.52
 Node           TETRHEX
 Alias          TETRHEX 1.41a
 Node           Tetric
 Alias          Tetric 1.0
 Node           TeX2Text
 Alias          TeX2Text 1.0
 Node           TeXCheck
 Alias          TeXCheck 1.2
 Node           Texel
 Alias          Texel 1.10
 Node           Text-Tools
 Alias          Text-Tools Release 6
 Node           The Dot
 Alias          The Dot 2.23a
 Node           The Original
 Alias          The Original 2.20
 Node           The Return of Knuddel
 Alias          The Return of Knuddel 
 Node           The Watchdog
 Alias          The Watchdog 1.11
 Node           Thin2
 Alias          Thin2 
 Node           Thing
 Alias          Thing 0.31d
 Node           Third Button
 Alias          Third Button 1.1
 Node           TIC
 Alias          TIC 0.95
 Node           TIFF-Importer
 Alias          TIFF-Importer 1.06
 Node           Time Tools
 Alias          Time Tools 1.0
 Node           Time-Control
 Alias          Time-Control 1.8
 Node           To Do
 Alias          To Do 1.0
 Node           Topas
 Alias          Topas 1.2
 Node           Topics
 Alias          Topics 2.10a
 Node           TOS HYPertext
 Alias          TOS HYPertext 4.30
 Node           TOS2GEM
 Alias          TOS2GEM Release 6
 Node           TOSPATCH 4.04
 Alias          TOSPATCH 4.04 1.0
 Node           Totosam
 Alias          Totosam 2.3
 Node           TRAIN
 Alias          TRAIN 1.1
 Node           TRAIN II
 Alias          TRAIN II 1.4
 Node           TRAKCOPY
 Alias          TRAKCOPY 1.0
 Node           TRANSPARENT
 Alias          TRANSPARENT 1.1
 Node           Tricky
 Alias          Tricky 2.71
 Node           Triple Yahoo
 Alias          Triple Yahoo 1.0
 Node           TrueDisk
 Alias          TrueDisk 2.3
 Node           TT-Artist
 Alias          TT-Artist 1.70
 Node           TTP-Start
 Alias          TTP-Start 1.7
 Node           TUBS - The Ultimate Boot Selector
 Alias          TUBS - The Ultimate Boot Selector 4.04
 Node           TurboBlanker
 Alias          TurboBlanker 1.33g
 Node           TurnUs
 Alias          TurnUs 2.0
 Node           TUT
 Alias          TUT 
 Node           TV-Info
 Alias          TV-Info 1.20
 Node           TwiLight
 Alias          TwiLight 1.28m
 Node           Two-In-One
 Alias          Two-In-One 1.40
 Node           UDO
 Alias          UDO Release 5
 Node           UFP-INFO.DAT
 Alias          UFP-INFO.DAT 1.0
 Node           UHR
 Alias          UHR 4.0
 Node           Ultimo
 Alias          Ultimo 1.0
 Node           UnARJ
 Alias          UnARJ 9.95 R3.004
 Node           Units
 Alias          Units 1.3
 Node           UPLOAD-BATCH
 Alias          UPLOAD-BATCH Release 6
 Node           UPoint 'light'
 Alias          UPoint 'light' 
 Node           UPoint 'medium'
 Alias          UPoint 'medium' 
 Node           UpToCASE
 Alias          UpToCASE 1.51
 Node           Use2Maus
 Alias          Use2Maus 2.6
 Node           User Adress Checker
 Alias          User Adress Checker 1.03
 Node           UserReg
 Alias          UserReg 1.4
 Node           VDIFONT
 Alias          VDIFONT 2.10
 Node           VEREVA
 Alias          VEREVA 1.0
 Node           Vesal
 Alias          Vesal 0.98
 Node           VGA-Simulator
 Alias          VGA-Simulator 1.09
 Node           Vici
 Alias          Vici 1.04
 Node           Videotext
 Alias          Videotext 2.13
 Node           Vier gewinnt
 Alias          Vier gewinnt 1.0
 Node           Virendetektor
 Alias          Virendetektor 3.1r
 Node           VT52-Init
 Alias          VT52-Init 
 Node           WalZ
 Alias          WalZ 2.01
 Node           WEETSIE
 Alias          WEETSIE 1.01
 Node           Weihnachten naht -- TwiLight Modul
 Alias          Weihnachten naht -- TwiLight Modul 1.0
 Node           Weird-Mac
 Alias          Weird-Mac 0.31
 Node           WHATIS File Identifier
 Alias          WHATIS File Identifier 6.7
 Node           Whiteline delta™
 Alias          Whiteline delta™ 1.0
 Node           Whiteline delta™ CFN-Übersicht
 Alias          Whiteline delta™ CFN-Übersicht 
 Node           Whiteline GAMMA™ CFN-Übersicht
 Alias          Whiteline GAMMA™ CFN-Übersicht 
 Node           Whiteline TRANSMISSION
 Alias          Whiteline TRANSMISSION 1.0
 Node           Whiteline α alpha
 Alias          Whiteline α alpha 1.0
 Node           Whiteline α alpha CFN-Übersicht
 Alias          Whiteline α alpha CFN-Übersicht 
 Node           WICHTIG
 Alias          WICHTIG 1.1
 Node           WinColor
 Alias          WinColor 1.6
 Node           WinCom
 Alias          WinCom 1.6
 Node           Windoze
 Alias          Windoze PL 2
 Node           WinRec
 Alias          WinRec 1.5
 Node           WINSIZE
 Alias          WINSIZE 1.02
 Node           Winx
 Alias          Winx 2.3l BETA
 Node           World Clock
 Alias          World Clock 1.0a
 Node           Wormania
 Alias          Wormania 1.5
 Node           Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch
 Alias          Wörterbuch Englisch-Deutsch 
 Node           X-Point
 Alias          X-Point 1.9
 Node           X-PSave
 Alias          X-PSave 1.05
 Node           Xacc2LIB
 Alias          Xacc2LIB 1
 Node           XAES Background
 Alias          XAES Background 0.99a
 Node           XIMGTOOL
 Alias          XIMGTOOL 
 Node           XINFO
 Alias          XINFO 1.00ß
 Node           XMenu
 Alias          XMenu 1.5
 Node           xUFSL
 Alias          xUFSL 1.05
 Node           Yukon
 Alias          Yukon Release E
 Node           Z-START
 Alias          Z-START 0.1
 Node           Zeig's mir
 Alias          Zeig's mir 0.95
 Node           Zürcher Bibel für BibelST
 Alias          Zürcher Bibel für BibelST 2.0
 Node           ZUUL
 Alias          ZUUL 2.04
 Node           Index