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Topic       : GFA-Basic Editor
Author      : Lonny Pursell
Version     : GBE.HYP v3.74 (12/31/2023)
Subject     : Programming/Documentation
Nodes       : 171
Index Size  : 4296
HCP-Version : 3
Compiled on : Atari
@charset    : atarist
@lang       : 
@default    : Default
@help       : STG Help
@options    : +g -i -s +z
@width      : 75
@hostname   : THING   
@hostname   : STRNGSRV
@hostname   : HIGHWIRE
@hostname   : CAB     
View Ref-FileThese options are related to 'Make'.

Compiler realtime counter
Toggle realtime readout of the line number as it compiles.
The readout should appear in the top right corner of the menu bar by default.

Off              = no counter, this is the fastest option
On via Compiler  = the compiler outputs the counter to the screen itself
                   in a system legal manner, thus is stable but slower
On via Interrupt = the line is output via an interrupt installed by GBE
                   this interrupt method is not recommended for MiNT, see notes

Note: The 'via Interrupt' option is based on the old MenuX.PRG method.  It
uses an interrupt to accomplish this and prints the value via a Bios()
function.  Thus it is directly calling the Bios subsystem from an interrupt.
Some documents state this is not a valid method undet MiNT.  Under MiNT,
if you have the TosWin2 console window open then the readout won't appear
where expected.  Instead it ends up in the console window.

I have had sporadic crashes when using this feature on my Hades060.  Thus if
you have any problems with it, simply do not use this option. The interrupt
is only installed if this specific option is turned on.

X position:  X character position to place counter at.  0=default
Y position:  Y character position to place counter at.  0=default

Note: The counter is always padded to 5 characters.
      default = top right corner of the menu bar

Delete object file (*.O)
Auto delete left over *.o files after compiling.

Set program flags via compiler
Determines if the editor or the compiler manages the program flags.
Newer compilers are able to set the program flags via compiler commands.

Optimize compiler ram (G3Move)
Determines how the compiler uses available ram.

On  = Force the compiler to optimize ram use. (slower)
Off = Source and compiled code are held in ram at the same time. (default)

Normally this option is not needed, but if memory is tight, this might help.

Set execute attribute via MiNT Fchmod()
This option effects the permissions of the binary at compile time.

Typical symptoms are if you double click the newly compiled binary, and it
won't start.  This means the execute bit is probably not set.  This often
happens on MiNT partitions that support file permissions.  Such as Minix and
even the ramdisk built into MiNT.

The GFA Compiler and Linker are so old they do not have any concept of file
permissions.  Thus, when compiling and linking to MiNT partitions that support
permissions, the binary always ends up with the execute bit off by default.
This option will make sure the execute bit is always turned on.

On  - Set execute bit.  (owner only)
Off - The permissions are left as is.

Note: This option is only available under MiNT.

Redirect compiler/linker output (*.LOG)
Redirect the compiler/linker output to a log file.

If 'Off', the output goes to the screen (console).

Make/Exec via ergo!pro
If you prefer to use ergo!pro for all your compiling and linking needs,
this option will invoke ergo!pro for 'Make' and 'Exec'.

They are translated into AV Sendkey messages as follows:
  GBE     ergo!pro
  Make -> Alt-M (Make)
  Exec -> Ctl-T (Test)

This requires ergo!pro be running in the background.

Unpack object file (*.O)
The GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!
 Compiler does not create standard DRI object files.  This will
unpack the object file created by the GFA-BasicGFA-Basic is the best BASIC for the Atari!
 Compiler.  The end result is
a standard DRI object file.  This is handy if you wish to work with other
tools that require standard DRI object modules.