Topic : TOS - The Operating System Author : Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008) Subject : Programmieren/Atari Nodes : 3010 Index Size : 93790 HCP-Version : 5 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : Title @help : @options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4 @width : 70 View Ref-File5.12.34 Psigintr TOS Name: »Psigintr« - Assigns a signal to a particular exception vector. Opcode: 318 (0x013e) Syntax: int32_t Psigintr ( int16_t vec, int16_t sig ); Description: The function Psigintr assigns a signal to a particular exception vector. When the exception occurs, the kernel will send the signal to the process. vec specifies the exception vector. This is the same value as specified for Setexc() call. sig specifies the signal number that is supposed to be delivered when an exception assigned to the vector vec occurs. When both sig and vec are zero, all handlers installed by your program are removed. You should install a signal-handler prior to making this call, otherwise your process will most probably get killed by the first occurrence of the interrupt assigned to vec vector.(!nl) Also notice that the function is not available on machines equipped with 68000 and 68010 processors. This function has been totally rewritten as of MiNT version 1.15.1. However, the only change visible to programs is that the old value of vec is no longer returned (it had little use anyway). Also, since long stack frames are needed, a 68020 or newer processor is required. The handler set up by Psigintr gets removed when your process terminates. Return value: Returns E_OK on success, or a negative GEMDOS error code otherwise: EBADARG: A signal or vector number was specified outside the allowed range. Only autovectors ($60-$7c), traps ($80-$bc) and user defined interrupts ($0100-$03fc) are allowed (other interrupts already generate fixed signals). ENOMEM: The kernel ran out of memory while trying to allocate RAM for internal structures needed by this call. ENXIO: The interrupt you want to register has no service routine installed. ENOSYS: The function is not available (wrong architecture). Availability: When a 'MiNT' cookie with a version of at least 1.11 exists. As of MiNT version 1.15.1 this call is available only on machines equipped with 68020 processor or higher. Group: Process functions See Also: Binding Pause Pkill Psigsetmask Psignal Signals