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Topic       : MC56001 Documentation
Author      : JAY Software
Version     : 1.0 (19/11/1997)
Subject     : Programming/Assembler
Nodes       : 152
Index Size  : 4106
HCP-Version : 4
Compiled on : Atari
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@width      : 100
View Ref-FileDIV                     Divide Iteration


    If  D[55] ^ S[23] = 1

             55   47           23         0
    then    |<---|<-----------|<-----------| <- C + S -> D
                Destination Accumulator D

             55   47           23         0
    else    |<---|<-----------|<-----------| <- C - S -> D
                Destination Accumulator D

    where ^ denotes the logical exclusive OR operator

Assembler Syntax:
    DIV S,D

    Divide the destination operand D by the source operand S and store
the result in the destination accumulator D. The 48-bit dividend must
be a positive fraction which has been sign extended to 56-bits and is
stored in the full 56-bit destination accumulator D. The 24-bit divisor
is a signed fraction and is stored in the source operand S. Each DIV
iteration calculates one quotient bit using a nonrestoring fractional
division algorithm (see description). After the execution of the first
DIV instruction, the destination operand holds both the partial
remainder and the formed quotient. The partial remainder occupies the
high-order portion of the destination accumulator D and is a signed
fraction. The formed quotient occupies the low-oreder portion of the
destinatioin accumulator D (A0 or B0) and is a positive fraction. One
bit of the formed quotient is shifted into the LS bit of the
destination accumulator at the start of each  DIV iteration. The
formed quotientis the true quotient if the true quotient is positive.
If the true quotient is negative, the formed quotient must be negated.
Valid result are obtained only when |D| < |S| and the operands are
interpreted as fractions. Note that this condition ensures that the
magnitude of the quotient is less than one (i.e., is fractional) and
precludes division by zero.

    The DIV instruction calculates one quotient bit based on the divisor
and the previous partial remainder. To produce an N-bit quotient, the
DIV instruction is executed N times where N is the number of bits of
precision desired in the quotient, 1 <= N <= 24. Thus, for a
full-precision (24-bit) quotient, 24 DIV iterations are required. In
general, executing the DIV instruction N times produces an N-bit
quotient and a 48-bit remainder which has (48-N) bits of precision
and whose N MS bits are zeros. The partial remainder is not a true
remainder and must be corrected due to the nonrestoring nature of the
division algorithm before it may be used. Therefore, once the divide
is complete, it is necessary to reverse the last DIV operation and
restore the remainder to obtain the true remainder.

    The DIV instruction uses a nonrestoring fractional division algorithm
which consists of the following operations (see the previous Operation

1.  Compare the source and destination operand sign bits: An exclusive
    OR operation is performed on bit 55 of the destination operand D and
    bit 23 of the source operand S;

2.  Shift the partial remainder and the quotient: The 55-bit
    destination accumulator D is shifted one bit to the left. The carry
    bit C is moved into the LS bit (bit 0) of the accumulator;

3.  Calculate the next quotient bit and the new partial remainder:
    The 24-bit source operand S (signed divisor) is either added to or
    subtracted from the MSP portion of the destination accumulator
    (A1 or B1), and the result is stored back into the MSP portion of
    that destination accumulator. If the result of the exclusive OR
    operation was a '1' (i.e., the sign bits were different), the
    source operand S is added to the accumulator. If the result of the
    exclusive OR operation was a '0' (i.e., the sign bits were the
    same), the source operand S is subtracted from the accumulator. Due
    to the automatic sign extension of the 24-bit sign extension of
    the 24-bit signed divisor, the addition or subtraction operation
    correctly sets the carry bit C of the condition code register with
    the next quotient bit.

    (4-Quadrant division, 24-bit signed quotient, 48-bit signed remainder)
    ABS A   A,B             ;make dividend positive, copy A1 to B1
    EOR X0,B    B,X:$0      ;save rem. sign in X:$0, quo. sign in N
    AND #$FE,CCR            ;clear carry bit C (quotient sign bit)
    REP #$18                ;form a 24-bit quotient
    DIV X0,A                ;form quotient in A0, remainder in A1
    TFR A,B                 ;save quotient and remainder in B1,B0
    JPL SAVEQUO             ;go to SAVEQUO if quotient is positive
    NEG B                   ;complement quotient if N bit set
    TFR X0,B    B0,X1       ;save quo. in X1, get signed divisor
    ABS B                   ;get absolute value of signed divisor
    ADD A,B                 ;restore remainder in B1
    JCLR    #23,X:$0,DONE   ;go to DONE if remainder is positive
    MOVE    #$0,B0          ;clear LS 24 bits of B
    NEG B                   ;complement remainder if negative

    Before Execution:
        A  = $00:0E66D7:F2832C
        X0 = $123456
        X1 = $000000
        B  = $00:000000:000000

    After Execution:
        A  = $FF:EDCCAA:654321
        X0 = $123456
        X1 = $654321
        B  = $00:000100:654321

Explanation of Example:
    Prior to execution, 56-bit A accumulator contains the 56-bit,
signed-extended fractional dividend D (D=$00:0E66D7:F2832C =
0.112513535894635 approx.) and the 24-bit X0 register contains the
24-bit, signed fractional divisor S (S = $123456 = 0.142222166061401).
Since |D|<|S|, the execution of the previous divide routine stores the
correct 24-bit signed quotient in the 24-bit X1 register (A/X0 =
0.79111111164093 = $654321 = X1). The partial remainder is restored by
reversing the last DIV operation and adding back the absolute value of
the signed divisor i X0 remained in the 24-bit B1 register. Note that
the remainder is really a 48-bit value which has 24 bits of precision.
Thus, the correct 48-bit remainder is $000000:000100 which equals
0.0000000000018190 approximately.

    Note that the divide routine used in the previous example assumes that
the sign-extended 56-bit signed fractional dividend is stored in the A
accumulator and that the 24-bit signed fractional dividend is stored in
the X0 register. This routine produces a ful 24-bit signed quotinet
and a 48-bit signed remainder.

    This routine may be greatly simplified for the case in which only
positive, fractional operands are used to produce a 24-bit positive
quotient and a 48-bit positive remainder, as shown in the following

    1-Quadrant division, 24-bit unsigned quotient, 48-bit unsigned

    AND #$FE,CCR    ;clear carry bit C (quotient sign bit)
    REP #$18        ;form a 24-bit quotint and remainder
    DIV X0,A        ;form quotient in A0, remainder in A1
    ADD X0,A        ;restore remainder in A1

    Note that this routine assumes that the 56-bit positive, fractional,
sign-extended dividend is stored in the A accumulator and that the
24-bit positive, fractional divisor is stored in the X0 register. After
execution, the 24-bit positive fractional quotient is stored in the A0
register; the LS 24 bits of the 48-bit positive fractional remainder
are stored in the A1 register.

    There are many variations possible when choosing a suitable division
routine for a given application. The selection of a suitable division
routine normally involves specification of the following items:
    1)  the number of bits precision in the dividend;
    2)  the number of bits of precision N in quotient;
    3)  whether the value of N is fixed or is variable;
    4)  whether the operands are unsigned or signed;
    5)  whether or not the remainder is to be calculated.

    For extended precision division (i.e., for N-bit quotients where N>24),
the DIV instruction is no longer applicable, and a user-defined N-bit
division routine is required.

Condition codes:

     15 14 13 12 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00
    |LF|**| T|**|S1|S0|I1|I0|**| L| E| U| N| Z| V| C|
    |<-           MR         ->|<-       CCR      ->|

    L- Set if overflow bit V is set
    V- Set if the MS bit of the destination operand is changed as a result
       of the instruction's left shift operation
    C- Set if bit 55 of the result is cleared

Instruction Format:
    DIV S,D

    S = (X0,Y0,X1,Y1)
    D = (A,B)

Timing:     2 oscillator clock cycles

Memory:     1 program word