Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileSysconf()Dpathconf() GEMDOSSyntaxLONG Dpathconf( name, mode )
char *name;
WORD mode;
Function Dpathconf() returns information regarding limits and
capabilities of an installed file system.
Opcode 292 (0x124)
Availability This function is available under all MiNTversions integrated with MultiTOS.
Parameters name specifies the file system you wish information about.
mode dictates the return value as follows:
Name mode Return Value
DP_INQUIRE -1 Returns the maximum legal value for the
mode parameter in Dpathconf().
DP_IOPEN 0 Retuns the possible maximum number of open
files at one time. If UNLIMITED
(0x7FFFFFFF) is returned, then the number
of open files is limited only by available
DP_MAXLINKS 1 Returns the maximum number of links to
a file. If UNLIMITED (0x7FFFFFFF) is
returned, then the number of links to
a file is limited only by available memory.
DP_PATHMAX 2 Returns the maximum length of a full path
name in bytes. If UNLIMITED (0x7FFFFFFF) is
returned, then the maximum size of
a pathname is unlimited.
DP_NAMEMAX 3 Returns the maximum length of a file name
in bytes. If UNLIMITED (0x7FFFFFFF) is
returned, then the maximum length of
a filename is unlimited.
DP_ATOMIC 4 Returns the number of bytes that can be
written per write operation. If UNLIMITED
(0x7FFFFFFF) is returned, then the number
of bytes that can be written at once is
limited only by available memory.
DP_TRUNC 5 Returns a code indicating the type of
filename truncation as follows:
File names are not truncated. If a file
name in any system call exceeds the
filename size limit then an ERANGE (-64)
range error is returned.
File names are truncated automatically
to the maximum allowable length.
File names are truncated to the DOS
standard (maximum 8 character node with
3 character extension).
DP_CASE 6 Returns a code which indicates case
sensitivity as follows:
File system is case-sensitive.
File system is not case-sensitive
(file and path names are always
converted to upper-case).
File system is not case-sensitive,
however, file and path names are saved
in their original case.
Ex: A file called '' will
appear as '' but may be
referenced as '' or
Binding move.w mode,-(sp)
pea name
move.w #$124,-(sp)
trap #1
addq.l #8,sp
Return Value See above.
See Also Sysconf()