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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Version     : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes       : 3010
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View Ref-File5.12  Process functions                                            TOS

Pause          Suspends a process until the arrival of a signal.
Pdomain        Sets or inquires the processes' execution domain.
Pexec          Loads and executes a further program.
Pfork          Creates a copy of the current process.
Pgetauid       Gets the user ID of a process at the beginning.
Pgetegid       Gets the effective group ID of a process.
Pgeteuid       Gets the effective user ID of a process.
Pgetgid        Gets the group ID of a process.
Pgetgroups     gets the supplementary group ids for the calling 
Pgetpgrp       Gets current process group number.
Pgetpid        Gets current process ID.
Pgetppid       Gets process ID for parent process.
Pgetpriority   Gets the current priority value for a process.
Pgetuid        Gets the user ID of a process.
Pkill          Sends a signal to a process.
Pmsg           Sends and receives messages.
Pnice          Alters priority of the calling process.
Prenice        Adjusts priority of a specified process.
Prusage        Gets resource information about current process.
Psemaphore     Creates, uses or destroys a semaphore.
Psetauid       Sets user ID of a process at the start.
Psetegid       Sets effective group ID of a process.
Pseteuid       Sets effective user ID of a process.
Psetgid        Alters group ID of a process.
Psetgroups     Sets the supplementary group ids for the calling 
Psetlimit      Sets/gets limits of the system resources.
Psetpgrp       Sets process group number of a process.
Psetpriority   Sets the current priority value for a process.
Psetregid      Sets the real and/or effective group ID for the 
                  calling process.
Psetreuid      Sets the real and/or effective user ID for the 
                  calling process.
Psetuid        Alters user ID of a process.
Psigaction     Alters manner of signal handling.
Psigblock      Alters signal mask.
Psigintr       Assigns a signal to a particular exception vector.
Psignal        Alters manner of signal handling.
Psigpause      Sets a new signal mask and then suspends process 
                  until the arrival of a signal.
Psigpending    Checks which signals have been sent but not 
Psigreturn     Prepares exit from a signal-handler.
Psigsetmask    Sets/replaces a signal mask.
Pterm          Terminates program and returns value to caller.
Pterm0         Terminates program and returns 0 to caller.
Ptermres       Terminates program but leaves it in memory.
Ptrace         Process tracing and debugging.
Pumask         Sets initial creation mask for files/directories.
Pusrval        Sets/interrogates specific process information.
Pvfork         Creates copy of the current process.
Pwait          Tries to get the exit code of waiting or terminated 
                  child process.
Pwait3         Gets exit code of any waiting or terminated children 
                  of the calling process.
Pwaitpid       Gets exit code information about one or more child 

See Also: Memory management   Signals   Task-Manager