Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-FileXCONTROL Utility FunctionsXform_do() XCONTROLSyntaxWORD (*xcpb->Xform_do)( tree, editobj, msg )
OBJECT *tree;
WORD editobj;
WORD *msg;
Function Xform_do() is a specialized version of form_do() designed to
handle a CPX object tree and window messages concurrently.
Parameters tree should point to an OBJECT tree containing a form with
the root object being 256x176. editobj specifies the
editable text object to initially display the text cursor at
(or 0 if no editable object exists on the form). msg should
point to an 8 WORD array used by the function to store
special messages returned by evnt_multi().
Binding ret = (*xcpb->Xform_do)( tree, editobj, msg );
Return Value Xform_do() returns the positive object number of the EXIT or
TOUCHEXIT object selected. The high bit of this value
indicates if the object was double-clicked and should
therefore be masked off if unused. If Xform_do() returns
a -1, then a message should be processed as contained in
msg. The structure of messages are the same as in
evnt_multi(). Possible messages are:
WM_REDRAWAC_CLOSEWM_CLOSED CT_KEY (53) is a special XCONTROL message indicating that
a key was pressed. The scancode of the key pressed is
contained in msg[3]. Only special keyboard keys such as
help, f1-f10, undo, alt-x, etc... will be returned as the
standard alphabetic keys are processed in editable fields.
Comments The Xform_do() function automatically handles and redraws of
the given OBJECT tree. Any other items needing to be redrawn
should be handled at the appropriate window redraw
message. WM_CLOSED messages should always be treated as 'OK'
while AC_CLOSE messages should be treated as 'Cancel'.
Group XCONTROL Utility Functions