Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Filersh_obfix()XCONTROL Utility Functionsrsh_fix() XCONTROLSyntaxVOID (*xcpb->rsh_fix)( num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree,
rs_object, rs_tedinfo, rs_strings, rs_iconblk,
rs_bitblk, rs_frstr, rs_frimg, rs_trindex,
rs_imdope );
WORD num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree;
OBJECT *rs_object;
TEDINFO *rs_tedinfo;
char *rs_strings[];
ICONBLK *rs_iconblk;
BITBLK *rs_bitblk;
LONG *rs_frstr, *rs_frimg, *rs_trindex;
struct foobar *rs_imdope;
Function rsh_fix() fixes up a resource tree in memory based on an
8x16 character font.
Parameters When using the Atari Resource Construction Set the
parameters are generated in the .RSH file created by the
compiler. When using other resource construction sets you
should refer to their instructions for applying their
resource structure to this function or use the CPX function
rsh_obfix() on each OBJECT.
Binding (xcpb->rsh_fix)( num_objs, num_frstr, num_frimg, num_tree,
rs_object, rs_tedinfo, rs_strings, rs_iconblk,
rs_bitblk, rs_frstr, rs_frimg, rs_trindex,
rs_imdope );
Comments rsrc_load(), rsrc_obfix(), and rsrc_rcfix() fix up
a resource file based upon the current screen character
size. CPX resource data is always fixed up based upon an
8x16 character font. Resources should be designed on a screen
that supports an 8x16 ratio. When using the Atari Resource
Construction Set, the resouce should be designed as
a 'Panel' rather than a 'Dialog'. With other resource
construction applications the same effect is acheived by
turning snap off. Resources should only be fixed up when the
xcpb>SkipRshFix flag is 0. This prevents resources from
being fixed up more than once.
See Also rsh_obfix()Group XCONTROL Utility Functions