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Topic       : TOS - The Operating System
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Subject     : Programmieren/Atari
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View Ref-File5.8  Signals                                                       TOS

The "signal" concept, originating from the U*NIX world, is also 
available in the operating systems MultiTOS (actually the underlying 
MiNT) and MagiC (as of Version 4.50). Signals can be thought of as 
natural number messages that represent a given exception condition. 
They are comparable to an interrupt or a CPU exception, but with the 
difference that they deal with a pure software implementation.

Each process possesses:

   . A bit-vector of the pending signal. This describes those signals 
     that are still waiting to be processed, perhaps because they are 
     currently blocked by the signal mask, or because the process is 
     in a state where it cannot process signals.

   . A signal mask. This 32-bit value defines those signals that are 
     currently blocked as a bit-vector; if, say, bit 30 is set in this 
     vector, then the signal SIGUSR2 is blocked. The signal mask is 
     not just impacted explicitly (i.e. by system calls) but also 
     implicitly by other processes. During the processing of a signal, 
     for instance, it is blocked, yet others may occur. After the 
     signal has been processed it is released again and any signals 
     waiting can then be processed. One should note that some signals 
     (e.g. SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, SIGCONT) can not be masked.

   . A table in the form struct sigaction.

At a Pexec the signal mask and the pending value (see above) of the 
child process will be zeroed. The element sa_handler of the sigaction 
structure is inherited, during which a non-0 or 1 value is always set 
to 0. The elements sa_mask and sa_flags of the structure are zeroed.

Most signals can be caught by a program (perhaps to call up a given 
routine on receipt), ignored, or also blocked. Blocked signals will be 
ignored until the blockade is lifted again. Re terminology: One says 
that a signal is sent to a process when the exception that is 
represented by the signal occurs, or the signal is sent by another 
process via Pkill. On the other hand a signal is caught by a process 
when the corresponding process awakes and starts the actions matching 
the signal. One should note that the signal handling takes up time: 
Between sending a signal and the execution of the matching action a 
considerable period of time may pass.

In total there are 31 possible signals (0 to 30) available, not all of 
which however have been assigned a fixed meaning. The following list 
describes (as far as known) all possible signals in the form: Signal 
number, Name of the signal, Meaning of the signal for the receiving 
process. Unless explicitly noted otherwise, the default action on the 
receipt of a signal is the killing (termination) of the receiving 

 Number Name       Meaning

    0   SIGNULL    Null: This signal has no default action, because 
                   strictly speaking it is not really a signal at all. 
                   Together with Pkill it can be used, however, to 
                   test for the existence of a child process. The 
                   signal can not be masked or caught.
    1   SIGHUP     Hang up: Is normally sent when the terminal with 
                   which a process is connected is no longer valid. 
                   After receiving this signal the process should make 
                   no further output to the terminal. In MagiC the 
                   VT52 will send the signal when a terminal window 
                   has been closed.
    2   SIGINT     Interrupt: Is usually sent when the user presses 
                   the key combination ^C to interrupt a process. This 
                   signal is used by later versions of MagiC in place 
                   of previous ways of handling ^C.
    3   SIGQUIT    Quit: Generally this is sent when the user presses 
                   the key combination ^\. This signal should be 
                   'harder' than SIGINT, and at present is not sent by 
                   MagiC or VT52.
    4   SIGILL     Illegal instruction: Corresponds to the exception 
                   vector of the same name of the 68k processor. The 
                   signal should not be caught. In MiNT the signal can 
                   be caught, i.e. the vector will be diverted for 
                   almost every process. In MagiC however this does 
                   not work at present, so that here 8 bombs will 
                   always appear.
    5   SIGTRAP    Trap: Corresponds to the 'Trace' exception vector 
                   of the 68k processor, and is sent after each 
                   instruction is executed with the system in single- 
                   step 'trace' mode. This signal should be caught 
                   only by debuggers. In MiNT the signal can be 
                   caught, i.e. the vector will be diverted for almost 
                   every process. In MagiC however this does not work 
                   at present, so that here 9 bombs will always 
    6   SIGABRT    Abort: Is normally used by the library function 
                   abort in ANSI C, and should not be caught. This 
                   signal is not sent by the operating system itself.
    7   SIGPRIV    Privilege violation: Corresponds to the exception 
                   vector of the same name of the 68k processor, when 
                   a process tries to execute an instruction in user- 
                   mode that may be executed only in supervisor-mode. 
                   The signal should not be caught. In MiNT, however, 
                   this is possible, so that the exception vector will 
                   be diverted for almost every process. But in MagiC 
                   this does not work at present, so that here 8 bombs 
                   will always appear.
    8   SIGFPE     Floating point exception: The default action 
                   consists of ignoring the signal. It corresponds to 
                   the 68k exception vector 'Division by zero' or a 
                   floating point exception. The signal may be ignored 
                   or caught. In MiNT the signal may be caught, so the 
                   vector will be diverted for almost every process. 
                   In MagiC however this does not work at present.
    9   SIGKILL    Kill: Forcibly terminates the receiving process. 
                   The signal cannot be masked or caught; therefore 
                   this signal should only be sent if SIGTERM failed. 
                   The signal is not presently sent by MagiC itself.
   10   SIGBUS     Bus error: Corresponds to the exception vector of 
                   the same name of the 68k processor. The signal 
                   should not be ignored or caught. In MiNT the signal 
                   may be caught, i.e. the exception vector will be 
                   diverted for almost every process. In MagiC however 
                   this does not work at present, so that 2 bombs will 
                   always appear. In MiNT, SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGPRIV 
                   are reset to the default routine of the system on 
                   first receipt of the signals, so that a double 
                   bus/address/privilege error always kills the 
   11   SIGSEGV    Segmentation violation: Corresponds to an 'address 
                   error' exception vector of the 68k processor. The 
                   signal should not be caught or ignored. In MiNT the 
                   signal may be caught, i.e. the exception vector 
                   will be diverted for almost every process. In MagiC 
                   however this does not work at present, so 3 bombs 
                   always appear.
   12   SIGSYS     Bad system call: Sent when an argument to a system 
                   call is bad or out of range and the call does not 
                   have means to report the error. Is not sent by 
                   MagiC at present.
   13   SIGPIPE    Pipe error: Is sent when an attempt is made to 
                   write to a pipe that no longer exists or has no 
                   readers, and can be masked in Drag&Drop protocol, 
                   for instance. This signal is not sent by MagiC at 
   14   SIGALRM    Alarm: Is used by MiNT for Talarm, and serves for 
                   handling timeouts, for instance. In MagiC this 
                   signal is not sent at present.
   15   SIGTERM    Terminate: Standard request for the process to 
                   clean up and exit; sent by MiNT, for instance, when 
                   deleting a program file in the U:\PROC directory. 
                   At present ignored by MagiC.
   16   SIGURG     This signal is currently not defined.
   17   SIGSTOP    Stop: The default action serves to suspend the 
                   receiving process. The signal can not be blocked, 
                   caught or ignored. In MagiC it causes all threads 
                   of a process to be paused. When paused, no mouse or 
                   keyboard clicks are lost in MagiC; on a restart of 
                   the process with SIGCONT all the corresponding 
                   messages will be evaluated.
   18   SIGTSTP    Terminal stop: The default action is suspension of 
                   the receiving process until a SIGCONT is caught. 
                   The signal corresponds to SIGSTOP, and is usually 
                   initiated by the user pressing the key combination 
                   ^Z. It can not be masked or caught. The signal is 
                   not sent by MagiC and VT52 at present.
   19   SIGCONT    Continue: The default action is to resume the 
                   process that was previously suspended with SIGSTOP 
                   or Pause. Though the signal cannot be masked or 
                   ignored, one can install a handling routine for 
                   this signal. In MagiC all threads will be awakened 
                   that were paused with a Pause or SIGSTOP call.
   20   SIGCHLD    Child terminated: The default action is to ignore 
                   the signal. It is sent to the parent process both 
                   on termination as well as pausing of a child 
                   process. In MiNT one can arrange that this signal 
                   is sent only on termination, and in addition one 
                   can determine which child process was affected. As 
                   MagiC until now only knows the waiting Pexec (i.e. 
                   the parent waits until the child terminates), this 
                   signal does not exist there. Processes that are 
                   created with shel_write are not real child 
                   processes, but fully independent ones; in such 
                   cases one therefore has to wait for the arrival of 
                   a CH_EXIT message.
   21   SIGTTIN    Terminal input error: The default action consists 
                   of pausing the receiving process. As a rule, a 
                   process is attempting to read from a terminal in a 
                   process group that does not belong to it. This 
                   signal is not sent by MagiC or VT52 at present.
   22   SIGTTOU    Terminal output error: The default action consists 
                   of pausing the receiving process. As a rule, a 
                   process is attempting to output to a terminal in a 
                   process group that does not belong to it. This 
                   signal is not sent by MagiC or VT52 at present.
   23   SIGIO      I/O possible: Sent to show that input/output is 
                   possible on a file descriptor.
   24   SIGXCPU    Exhaustion of CPU limit: The calculation time 
                   contingent set by Psetlimit or by the extended 
                   shel_write modes has elapsed. As the limitation of 
                   CPU time is not yet implemented in MagiC, this 
                   signal is not sent at present under this OS.
   25   SIGXFSZ    File size limit exceeded: Sent to a process if it 
                   tries to modify a file in a way that makes it 
                   exceed the maximum file size limit of the process.
   26   SIGVTALRM  Time limit expired: Sent to a process that has 
                   exceeded its maximum time limit.
   27   SIGPROF    Profiling time expired: Sent to a process to tell 
                   it that its profiling time has expired.
   28   SIGWINCH   Window changed: The default action is to ignore the 
                   signal. Normally it is sent if the size of the 
                   terminal (i.e. number of lines or columns) has 
                   altered. A program that is running in a terminal 
                   window can then reconfigure itself to match the new 
                   size of the window. For obtaining the current 
                   window size one can use in MiNT Fcntl Opcodes, 
                   which however are not yet implemented in MagiC. 
                   Hence the signal is currently not sent by MagiC or 
   29   SIGUSR1    User-defined:
   30   SIGUSR2    User-defined: These two signals may be sent by user 
                   programs. As a process is killed by default on 
                   receipt of this signal, it should only be sent if 
                   the receiver is known.

See also:
Signal-handler in MagiC   Process functions   Sample code   Psigaction 
  Psignal   Pkill   Test for pipes