Topic : MC56001 Documentation Author : JAY Software Version : 1.0 (19/11/1997) Subject : Programming/Assembler Nodes : 152 Index Size : 4106 HCP-Version : 4 Compiled on : Atari @charset : atarist @lang : @default : @help : @options : -i +y +z -t4 @width : 100 View Ref-FileHOST TRANSMIT DATA REGISTER (HTX): The HTX register is used for DSP-to-host data transfers. The HTX register is viewed as a 24-bit write-only register by the DSP CPU. Writing the HTX register clears HTDE. The DSP may program the HTIE bit to cause a host transmit data interrupt when HTDE is set. The HTX register is transfered as a 24-bit data to the receive byte registers (RXH:RXM:RXL) if both the HTDE bit (DSP CPU side) and receive data full (RXDF) status bits (host processor side are cleared. This transfer operation sets RXDF and HTDE. Data should not be written to the HTX until HTDE is set to prevent the previous data from being overwritten. Resets do not affect HTX.