Topic : TOS - The Operating System
Author :
Version : tos.hyp (December 19, 2008)
Subject : Programmieren/Atari
Nodes : 3010
Index Size : 93790
HCP-Version : 5
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : atarist
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@default : Title
@help :
@options : +g -i -s +x +zz -t4
@width : 70
View Ref-File4.18.1 Blitmode TOS Name: »blitter mode« - Blitter-chip configuration
Opcode: 64
Syntax: int16_t Blitmode( int16_t mode );
Description: Blitmode is an XBIOS routine to switch on the blitter
or to verify its existence. If the parameter mode has
the value -1 then one obtains the state of the blitter
chip. All other values configure the blitter:
Bit Description
0 0 = Blitter off
1 = Blitter on
1-14 Reserved
15 Must always be 0
Note: According to Atari the function may be used
without checking the TOS version (although it is not
present in TOS 1.0, for instance). This is possible due
to a side-effect in the dispatcher of the XBIOS.
However, it is better not to rely on this, as the
corresponding trap may be diverted by other programs,
so that the correct value may not be returned.
Return value: The function returns the properties of the blitter chip
by the set bits:
Bit Meaning
0 0: Blitter off
1: Blitter on
1 0: Blitter not present
1: Blitter present
15 Always 0
All further bits are reserved.
Availability: Officially this function is present only as of TOS
Version 1.02.
Group: Special commands See Also: Binding