Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : UTF-8
@lang : en
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@help : %About
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View Ref-Filevst_error() VDISyntaxVOID vst_error( handle, mode, error )
WORD handle, mode;
WORD *error;
Function vst_error() provides a method to obtain errors from GDOS and
suppress text messages on screen.
Opcode 245
Availability Available only with FONTGDOS, FSM, or SpeedoGDOS.
Parameters handle specifies a valid workstation handle. mode specifies
the error reporting mode. A value of SCREEN_ERROR (1)
(default) causes error messages to be outputted to the
screen as text. A value of APP_ERROR (0) suppresses these
messages and instead places an error code in the WORD
pointed to by error whenever an error occurs leaving it up
to the application to process errors correctly. Prior to
making this call and after each reported error, the
application is responsible for resetting the value pointed
to by error to 0. The following is a list of possible error
Name error Meaning
NO_ERROR 0 No error.
CHAR_NOT_FOUND 1 Character not found in font.
FILE_READERR 8 Error reading file.
FILE_OPENERR 9 Error opening file.
BAD_FORMAT 10 Bad file format.
CACHE_FULL 11 Out of memory/cache full.
MISC_ERROR -1 Miscellaneous error.
Binding contrl[0] = 245;
contrl[1] = 0;
contrl[3] = 3;
contrl[6] = handle;
intin[0] = mode;
*(LONG *)&intin[1] = (LONG)error;
Comments Once setting the error mode to 0, an application should
check the error variable after each of the following calls:
v_gtext()v_justified()vst_point()vst_height()vst_font()vst_arbpt()vqt_advance()vst_setsize()vqt_fontinfo()vqt_name()vqt_width()vqt_extent()v_opnwk()v_opnvwk()vst_load_fonts()v_ftext()vqt_f_extent()vst_unload_fonts()Group VDI FSMGDOS