Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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@width : 100
View Ref-Filevsin_mode()vsm_string() VDISyntaxWORD vsm_string( handle, maxlen, echo, echoxy, str )
WORD handle, maxlen, echo;
WORD *echoxy;
char *str;
Function vsm_string() retrieves input from the 'string' device.
Opcode 31
Availability This call is not guaranteed to be available with any driver
and its use should therefore be restricted.
Parameters handle specifies a valid workstation handle. This call
inputs characters from the keyboard into the buffer pointed
to by str up to (maxlen + 1) characters. If echo is set to
1, characters are echoed to the screen at the location given
by the two WORDs pointed to by outxy. If echo is set to 0,
no echoing is performed.
Binding WORD i;
contrl[0] = 31;
contrl[1] = 1;
contrl[3] = 2;
contrl[6] = handle;
intin[0] = maxlen;
intin[1] = echo;
ptsin[0] = echoxy[0];
ptsin[1] = echoxy[1];
for(i = 0;i < contrl[4];i++)
str[i] = (char)intout[i];
return contrl[4];
Return Value vsm_string() returns the number of characters actually read.
Caveats Using this function will confuse the AES.
Comments Though this binding does not allow for it, if maxlen is
specified as negative, then as many as ( |maxlen| + 1 )
characters will be read as keycodes rather than ASCII codes.
The values in intout will occupy the full WORD rather than
just the lower eight bits. A custom binding could be used to
take advantage of this.
See Also vsin_mode()Group VDI Input