Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
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View Ref-Filev_opnwk()vq_extnd()v_clsvwk()V_Opnvwk()v_opnvwk() VDISyntaxVOID v_opnvwk( work_in, handle, work_out )
WORD *work_in, *handle, *work_out;
Function v_opnvwk() opens a virtual VDI workstation.
dev() a pointer to a virtual VDI workstation.
Opcode 100
Availability Supported by all drivers.
Parameters work_in is a pointer to an array of 11 WORDs which define the
inital defaults for the workstation as follows:
work_in Meaning
[ x ]
0 Device identification number. This indicates the
physical device ID of the device (the line number of
the driver in ASSIGN.SYS when using GDOS). For screen
devices you should normally use the value of 1.
1 Default line type (same as vsl_type() ).
2 Default line color (same as vsl_color() ).
3 Default marker type (same as vsm_type() ).
4 Default marker color (same as vsm_color() ).
5 Default font (same as vst_font() ).
6 Default text color (same as vst_color() ).
7 Default fill interior.
8 Default fill style.
9 Default fill color.
10 Coordinate type flag. A value of 0 specifies NDC 'Normalized Device Coordinates' coordinates whereas
a value of 2 specifies RC 'Raster Coordinates'. All
other values are reserved. NDC coordinates are only
available when using external drivers with GDOS.
handle should be set to the current handle (not the device ID)
of the physical workstation for this device. For screen
devices this is the value returned by graf_handle(). On exit
handle will be filled in the VDI workstation handle allocated,
if successful, or 0 if the workstation could not be
opened. work_out points to an array of 57 WORDs which on exit
will be filled in by the VDI with information regarding the
allocated workstation as follows (a structure name is listed
beside its array member for those using the 'C' style
VDI_Workstation structure instead of the array):
work_out VDI Meaning
[ x ] Structure
0 xres Width of device in pixels - 1.
1 yres Height of device in pixels - 1.
2 noscale Device coordinate units flag:
0 = Device capable of producing
a precisely scaled image
(screen, printer, etc...)
1 = Device not capable of producing
a precisely scaled image
(film recorder, etc...)
3 wpixel Width of pixel in microns
(1/25400 inch).
4 hpixel Height of pixel in microns
(1/25400 inch).
5 cheights Number of character heights
(0 = continuous scaling).
6 linetypes Number of line types.
7 linewidths Number of line widths
(0 = continous scaling).
8 markertypes Number of marker types.
9 markersizes Number of marker sizes
(0 = continous scaling).
10 faces Number of faces supported by the
11 patterns Number of available patterns.
12 hatches Number of available hatches.
13 colors Number of predefined colors/pens:
ST High 2
ST Medium 4
TT Low 256
True Color 256
14 ngdps Number of supported GDP's
15-24 cangdps[10] cangdps[ 0 - (ngdps - 1)] contains
a list of the GDP's the device
supports as follows:
1 Bar
2 Arc
3 Pie Slice
4 Circle
5 Ellipse
6 Elliptical Arc
7 Elliptical Pie
8 Rounded Rectangle
9 Filled Rounded Rectangle
10 Justified Graphics Text
25-34 gdpattr[10] For each GDP as listed above,
gdpattr[ 0 - (ngdps - 1)] indicates
the attributes which are applied to
that GDP as follows:
1 Polyline (vsl_...)
2 Polymarker (vsm_...)
3 Text (vst_...)
4 Fill Area (vsf_...)
5 None
35 cancolor Color capability flag.
0 = No
1 = Yes
36 cantextrot Text rotation flag.
0 = No
1 = Yes
37 canfillarea Fill area capability flag.
0 = No
1 = Yes
38 cancellarray Cell array capability flag.
0 = No
1 = Yes
39 palette Number of available colors in
0 = > 32767 colors
2 = Monochrome
>2 = Color
40 locators Number of locator devices.
1 = Keyboard only.
2 = Keyboard and other.
41 valuators Number of valuator devices.
1 = Keyboard only.
2 = Keyboard and other.
42 choicedevs Number of choice devices.
1 = Function keys.
2 = Function keys + keypad.
43 stringdevs Number of string devices.
1 = Keyboard.
44 wstype Workstation type.
0 = Output only
1 = Input only
2 = Input/Output
3 = Metafile
45 minwchar Minimum character width in pixels.
46 minhchar Minimum character height in pixels.
47 maxwchar Maximum character width in pixels.
48 maxhchar Maximum character height in pixels.
49 minwline Minimum line width.
50 zero5 Reserved (0).
51 maxwline Maximum line width.
52 zero7 Reserved (0).
53 minwmark Minimum marker width.
54 minhmark Minimum marker height.
55 maxwmark Maximum marker width.
56 maxhmark Maximum marker height.
Binding WORD i;
contrl[0] = 100;
contrl[1] = 0;
contrl[3] = 11;
contrl[6] = *handle;
for(i = 0;i < 11;i++)
intin[i] = work_in[i];
*handle = contrl[6];
for(i = 0;i < 45;i++)
work_out[i] = intout[i];
for(i = 0;i < 13;i++)
work_out[45+i] = intout[i];
Caveats The VDI included with TOSversions less than 2.06 sometimes
returned the same handle for consecutive calls using the same
physical handle.
Comments Using multiple virtual workstations provides the benefit of
being able to define multiple sets of default line types,
text faces, etc... without having to constantly set them. The
VDI_Workstation structure method is the recommended method of
using this function. See the VDI entry for V_Opnwk() and
V_Opnvwk(). Desk accessories running under TOSversions below
1.4 should not leave a workstation open across any call which
might surrender control to GEM (evnt_button(), evnt_multi(),
etc... ). This could give GEM time to change screen
resolutions and TOSversions below 1.4 did not release memory
allocated by a desk accessory (including workstations) when
a resolution change occurred.
See Also v_opnwk(), vq_extnd(), v_clsvwk(), V_Opnvwk()Group VDI Workstation