Topic : The ATARI Compendium
Author : Scott Sanders / JAY Software
Version : 1.25 (20/6/2003)
Subject : Documentation
Nodes : 1117
Index Size : 32614
HCP-Version : 6
Compiled on : Atari
@charset : UTF-8
@lang : en
@default :
@help : %About
@options : +g -i -t4 +y +z
@width : 100
View Ref-Filev_gtext()v_ftext()v_alpha_text() VDISyntaxVOID v_alpha_text( handle, str )
WORD handle;
char *str;
Function v_alpha_text() outputs a line of alpha text.
Opcode 5
Sub-Opcode 25
Availability Supported by all printer and metafile drivers.
Parameters handle is a valid workstation handle. str is a pointer to
a null-terminated text string which will be printed. Two
special BYTE codes may be embedded in the text. ASCII 12 will
cause a printer form-feed. ASCII 18 'DC2' will initiate an
escape sequence followed by a command descriptor BYTE (in
ASCII) indicating which action to take as follows:
Command Meaning
'0' Enable bold print.
'1' Disable bold print.
'2' Enable italic print.
'3' Disable italic print.
'4' Enable underlining.
'5' Disable underlining.
'6' Enable superscript.
'7' Disable superscript.
'8' Enable subscript.
'9' Disable subscript.
'A' Enable NLQ mode.
'B' Disable NLQ mode.
'C' Enable wide printing.
'D' Disable wide printing.
'E' Enable light printing.
'F' Disable light printing.
'W' Switch to 10-cpi printing.
'X' Switch to 12-cpi printing.
'Y' Toggle compressed printing.
'Z' Toggle proportional printing.
Binding WORD i = 0;
while(intin[i++] = (WORD)*str++);
contrl[0] = 5;
contrl[1] = 0;
contrl[3] = --i;
contrl[5] = 25;
contrl[6] = handle;
Caveats The line of text must not exceed the maximum allowable length
of the intin array as returned by vq_extnd() or the maximum
length of your compilers' array.
Comments Only commands '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', and '5' are available
with most printer drivers.
See Also v_gtext(), v_ftext()Group VDI Alpha Escapes